Officials Hold Briefing On Florida Building Collapse | NBC News

Officials Hold Briefing On Florida Building Collapse | NBC News

Watch live coverage as Florida officials provide an update on the building collapse in Surfside, near Miami Beach. The death toll is expected to rise with many people still unaccounted for.

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Live: Officials Hold Briefing On Florida Building Collapse | NBC News


44 thoughts on “Officials Hold Briefing On Florida Building Collapse | NBC News

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    Posted on July 4, 2021Leave a commentPosted in Uncategorized

    On June 24, 2021, suddenly, the building in Miami, Florida collapsed, the disaster has shaken America, and the world when the death toll rose 18, and more than 151 unaccounted victims. It is incredible after the 12 story-apartment complex named Champlain Towers South Condo with 144 units, but 136 units crumbled. The causes are investigating while some officials, engineers plus local politicians have not conclude (

  4. アメリカのCIAは、その建物に住むそれらの生命を破壊し、殺害します。なぜなら、それらの居住者は、2019年にAMERICAN SOILでcovid19を検出し、確認したからです。
    American CIA destroy and murder those lifes living in that building because those residents has covid19 detected and confirmed in 2019 in AMERICAN SOIL.

    American CIA destroyed the evidence and prevent rescue team to access.
    What a beautiful sight.

  5. If they have the time and technology to place charges to collapse the Remaining structure in a controlled manor, they have the time to send in Drones to record peoples worldly possessions for insurance purposes and or attempt to get their priceless family heirlooms. Lower the world's best cat burglar on a crane boom with a camera and coms to each home owner and mission impossible that sh!t.

  6. I would like to know why the "NEWS" never raises the issue of the Jews who lived in the territories of Syria Iraq Iran Jordan Lebanon Libya and who lived there for many hundreds or even thousands of years and who, quite recently, only 80 or 90 years ago, were destroyed by the Arabs and only to a lesser extent managed to escape

    these countries were created by the British and French who cut the land as they wanted and who gave them more money do not be silent talk about it or you can destroy the Jews for you that you are silent

  7. Global Warming 😂 It’s time to wake up People!

  8. Look at the last games of more than half the people on the condo board. That should give you An idea which direction to head. They are not known for being big spenders and I would be intrested to see how many of them either took out 2nd mortgages or larger insurance policies shortly before the collapse. I wonder how many of them worn at home that night

  9. I swear most of these news reporters ask the most dumbest questions. Waisting time. All about why did it collapse 🤦‍♀️ that is the least of our worries right now… really victims is main focus.

  10. Can we stop w/ thanking all the agencies? Can we get a real person to tell us about the effort..someone who is actually in the rubble? Stop w/ the parade of different officials and have one spokesperson as this situation is not going to change in short time frames. The poor people who are waiting…waiting for word of their loved one(s)? The reality is they are no longer alive and it will be a while before remains are discovered. The pressers are pretty much redundant

  11. it gonna get stinky 🧟‍♂️

  12. yah now other cities and states like l a are looking at there old and crackling building off the beach because now they know more people will die,sad part abouti t is,they will now try and shabbily fix there buildings so they dont have to pay more money because people have died,like this this one,money is def the route of all evil

  13. Anybody had the thought that maybe that explosion in Ponce inlet fl. Which is 253 miles from Surfside the military did to test it's ship had anything to do with building collapsing? They said the explosion registered 3.9 on the rector scale. Either way. So tragic!

  14. Stop jerking people off! Building falling apart now. ??’nn In America! Lmao!!!

  15. I've talked to many people who had better solution about this problem, but never doubling down on taking responsibility if something might go wrong in the process, yet had an attitude of demanding some sort of credit for presenting a solution.
    The tone of the voice and the level of passion sounded really convincing to me, but if they're not going to double down on that, I have to question their credibility, competency, and mainly the intention behind such an action where someone would present such a solution to a person (me) who has nothing to do with this disaster nor have knowledge in any related field in this situation.
    I understand that it's a tragic and most qualified individuals are there to work on this issue and last thing I want to do is to discourage them by not giving the credit they really deserve that could easily be obscured by some petty 'self-promotion' mentality by presenting a half-thoughtout solution to a wrong individual.

  16. They're so good at being Reactivate the Worse at being Proactive, the Rescue team failed they took too long there's close to Zero chance anyone is alive now, We need it hours Not days or Weeks.

  17. Salt water damage it’s just centrifuge. that type of damage is indicative of the exterior and there would be major signs of it not something that only the trend I would see. it was a sinkhole….but they will never say that because it would cause too much fear even though it’s a one in a trillion possibility.

  18. Why do they seem so uncaring on these updates. She's smiling thru all of them. They don't appear to have empathy for the families of the one's that are trapped under that rubble. My prayers go out to the families .

  19. Shut your crap DeSantis 😠😠😠😠 y’all need to get it together in Florida!!!!!!!!!! Bridge collapsed, building collapsed, are they paying people to pass these constructions? What’s going on?

  20. These politicians, especially that governor are like the scum of the earth. Charge them for the neglect which caused this tragedy. they were very busy this past year telling lies, playing politics, grabbing power, and disenfranchising underprivileged citizens. they have neglected their duty to their citizens. Instead of paying attention to infrastructures in their Cities, like Bridges, Roads, and BUILDINGs, They are now spending weeks before the camera boasting and bragging about their hard-working recovery team, they seem to be very happy to use this tragedy to promote themselves for re-election, they are behaving like a kid in a candy store. Stop boasting about your team saving lives, they are not saving any lives. Pay attention to your cities infrastructures, they are falling apart.

  21. Sending sincere best wishes & sympathy to everyone involved from here in the UK. It is so tragic for those who were unable to get out in time, their families & friends & those who did manage to escape but have lost their homes & property. To add insult to injury the fact that there are scum using false go fund me to scam folks. Utterly disgusting, vile creatures.

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