Officers in George Floyd case appear in court | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was charged with second-degree murder in the death of George Floyd, appeared in court via video as prosecutors revealed evidence.




#WorldNewsTonight #GeorgeFloyd #DerekChauvin


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “Officers in George Floyd case appear in court | WNT”
  1. Their got Darnella Frazier number give her a medal for bravery, that way no police can touch her or frame her, before she becomes a marked target for revenge

  2. LOCK THEM ALL UP. They aided and abetted in a Murder. It's like a Bank Robbery but they drove the get away car.

  3. Granted, the officer shouldn’t have his neck on the man. But he’s obviously not applying pressure hardly if George was speaking the whole time. I watched the body cam footage carefully. George Floyd had methamphetamine and fentanyl in his system. And from experience I thought the way he died was from overdosing on opiates, although the officers being on top of him did not help a thing.

    So to sum this up Floyd took drugs, Floyd resisted arrest, the police officers ( who aren’t magically bad, racist people. ) ended up in a bad and tragic situation fueled by the media and people who want to invoke violence.

    Those are everyday people like you and me, perhaps you should open your eyes and begin seeing all the good people in the world. Instead of only noticing what’s portrayed online. How about next time you go out say hi to a police officer or a stranger. I guarantee you 99.99999999% of them will be amazing people. Not what you see online.

  4. the guy was on dose, he had coronavirus and was this all set up…. did he know he was going to die before the police incedent, sounds like a set up. how many people interacted with the coronavirus because of this protest and how many people died from protesting in getting the coronavirus as george floyd had the coronavirus. alot of finger pointing…. and blaming

  5. Everyone missed that the cop had a personal issue with floyed from before when he used to work security or something and black people ignored that and without any facts called it racist and destroyed the city to me it seems like they don’t accept any other reason but racism I did my research and none did and still till now idiots call it racist instead of calling it personal issue look at the cop he clearly doesn’t like this guy you can tell he has personal issue with him but everyone ignored that called it black thing but if George floyed died by black people by drive by no one would care first of all people need to do research about this cop because they had personal issue together and also black people kill each other everyday but none reacts like this lol it’s so funny they just wanna point fingers that’s all it is just point finger and blame the world and we should feel sorry do research that’s first and then stop killing each other black people just made themselves being hated without being hated before no one hated Black people before but now people do congrats on the bs you did for nothing and for none sense

  6. After posting bond Wednesday, Chauvin, George Floyd's accused murderer,was released from Oak Park Heights prison to await trial OUTSIDE STATE CUSTODY.(Just like in the Mafia movies-FOR HIS OWN PROTECTION)America is slowly turning into a shithole country.

  7. Many brainwashed Marxist Communist are commenting here for "Justice" but they forgett, that George was on drugs and resisting the Law. I am not a racist but i would do the same like the Police Officers.

  8. Self defense😆😆 yea right 😆👍

  9. It is possible to reinvent yourself. Every race and creed that immigrated to this country has done it and rose above the categorization and discrimination that they felt. George Foreman was about the scariest person you would ever run across. He had tremendous hate and anger. Yet he was able to reinvent himself, when he faced the possibility of DEATH after his fight with Ali and Young.

    Something happened to George Foreman. He is highly successful today. Mike Tyson, not so much. Check out George Foreman’s Address at Oxford.

    Anger, Hate and Revenge is not what Nelson Mandela saw as the answer.

  10. Self defense my ass yall stepped right up to that man cussing him out with your guns out how does two mean with guns against one have you fearing for your life even after he was on the ground cuffed with yall on his neck and back

  11. Thanks to Dr Kabaka. for the good result i got from his spell last week, My husband that was sentence 7 years in prison for something he knew nothing about, has just before released under 2 years with the help of Dr ekaka Email: call or whatsapp him for any court cases or any kinds of problems +2349015857861.

