One Last Chance: The Trial of Scott Peterson l 20/20 l PART 2 – Car Mod Pros Portal

Investigation into Laci Peterson’s disappearance begins: Part 2

Detectives say her husband Scott Peterson was the last to see her. They say he left home that morning to go fishing.


#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary


By carmodpros


27 thoughts on “One Last Chance: The Trial of Scott Peterson l 20/20 l PART 2”
  1. Janey Peterson is completely delusional with her “defies logic” statement, as is Scott Peterson’s father. They’ve convinced themselves that Scott Peterson is innocent despite the mountain of evidence that proves otherwise.

    It also “defies logic” that Scott would go to a Christmas party with another woman while his wife is pregnant, then call that same woman during a candlelight vigil for his wife saying he was in Paris.

    He didn’t have a care in the world for her or his unborn son.

  2. So, now Scott says McKenzie didn’t have his leash on?
    Scott told Sharon and Ron (and Ron relayed to the 911 operator) that McKenzie had his leash on when Scott got home.
    Scott also told the police that as well, as Det. Beochini mentions it during the interview and Scott does not correct him.

    Also, the neighbor said she put McKenzie back in the yard and left the dogs leash on.

    Why even mention that fact if it “wasn’t that odd” (as Scott himself said);

    Scott is now trying to make it seem as if after the neighbor put the dog back in the yard with its leash on, someone Scott clearly is hoping people think it was Laci who took the leash off.

  3. She wasn’t abducted from the park.
    Nothings as out of place at the house because she never made it back home.

    She caught two men robbing the neighbors house and they abducted her since she was a witness.
    They didn’t kill her right away, they weren’t sure what to do with her.
    But they watched the news which was ALL about Laci’s disappearance and her husband’s whereabouts.
    They eventually gave life to the media’s accusations and story.
    The reason it defies logic for Scott to dump her body in broad daylight is because it’s not logical and never happened.
    Why would he dump her where his alibi is? That would be so stupid! Murderers try to cover their tracks not give the cops a road map!
    The robbers dumped her where the media reported Scott’s self admitted whereabouts.
    Scott may not be a very smart guy, and he was cheating yeah, but being a dumb philanderer doesn’t make you a murderer.
    Just looking in his eyes you won’t find a murderer. No one saw him with her body in the tiny boat he wouldn’t have been able to hide her from passers by.
    Scott Peterson was FRAMED.

  4. I hate Scott Peterson so much! He took away a beautiful mother an unborn son. I wish he could fry for doing this. The tears from Sharon Rocha’s eyes were absolutely unbearable to watch. I cried with her.

  5. I just saw a documentary on this case today on A&E. I don't think Scott did it. The prosecution suppressed tons of evidence that never made its way to court.
    1. There was an active serial killer in the area. 8 pregnant women went missing and two found dead. One of the women literally washed up on the beach… no hands, no feet, and no head, just like Lacey.
    2. Lacey lived in a high crime and murder area. She tried to stop a breakin… I think the three guys took her.
    3. About 8 people saw Lacey alive walking her dog… the prosecution didn't talk to any of them…? She was alive after the police said she was dead… her neighbors saw her. She walks her beautiful dog daily.
    4. The Prosecution received an audio tape of Lacey's kidnapping and the prosecutor lost it?
    5. Zero DNA or evidence… Zero! Zip!
    6. A female store owner who was 8 months pregnant had the same issue… she was almost kidnapped while pregnant. These scary guys were watching her.. then they went inside and she ran and hid in the back. She knew they were there to kill her. Big money in stealing babies… She called the cops about her ordeal and they never interviewed her??? Just like the didn't solve the other 8 missing pregnant women??? The cops were found to had suppressed evidence that could had exonerated Scott. There was tons of evidence…

  6. The facts are this. If you think there’s a definitive conclusion in this case your biased. There simply isn’t enough information and to make a logical decision. All of comments against S.P. Are based on feelings. Not facts. Think with your brain not your emotions. He deserves a fair trial and so does everyone else.

  7. Anytime this come up on my phone I always watch the story like it's my first time watching it how could you do that to your wife why couldn't you divorce her oh because she was pregnant how could you do that to your son people are pathetic and it's sad because she was so unaware of how someone that she thought love her didnt rip beauty

  8. "Her body was nowhere. She was nowhere…" – one of the many 'Dumb Blond' comments of Ms. Nancy Grace.🙄🙄

  9. You look at both sides. Laci’s family are absolutely devastated by her disappearance and Scott’s family, it’s like they are talking about lost socks not 2 humans. The Peterson’s are all anti social personalities

  10. At 2.19 does he say the dog did or didn't have the leash on? Cause in the police interview he clearly states (at 26.10) that McKenzie had the leash on and he took it off and put it on the picnic table. He also earlier said it was unusual for the dog to have the leash on. So if in this video he actually says the dog did have the leash on, he says it isn't that weird. Odd the two differences. No doubt Janey has a great explanation.

  11. So if Scott didn’t do it and the burglars story takes the lead, how did the burglars know to dump Lacis body in the area where Scott supposedly went fishing, and why would even they drive 90 miles away to get rid of her…..typically burglars don’t want confrontation or any type of violence……let alone going that far out of their way…..

  12. The Martha Stewart thing about the meringue is no accident or chance happening that he caught it. It was part of the story. He's so guilty is ridiculous.

  13. Spousal murders are usually done by the spouse. He was the last person with her. He was out in the water and her body and Connor were found in the water. So, the finger points rightfully in Scott's direction. End of case. He is where he needs to be. Another Chris Watts

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