Only 5% of adults wash their hands properly: Study

Only 5% of adults wash their hands properly: Study

Musical motivation and reassurance can teach you how to properly wash your hands during the coronavirus outbreak.

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46 thoughts on “Only 5% of adults wash their hands properly: Study

  1. This is a shame . please stop and learn how to wash your hands correctly. Rub palms together. Rub top of hands .rub inner palm finger crevices. Rub upper side of finger crevices. . And then rub thumbs seperatly and then with your middle finger and pointer finger. And thumb encircle wrist and rub around whole surface. Do same with other side . please learn how to teach people how to wash thier hands instead of the lyrics of a 20 second song in your head.

  2. Your hand washing must be as long as the happy birthday song with soap and super warm water. Use a napkin and don’t touch anything useless you use a napkin to turn off the water and use the napkin to open the door.

  3. We all need to know how to properly wash hands, all surfaces of your hands.
    Practicing hand washing can help to prevent spread of germs to others.

  4. I've been a Germaphobe for years and i Use Surgical Hand Scrub let alone Carex and definitely do it well, I mean I thought it was all common sense 😂

  5. Love Prince and love this! 😁

  6. She touched the faucet knob BEFORE she washed her hands, thereby INFECTING it. Then AFTER she washed, with her hands now DISINFECTED, she said to turn it off with a paper towel so as to not "undo all your good work". So the washing DIDN'T disinfect her hands? Good Grief, the time to use that paper towel was BEFORE, when her hands are infectious. AND after, just to get used to being cautious. And scrub those faucet knobs, too. And the toilet flusher knob, and the doorknob. Any surface you would touch should be disinfected daily.

    Also, when washing your hands, don't forget you must use HOT WATER and SOAP. Wash the FRONT and BACK of your hands, BETWEEN your FINGERS, your THUMBS and about an inch or two of your WRISTS.

    And your ELBOWS, since that is the new handshake, the Elbow Bump. DO NOT shake hands anymore, and no more hugs either. That means YOU, yes, I'm looking right at YOU.

    Probably a good idea to wash your FACE too, as most people don't realize how much they touch their face.

    Don't pet dogs or cats anymore. This nasty virus can be spread by droplets you sneeze out, that can fall onto your pets fur. They can't catch CoronaVirus, but the droplets you can't see or feel can live for a lot longer than you think.

  7. Prevention is the cure! Nutrition is key. Eat Whole Foods. Those that are nutrient rich. Start taking vitamins C, D, and E. I carry Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer in my purse. And yes, wash your hands, but not the way she did it!

  8. Omg the guy washing his hands at the end. 😂😂 awesome. That is the song I'll be using.

  9. Coronavirus spreads so fast. we need to wash hands very often. don't go to crowded place unless necessary.Carrying peppermint roll-on with you.(available on pipingrock ), apply it surround your nose.Old folk remedy – apple cider vinegar will reduce the chance to get infected from flu.
    You can make some soup with apple cider vinegar, also apple cider vinegar capsule
    available on vitacost.  I take 3 apple cider vinegar capsules after dinner every day.Wearing quartz watch may help to reduce the chance to get infected from Coronavirus
    Quartz watch is a magnetic pulsar too.  Magnetic pulsar will damage the protein coating of virus.
    Recently, I did some research  about Taiwan president.President Tsai , not just faked her PHD degrees. also fake the recent Taiwan presidential election.
    Instead of counting votes of people , she replaced original director of Taiwan election committee
    with her own private friend before election.From 1 video tape published on youtube ,we found out how president Tsai made a fake presidential election
    The Taiwan presidential election committee modified the software, so Votes for Tsai president were
    increased by  186044 for every time interval, 14 time intervals were passed.
    She won over her opponent by 186044 x 14 = 2604616She also use fake social law to control people.  For eample some people passed some article link
    (which is not president Tsai' favor ) to their own private friends,
    Taiwan police knocked the doors of these people,
    and also filed the case on court house which was a few hundred miles from defendants.
    The people of Taiwan were afraid of president Tsai.You can sign the the following petition, after you sign, white house will send the email
    to you for confirming , you can look at your emaii and click the
    line – confirm…..  ,
    * need to turn off computer/cell phone first,and turn on to let 2nd person sign.
    Here is the petition link

  10. The store was almost completely sold out of hand soap, and they just left the aloe vera kind that isnt antibacterial…first, how gross are people that they are only now buying some and second, coronaVirus is a VIRUS so antibacterial soap isnt any better or makes a difference. People are so dumb…

  11. What is the song at 1:43 ? Please🙇‍♂️

  12. I wash my hands too properly my hands are so rough I Can scrub my face with them😣

  13. I was once in a situation in which I had to monitor the bathroom hygiene of 100+ adult females because if I didn't the majority wouldn't wash their hands AT ALL. People are disgusting. It didn't matter that they had just used their hand to wipe their shitty assholes— they wouldn't wash their hands if they weren't being forced.

  14. She doesn't wet first, runs soap for 2 seconds and rinses for another 5…horrible example…wet 10 seconds, soap 10 seconds and rinse 10 seconds…I completely agree with using the towel to turn off water and open doors.

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