One family shares their struggle to spend less time on devices at home

One family shares their struggle to spend less time on devices at home


Both the parents and three kids realize the amount of time they’re spending on their phones is hurting the time they spend together. They make small changes that make a big difference.

#ScreenTime #DianeSawyer #ABCNews #Nightline


23 thoughts on “One family shares their struggle to spend less time on devices at home

  1. That’s why my child will have no electrictronics I don’t want them to be an asshole

  2. I’m gonna be honest, it’s not really gen z’s fault (my own generation) that we have all this technology handed to us. We happened to be born into it, yet everyone blames the whole fact that we use it as a whole on us. We didn’t create it. We didn’t ask for it. It happened to fall at our generation. And yes, this might just be the first time in history kids can say parents don’t know how it is because of this.

  3. 0:41 SWIPER NO SWIPING 😂😂

  4. 0:35 (lol dont get mad at me) Its funny how they use a child who probably 10 or under to represent us when we have to get off when more than half us dont even react like that, I mean if your a mature kid you get off like your supposed to (I have my limits as well)

  5. It’s so ironic how I’m watching this on a screen

  6. Funny… I spent 7mins of screen time watching this video on YouTube! 😂😂

  7. They are making us watch this vid on our phone while they are talking about device fixation…*awkward* 👀🤔

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