Opening statements begin in federal trial over George Floyd’s death

Opening statements begin in federal trial over George Floyd’s death

Criminal defense attorney Bernarda Villalona looks ahead as opening statements begin in the federal trial of three former officers implicated in George Floyd’s death.


29 thoughts on “Opening statements begin in federal trial over George Floyd’s death

  1. GOOD LUCK👌🏻

  2. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👮‍♀️👮‍♀️👮‍♀️👍👍👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  3. George Floyd violated that pregnant women’s civil rights with that gun he had

  4. Excessive force 🙄 no just plain murder in broad daylight. Anyone knows putting humans on their stomach and leaning on their chest or neck will result in DEATH…you vile satanic freemasons..go to hell where you lot belong…who are you trying to fool you scum of the earth. This cult freemason satanic criminals led by Buckingham Palace depopulate those of ethnic minority or the vulnerable claiming disability.

  5. They should go to jail 65 years if he was Caucasian he would be a life 💀

  6. Lock them up and throw away the key to teach them a lesson 💣

  7. The guilty status of 1st cop does have much say in the other officers. Had #1 been found innocent there'd be no trial of cops 2-4. A crime was committed and they allowed it and prevented others from intervening. It now just a matter of what punishments they should receive.

  8. Who’s the gangster now? Police are also gangsters.

  9. Lock Them 🔐 Up 🇺🇲

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