Omicron variant discovered in at least 5 US states | On Location

Omicron variant discovered in at least 5 US states | On Location

At least five states in the U.S. are reporting cases of the new COVID-19 variant Omicron.
Plus, a former Ohio Deputy Sheriff has been charged with murder for the killing of 23-year old Casey Goodson Jr.

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26 thoughts on “Omicron variant discovered in at least 5 US states | On Location

  1. Europe admits Omicron was found IN EUROPE BEFORE AFRICA. So why was South Africa blamed for sounding the alarm?

    Europe admits Covid-19 was found IN EUROPE BEFORE CHINA. So why was China blamed for sounding the alarm?

    Covid deaths = Managed pandemic China 4,636 & New Zealand 44 Mismanaged pandemic US 808,116.

    Covid originated at Fort Detrick, Maryland and Spanish flu in Haskell County, Kansas. SO WHY DID AMERICA NOT SOUND THE ALARM ?

  2. I’m sure it’s in every state. I’m sure everyone has it, along with the 15 other variants that haven’t been named yet. This is so ridiculous!!

  3. Apply the following diet plan strictly for some days during covid 19 infection and you have no fear of any type of pneumonia and inflammation.
    Non – inflammatory food list
    1. All the meaty products (everything, like eggs,  pork, beef, mutton, chicken, fish etc. ). 
    2. Wheat ( and all the products that are made from pure wheat, not biscuits or cookies because they contain vegetables oil). 
    3. Gram, cheakpea( chana or kabuli chana). Masoor dal.
    5. Green leaves like spinach, lettuce, etc.  ( green leaves mustn't be sour or bitter ). 
    6. All the Derry products (they must be made of pure animal milk like butter clarified,  curd, cheese, fresh milk ). 
    7. Pure Mustard oil, turmeric powder, red chili powder , white sugar, sea salt, coriander powder and leaves, butter clarified. 
    8. Lemon ( lemon is a non – inflammatory thing  but it acts differently with different  foods, with the suggested foods it would never be a cause for inflammation). 
    If someone  get affected with covid 19, he must avoid lemon for some days because he already would have eaten something that lemon acts as inflammatory thing. But if the patient eating strictly the suggested diet for more than 18 days then he can add lemon  in your regular diet it will never be inflammatory then. The patient has to apply this diet plan very very strictly because consumption of a single fruit, vegetable, or non suggested grain, lentil or vegetable oil can affect the whole result.
    Note- feed your infants with mother milk or pure animal milk,( formula  milk acts like a poison during the covid 19 infection because it contains vegetables oil)…..

  4. OMG we are all gonna die! Omicron is coming!!! Be scared, pump more vaccines into you and keep away from people 🙄
    Or just realize they are lying and pushing BS propaganda to get you to take the booster….

  5. I realize that some people aren't going to like this propanol-based methamphetamine with a very high pH balance will chemically cook that virus clear out of your body it'll cook it right to crap but you can't tell the FDA that

  6. Dear friend, genuine repentance and recitation of those words will protect you from calamities:

    "F a l u n  D a f a is Good" and "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance is Good".

    F a l u n  D a f a  (or F a l u n  G o n g) is a spiritual cultivation practice for mind and
    body that is widely spreading in the world, it is based on the
    principles of the Universe:

    真 Truthfulness
    å–„ Compassion
    忍 Forbearance

    It includes gentle exercises and meditation. It helped millions of people
    to regain health, peace of mind and obtain spiritual fulfilment. Since
    1999 this peaceful practice has been brutally persecuted by the CCP (Chinese communist party) in
    Mainland China. More than 100 million people around the world practice Falun

  7. You know, this attitude of "here we go again" from people complaining that it's some insane conspiracy or that it's not serious is part of the reason we all made COVID19 a goddamn pandemic in the first place. Are people hyping this up? Yes, but what's the alternative? Wait until 250,000+ people are dead before we take it seriously? Have we learned nothing from 2020? I'd rather we all take precaution than wait for there to be a problem and work backwards when there's something we can do now.

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