  12. When someone can talk, they are able to breathe and move air in and out thru the vocal cords. When someone is cognitive, the brain is functioning, and there is blood flow to the brain. At no point in time did the knee on the neck compromise blood flow or the flow of air, with evidence to support being Floyd able to say "I can't breathe!" The incident occurred because the OTHER 2 officers held Floyd down with weight on his chest, and his arms were handcuffed behind him

    Breathing requires your rib cage to be unimpeded, so that air may be inhaled, and exhaled. Blocking this ability, caused Floyd to accumulate CO2, which caused tachycardia, elevated blood presssure, and respiratory acidosis. As a result, he had a feeling like he couldn't breathe, due to his inability to eliminate CO2. What soon followed was wheezing, then cardiac arrthymias, with the severe respiratory acidosis causing hyperkalemia, and a hyperkalemic arrest situation, where the heart stops in asytole, and he is now unconscious, due to no blood flow from a stopped heart.

    The knee on the neck wasn't the cause. Hog tie someone and sit on them, and w/in 8 minutes, they will die. A knee is not required. Officers need to know this fact. Otherwise, it will happen again.

    Here’s it happens to Tony Timpa

  13. God Bless these Officers…after seeing the real footage ,,I know in my heart they are innocent. Floyd was on drugs, and was saying he couldn't breathe long before the officer had his knee anywhere near him. THIS is the TRUTH< He was resisting arrest too. the officers even had him in the police car and he was saying in there he couldn't breathe. It was HE that demanded to be laid on the ground. for all we know the officer could of had his knee there as a precaution in case Floyd tried to jump up1 Their only human too. fliyd was a huge guy and he was resisting all the way ..HERE ! Look!


    The George Floyd death was a staged street show….. A HOAX.

    First, anyone with an ounce of brains can look at Derek Chauvin's mugshot and see that it IS NOT Derek Chauvin in the video…..

    The mugshot released by the media and a video still from one of numerous videos recorded that day.

    It is not the same guy.

    Notice that the face profile, the hair line and the ears are noticeably different.

    The cop's shirt pocket is un-buttoned, his badge is crooked, this is not a man use to wearing a uniform.

    And notice that the Asian officer, who is from the same precinct as the cop kneeling on the fake George Floyd's neck has an entirely different style of badge….

    Three other cops stand there silent most of the time also being recorded on video and audio.

    Look at the pics to see the real identity of the actor on the scene pretending to be Derek Chauvin, It's the host of Cash Cab, actor, Benjamin R. Bailey…….

    There's claims that Benjamin Ray Bailey is a Free Mason and so is Derek Chauvin.

    Both Derek Chauvin and his wife are registered with the IMDB (internet movie data base) as ACTORS… !

    Defenders have said that it's not unusual that a police officer would be registered in a Movie data Base, they say that Derek Chauvin participated in "Police Videos",,, OK, then let's see these videos.

    There are none… !

    Nevermind Al Sharpton and the entire Floyd family, they're in on the hoax. Even Dave Chappelle is is not willing to expose this.

    This should not make sense to anyone with a mature mind, Why isn't Fox News reporting on this..? Why isn't right wing news like Alex Jones have a news crew on this,,,, And why doesn't the FBI have the actor popularized on the TV show Cash Cab, Benjamin Ray Bailey in for questioning….?

    This whole movement for change is an emotion fueled deception based on a fake video of a fake murder that was performed by professional actors.

    Where are all the interviews of the police that know Derek Chauvin…? Why do his neighbors say that they never knew he was a police officer…? This video interviewing Derek Chauvin's neighbors saying they've lived next to the Chauvins for over two years and had no idea he was a police officer…?

    That video has been scrubbed from the internet.

    There's something VERY ODD happening now. Individuals that would normally be ranting about a hoax like this would be sounding the alarm, but this False Flag event is being run with despite the sloppy cover-up and poor construct of the deception. It's like people's minds are being electronically shut down

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