‘Old Enough’

‘Old Enough’

How old is “old enough” for kids to perform grown-up-sized errands? That’s the premise of a new Netflix show. ABC News’ Will Ganss shows us.


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24 thoughts on “‘Old Enough’

  1. I hear the cries of those who live in hell. They don't realise that they are living in hell and are shouting at the inhabitants of other worlds to be wise and not to do anything dangerous. Why don't they first reflect on how terrible, violent and discriminatory the society they live in is? In 20 years or so, they may realise that their town is abnormal, full of murders, violence, kidnappings, sex crimes, road accidents, abuse, and suspicious people, so that it should be improved. In other words, the show is still too early for them.

  2. Meanwhile in America:


  3. japan is way safer than america. a friend told me she left her wallet in a bar in tokyo and went back an hour later and not only was her wallet not touched the whole bar clapped for her return

  4. A learning process…I use to live in Korea..a place I would love to love to live..it was the most peace I had in my whole life!!..that’s why other cultures don’t enable their kids..on the other hand with America and how things are..never gonna happen…geez

  5. ❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/Elizeid de mejor

    1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10

    Son unos de los mejores conciertos

    , no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos

    desde pantalla,, se que estuvo

    Sorprendente .

  6. 10年前、アメリカ人🇺🇸の友達が日本に🇯🇵遊びに来ました。

  7. When I saw this on the news I thought only the Japanese can think of this… lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. Vote to get rid of Biden, AOC and the Squad in the next election 🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙👍👍👍..Let's Go Brandon!!!🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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