One year after Maria: On the ground in Puerto Rico as recovery efforts continue – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ “Nightline” returns to Puerto Rico, which is still recovering, a year since Hurricane Maria devastated the area.


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “One year after Maria: On the ground in Puerto Rico as recovery efforts continue”
  1. I just watched the Netflix documentary on After Maria. I was disappointed in the amount of suffering there was, I thought there would be more Puerto Rican people suffering, it just seemed like a bunch of free loaders looking for more hand outs

  2. Tienen qué usar nuevas técnicas de construcción no dejes qué estás tormentas cat 4 and 5 los cojan de sorpresa nuevamente.

  3. Trump looked bad from day 1 cz he showed up way past the Hurricaine. Any other President wud have JUMPED on an airplane to PR n showed face! It was an insult to all the Puerto Ricans n Americans on the mainland. To then make comments about only 16 deaths on the island was an insult to injury. One Hurricaine does NOT compare to another. This WAS Puerto Rico's Katrina. Lotst of lives were loss due to the devadtation n those left behind suffered of many other causes. The held up of many necessities shipped to the island sitting like ducks put many at higher risks w/o food, water, medicine, electricity, etc, etc., etc. Sadly, the impact of the aftermath are STILL being felt in many remote parts of the PR. Pa' Lante' Puerto Rico!!! Dios aprieta pero no ahorca!!!

  4. I’m in puertorico right now u.s need to do something people need food and water we need to come together as what god want us to

  5. That Mayor stole so much and did nothing for her people and while politicizing it.
    Hurricanes suck! and when you are an Island in the middle of the ocean with a prehistoric electric grid and hundreds of thousands living below poverty what dis you expect…It will be a long process to rebuild ..

  6. For Many Puerto Rican's here. They live in Homes passed down in generations own no BANKS, & when family 1st owner dies, next of kin and families live & rebuild because it belongs to them. But legal Laws say To own with Deeds Lord its COSTLY one dies. it just won't get documentations proper UPDATE. So FEMA WOULDN'T HELP!!! THERE IS NO LOANS. Not everyone here knows LAWS. Banks do not give Loans if persons that have no DEEDS? Yet Properties Insurance's also pays under the estime Loss. I see so much of how so many here are still no homes fit to live…its heart breaking. I'm American But Puerto Rico Is MY HOME. Why does Politics take what belongs to persons In Need. They are Not at Fault. Puerto Rico didn't ask for this to happen it happens worldwide. Why are we PR Compare with New Orleans??? They have near them a Mississippi River…in US Help get to states Faster. Puerto Rico is a Island its harder to get help here. **{Power: Blackout….does anyone think how many died due to no power lights in traffic?} Whenever if rains here for a week or so….our land becomes saturated and rivers overflow. It's just endless. Yet please do know ***Thanks for All the persons in worldwide involved to Help Us here 24/7…We are Blessed for all donations and all the coverage still till today aftermath of Maria Sept 20. 2017**

  7. The politicians in PR are corrupted they are piece of shits that steal all the money from the poor …PR don’t deserve to be a state until they put in prison all those politicians and our president trump bring his own people to run the island 🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽

  8. Donald j trump 2020 🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽

  9. Y como lo hizo por que mi casitas es pequena y no puedo ni cualifico para prestamo y como y puefo hacer la mia en cemento y dios bendiga su casita porque estas hermosa

  10. Funny…our biggest resource is our people. Yulin blaming everyone with her liberal education while being investigated for 8 million HUD robbery… Meanwhile, my family and friends doing for themselves while ALL politicians plundering our federal funds. Now people without electricity talking to each other because novelas are not the issue. AEE stole for decades while system failed, pretty sure they are moving to nice houses in Florida. Stop crying and do for yourselves. NO politician has done anything for the poor, but give surplus for votes. LMM did… Never has our decent people beg for hand outs, these are my people. When I went to the Island 3 months after Maria you could tell the dedicated from the worthless waiting for hand outs. Long live the island.

  11. Something I ask my self now and again is why is it Trumps fault? a hurricane is an act of "God"…I dont like Trump much but then again I dont think is his fault I think is our own goverment fault, and another thing for all of those who seek the indepence of PR…wasnt Maria prove enough that PR cant survive on its own? and I swear if that ever happened I would move because theres nothing here everything belongs to U.S. if they take everything away how will we survive? Depending on Venezuela or Cuba would be worst and I for once prefer death before comunism

  12. Open your eyes 👀 use your brain 🧠 if you have one
    Cob home don’t brake down. Easy to put up and fun to live in
    Stop 🛑 the blood clot crying 😢
    Get up cob homes 🏠
    Get to it
    It’s free to build 😎👌

  13. God bless my Puerto Rico born in mayaguez but raised in the Bronx 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴💚

  14. Mayor carmen yulin cruz will make any claim but doesn't care because she doesn't have Gods love, her own son testifies against her about how she is gay, a bruja, use to be a fake Christian and is only married for political reasons! With that said she can not do anything for the people accept talk..These things happen because God is tired of the killing, the greed of money and lack of prayer, maldito el hombre que confia en otro hombre dont believe man, believe God our creator who loves us, God is in favor of the poor and anyone who repents as long we humble ourselves and look up! Puerto rico was always known to have praying people and now the devastation has hit after years of warning.. I love Puerto they have the best mentality, like the lady said at the end all as long as they have their needs met the island theg are good, the people are rich in culture, what they need is God first and everything shall be added!

  15. I glad the old man has a new roof, but because it’s not made of concrete it will blow off again, the bridge looks fantastic except for it’s design will not hold up to another hurricane of equal power. Why was the hospital not equipped with backup generators, to save the life of the dialysis man? Why was a local emergency system not in place for locals to respond appropriately? The deaths are a failure of local government not federal. Puerto Rico vote competent people, not grandstanders. As expressed none of your problems are being fixed, your house will fail again your roads, bridges, emergency response, your water. Your state needs special designed homes, and infrastructure and it’s being ignored, but that again is a state problem not federal.

  16. I live in Miami and know a lot of Puerto Ricans, some of them share the idea that if it wasnt by the US they will be poorer than Haity. Yes, thats right even puerto ricans acknowledge this reality, the good thing is that they are allied with the US if they were allied to Cuba or Venezuela the whole island will starve to death.

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