On the ICU front lines

On the ICU front lines

Dr. Daniela Lamas, a critical care physician at Boston Brigham and Womens Hospital, discusses the battle against COVID-19.

#DanielaLamas #ICU #Boston #WomensHospital #COVID19 #Coronavirus #Hospital #CoronavirusCases

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20 thoughts on “On the ICU front lines

  1. Amazing! Beautiful human! I’m so glad you are on this earth!

  2. Dr. Lamas I wish to thank you. From just an internet stranger, me – I send all my respect and love to you and all of our doctors and nurses and health care workers.
    I bet you guys would just say " Hey, I'm just doing my job" but you are literal heroes. You really are.
    So I leave this with thank you again. To all of you heroes. Stay safe, be well and just know how deeply you are appreciated.

  3. Just weeping, listening to these good people, working so hard. Hang in there people. We will get through this. We need to learn from this, change is coming. Positive vibes from New Hampshire and remember to be kind to each other and yourself during this pandemic

  4. This doctor is such a sweetheart. It is obvious she cares and gives it her all every 12 hour shift she works during this desperate time. May God be with her and keep her and all of these doctors, nurses, hospital staffs and first responders safe as they risks their own lives for all of us.

  5. Funny I go out in public everyday talk to ppl shop in stores an I don’t wear silly gloves or a face mask an I’m just fine lol I don’t know one person with this F A K E V I R U S

  6. The only ppl who are tired overwhelmed an overworked is the unemployment offices 😂😂😂

  7. They're angels disguised as Dr's and nurses💜

  8. Thank u Doctor for ur calm & Love for taking care of the patients 😢😢…..I will keep on praying for u & ur staff to find strength, peace and knowledge through my Lord Jesus Christ Your a special person to be in this position 🙏🙏🙏

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