One Night in Central Park l 20/20 l PART 4 | ABC News

One Night in Central Park l 20/20 l PART 4 | ABC News


Four of 5 teens in Central Park rape case make video statements: Part 4
All but one of the five teens implicated themselves in connection to the attack but some of their statements were inconsistent or got major details wrong, like what the victim was wearing.

Looking back at the 1989 Central Park jogger rape case that led to 5 teens being convicted, later exonerated

#ABCNews #2020 #Documentary #TrueCrime #OneNightInCentralPark #CentralParkJogger #CentralParkFive

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35 thoughts on “One Night in Central Park l 20/20 l PART 4 | ABC News

  1. They could barely remember one another's name💔💔💔

  2. 🤦🏾‍♂️😢

  3. You mean to tell me the lady was drenched in blood and not an ounce of blood or dna of the women was found on any of the boys or their clothes, and none of their dna was found on her, but sperm was found on her but it didn’t match any of the boys and they still got locked up???

  4. Do you guys cover how Clinton ACTUALLY raped and abused women for years? Including minors? The clip at the end is another trump hit in a totally ridiculous jab. Trump believed , as most did at the time, that they DID brutally rape her..based on their confessions. So him expressing disgust toward them is kind of understandable in that context. God, ANY way to make trump look bad, your coverage is sucked right in

  5. Because of this the district attorney had to resign from her positions…fuck man she was doing her job. The Columbia black law students association pretty much forced her out, how is that right? And I find it ridiculous that they can have a "Columbia black law students association"…but if there were a Columbia white student association oh the uproar. It's terrible that they don't see what they are doing. So quick to blame all white people. The district attorney in this case was by all means respectable, thorough but if these five were blaming each other and such what was she supposed to do? That pisses me off. They should've opened their mouths and told her. They should've just kept telling the truth, regardless of what the cops said.

  6. They definitely wouldn't have made such an up roar if she was a black woman r hispanic! That white woman or any human being never deserved that! And out of 30-40 men how would they know for sure if it was them without dna evidence? Why in the hell would an innocent person confess to a gruesome crime like this?? This whole story is crazy and messed up. I would never go running@ night by myself anywhere in this world!? Especially in new york!

  7. All the people involved in this should be in jail! They force fed these young child’s into giving the confession they wanted especially Korey! They played on he’s lack of reading. Even now to defend and deflect the issues and decisions you all made is despicable! 🤬

  8. Let me get this straight, the police arrested 5 out of 30 or 40 other teenagers and they think that every one of these boys knows each other enough to implicate one another and was directly involved with this? Regardless, this level of coercion and lack of respect for the right to an attorney is disgusting.

  9. “An innocent person wouldn’t do that “ … you say that because you’re white.

  10. Linda Fairstein, Elizabeth Lederer, Det. Sheehan, and the DA's office need to be on trial for gross negligence. They need to pay for the crimes they committed to these incredibly resilient, innocent 5 souls. Their claim that they completed a "brilliant investigation" that they still believe to this day is a defense mechanism. They are all deploying a defense mechanism to reject the truth, even though they know they are wrong. Deep down, they know how tremendous of a mistake they made. That is why they will never admit it.

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