Oral arguments begin over landmark abortion case – Car Mod Pros Portal

Pro-choice protesters gather outside the Supreme Court during oral arguments. Constitutional scholar Melissa Murray explains the dichotomy before the justices.

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By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Oral arguments begin over landmark abortion case”
  1. Roe versus Wade provided a right to abortions but also said that this right is not absolute, and must be balanced against the government's interests in protecting women's health and protecting prenatal life. So in my opinion that decision gave states the right to put restrictions on abortions especially second and third trimester abortions. The idea that a fetus is just a lump of cells that are the exclusive property of the Mother is a sick twisted property rights argument that defines a fetus as nothing but an inanimate object when in fact a fetus is a complex living organism with a teleological purpose. Abortions involving forcible rapes and involved with dangers to the Mothers health represent less than 4 % of all abortions yet those exceptions are always used to support abortions on demand which is a very deceptive strategy to condone the 96 % of abortions that have nothing to go with any rape or dangers to the Mothers health. What is completely ignored in this discussion is any bioethical or neuroethical considerations concerning the fetus as a complex living organism.

  2. 🆘Threatening two U.S. Supreme Court justices by name is a serious matter. But is it criminal? Many people think so I do too. Chuck Schumer is an angry liberal New York Democrat out of power and a big sore loser. Chuck Schumer better hope neither supreme court judge is attacked or injured or he’ll be responsible. Democrats are the party of evil baby killing abortion. Jesus would never support that.

  3. Strange that the same people who oppose abortion are the exact same people who oppose access to birth control. 🤔
    …except for condoms, those are ok.

    If you hold this view, I am genuinely curious about your rational. Please comment! 😃

  4. if you dont want to get pregnant then be more responsible and dont have vaginal sex and if you must than use a condom and dont let him ejaculate inside you. Also I only support abortion in medical emergincies and in cases of rape. We need to teach SELF RESPONSIBILITY , you cant just kill your child because you dont want it or cant afford it, they didnt ask you to he irresponsible sex.

  5. When we were born on this panet, we had birth right on air, land, food, water, sun and on our bodies according to universal laws. Government control on our bodies and birth right resources is a slavery. If any parent want to give birth to child let them do it. If they do not want, it's their wish. May be they are not able to take responsibility without harming themselves so they chose not to do so. That's is birth right personal.private decisions of a individual that only individual knows what she is capable to do

  6. If women should have a right to an abortion regardless of anyone else's opinion then men should have the right to abandon all responsibility for a child.

  7. Nothing on Chuck Schumer issuing death threats to SCOTUS judges. 👌

  8. Funny that leftist love science until science says a fetus is a living human being or when science says you're biologically male or female.

  9. unless youve been raped/incest or youre gonna die if you give birth are the only reasons for abortion. ANY OTHER REASON MAKES YOU DISGUSTING. And a baby murderer.

  10. These idiots obviously don’t care about life now is not a time for grouping up one person have the virus they all do

  11. Today many of us will be watching an opinionated televised panel
    discussion, listing to radio, reading in physical print, on websites, all sort
    of opinion, after which we will then go rushing seeking verification online, or
    from our personal staff of fifty researchers to ‘fact-check’ them, absent that,
    what has been absorbed will then become truths in our minds forever, seldom
    will it ever be erased, or even challenged, much like the ‘spiritual believe’
    in a Santa Claus left over from childhood, along with other myths we have been collecting,
    now spider-webbed in our brains, dusty, stacked high for years from lack of use
    or exploration.

  12. #Trump2020 Patriots VOTE for Trump for President. Bernie Sanders is not a fit person who should be President. Bernie Sanders advocates food lines, admires Dictators. Bernie Sanders cannot explain how he would pay for his Medicare free for all. VOTED FOR TRUMP IN 2020 #MAGA2020

  13. If you care about children so much then why don't you adopt or take in foster children? Instead of complaining about the issue do something to help out the children who are already here. It's none of your business what a woman decides what to do with their own bodies. Focus on the babies that are already on this earth.

  14. “you’ve released the whirlwind” starts killing babies

  15. I'm a dude and since it's not my body I don't feel like I have a right to force a woman to carry a child. It's that simple.

  16. Boy is private and personal. No law not any other body should intervene into decisions of our body and responsibilities. As there is no law for men to take responsibility for raped or decieved women's child? Why women are responsible?

  17. These people are insane, you’re telling me if a poor girl gets raped and gets pregnant from it, she’s suddenly obligated to at least give birth to the rapist’s baby? That’s just monstrous logic

    Obviously I’m not trying to say killing babies is a good thing, but it’s a woman’s body and they get to do what they want, plus they are literally over 7.7 BILLION people on the planet, so people making a fuss over babies not being born is ridiculous and childish, I’m sorry but it’s true

  18. This will all come down to a new Ruling. One that will equate Abortion and Capitol Punishment. It will be legal but States will have total discretion as to allowing it and what limits to put on it. As Justice Thomas said "The Constitution is silent on abortion." The Idea that Abortion is a Constitutional right is ludicrous. No place in the US Constitution is Abortion stated. The only way that anything can be Constitutional is if there is an amendment. SCOTUS has, can, and will overturn older decisions. Roe was bad law. It was decided on emotional grounds not Constitutional ones. SCOTUS has one job, to hear cases and then read the Constitution and see if the case (whatever it is) Has Constitutional Authority. IE Is in the Constitution when written or was added through the Amendment Process. This is the great thing President Trump has done. Brought the Us Judicial system back to the Constitution. The impact bringing the Judicial system back to the Constitution will be significant thanks to the 192 federal judges, including 137 district-court judges, 51 appellate judges far outwitting the impact of the two Supreme Court justices the President appointed.

  19. If you can't tell the difference between a living human baby and a f*$%ing virus, you are very ignorant or a damned liar. You can hold a living human with arms, legs, a working heart, brain and nervous system and KNOW it is a living human being. But you don't know if that's what it is until it comes out or mommy says so? Even if it has all those things!? Sweet mother of God's undeserved mercy! What is WRONG WITH YOU!!!???

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