Odessa shooter called 911 after being fired from job: Police

Odessa shooter called 911 after being fired from job: Police

After he was let go from his trucking job, Seth Ator called the FBI tip line; then, he began his shooting rampage, killing seven people and wounding more than 20, police said.

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28 thoughts on “Odessa shooter called 911 after being fired from job: Police

  1. Oh that's so typical 😭cops called nvr showed and this could been avoided. Shame on the police

  2. So, Chris Combs, the Special Agent in charge, claims that Ator didn't make any threats in the call he made. I doubt that very much. This report said that both Ator and his employer called 911 right after he was fired. Why would his employer have done that if he/she knew there was no threat of violence? Presumably, they did know that Ator may have been about to commit violence after the firing. So, the police (and probably the FBI too) should have acted on that. If they had this massacre may never have happened. Shame on them for their lack of preventative action and indifference. Also, Texas has a major problem with violent, mainly gun crimes (as well as horrific, rampant animal abuse – dog fighting rings, etc) so in some ways this awful crime should come as no surprise to anyone. Gun laws in America need to be tightened up and much more widely regulated – but of course, many idiots still bleat about their "right to bear arms", which they would claim are being violated should anyone have the temerity to try to stop them having their arsenals. What a sick 'culture'.

  3. Messed up thing is most of shooters get their guns illegally So making more laws is pointless and anyone that doesn’t see that is an idiot

  4. How many more failures will the President allow the FBI is fail become he has the AG carpet the FBI Director, he appears to be hiding all the stuff ups to be friend with his staff. FBI may need to total clean out from the top down.

  5. How he got the gun, there are three answers how he got it, He either stole the gun, or Someone sold him the gun, or the last Option, he got it from the black market, not that hard to Figure out, so to the Answer about background checks, and more gun control it will not work on criminals, the same way this crazy guy got the guns, is the same way other Criminals will do the same, so keep that in mind, Gun control only works on law biting citizens, and Law-abiding citizens are not criminals they follow the law, that’s why they are called Law-abiding citizens for a Reason, this is not hard To figure out

  6. No one seems to talk about the way these shootings were commited. The El Paso Shooter managed to walk into Wapmart and catch people of guard. He new the fromt would be crowded and knew that was his best chance of mass killing. Next we have the Odessa Shooter who was in a car and continued to shoot while driving. Anyone who knows anything about Handgun Bullets knows that durable Cars like the one he was driving can stop Hand Gun Bullets and also move fast enough to evade others while still shooting at random. I used to think that concealed carry was wnough to stop shooters, but I realize I was wrong. It takes more than having the Gun, it takes outsmarting the shooter and reacting quick enough to fire back. It takes extensive training on hitting moving targets and learning to remain relatively calm in high stress situations. These Shooters will come no matter what. Gun Control has failed for Decades and now Concealed Carry is starting to as well. We need new solutions that may cost us time and a bit of our sanity, but we have to take action now.

  7. So he called the Cops amd the FBI and they never came? Oh that's right, he did it while on the move and couldn't be found easily. He also didn't make any threats at the FBI so that makes sense too. They couldn't do anything without his location and more time to respond. He also had an illegal Gun that no ome would be aware of. By that I mean people wouldn't know it was Illegal.

  8. Lmao love they say he bought the gun illegally. Well you would think they would do the research and see that. He could of bought it legally. All he had to do was go to a gun show and they don’t do any checks at all in certain states and Texas is one of them. No background checks at gun shows or traded guns. Wow that’s real smart 2nd amendment assholes. Cry it’s mental illness how bout u use common sense background checks for all sales of guns

  9. Useless motherfuckers at the FBI get fucking tipped off and they still dont do shit, arm yourselfs shooters would salivate at the chance of killing your relatives and friends

  10. Seth Aaron Ator… Registered Democrat. Hated Trump and Ted Cruz. Oh yeah… He was also Jewish and a felon who obtained the gun illegally. There goes your "white supremacist" narrative. You clowns.

  11. US should be added in the list of unsafe countries that include North Korea, Syria , Iraq and Afganisthan.
    How many innocent people died so far in US?
    1000s? 10,000s? 1 lakh?
    Mentally retarded country with mentally ill president will give this shootings.
    First change the president and follow strict rules, then you may not see this kind. But government does not willing to do so.

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