The funeral home published a glowing obituary for the man who allegedly shot 26 people, calling him “funny, articulate and intelligent” but not mentioning how he died.
Sick bastard
Naw dont say it
Why people are outrage about they said the Shooter is Funny with kind smile?
They want to remember him as a child. Now If he killed every family pet they ever had…then I would have published that.
Can I just state that even when people try to write something different funeral homes preachers priest will not speak that way of the Dead the way you want them to no matter what they have done so don't blame the damn family even if they wanted to tell everyone he was a total ass or a horrible monster they probably would not do it I have never ever seen at a funeral even when family member started to speak negative about a family member the person giving the speech ask them to please stop of course you are entitled to your opinion I don't even know why I'm speaking on this thing I usually don't but your little snowflake comment John Tahoe Leto directed exactly at me is ignorant and so is your racist remark you are an effing racist you don't belong here you all should be on your own little Island full of your hate most of us mix very well if you don't go to hell cuz that's what you're making this world you're entitled to your opinion you're not entitled to insult people
They always defending these so called "mental mass shooters". I wonder if they still defend them with that horrific obituary his family gave them.
Striking inocents with a fully automatic weapon .I.
Oh my God.
His parents are just as insane as he was. Ew.
What did guy did was horrible! For every one life he took he destroyed many, including his own f/f. I get why everyone is upset by his obit but remember these ppl have been around him his whole life and they knew him before the monster caused all of this devastation so that's what based his obit on. I know they're hearts/prayers go out to everyone he hurt & regardless of what he did his ppl still love him and they have every right to so please be respectful to his f/f who are being judged & threatened for a crime they didn't commit.
So only this obituary gets attention??? I can’t even imagine being the parent of a mass murderer. So many lives lost, forever changed, and an unspeakable amount of healing for the victims families. For this incident, a zillion past incidents, and Lord only knows what’s next. Prayers for everyone!
People try not to shit on the family remember they lost a victim to this shooting
They're daughter would've grown to become someone amazing.
You know, these parents lost 2 kids, I would WANT in my heart to remember what I loved about him, (other then what he did) To them, he is there son, the one she gave birth to, the one they taught him to ride a bike, saw him through kindergarten on, this was her child, not only did she lose him, they lost their daughter. This was for their family, it wasn't for the public. They are prob in so much pain and distress. Not only for losing 2 children but what he did as well, but they are holding on to the good they saw in him growing up. I know if this had been one of my kids, I would be in total shock and disbelief. I wouldn't know how to react. I know when my mom died and they asked me to do an obit, I was like I couldn't, I couldn't even think straight. I asked my husband to do it. I am not defending him in the slightest, (they prob aren't either) they are just trying to remember something "good" anything…. Put yourself in their shoes..
The man is dead, and will be judged by The Most High.
Funerals are to focus on the good points about the deceased.
There is NO need to focus on the evils committed, at the funeral.
Speak good if the dead, or say NOTHING.
What can possibly be wrong with this family. I guess this is why he was like he was!
Obits don't tell the dirty details. It is considered poor taste–though I think we'd have to make an exception in a case like this. I'm not sure the idea of not speaking ill of the dead wasn't rooted in superstition anyway.
The family and funeral home just doesn't get it, do they?
Who ever posted it or wrote it have no soul at all. Yeah the parents too. I would be ashamed and disappointed if I was his dad.
He was prescribed Xanax a benzodiazapine. #worldbenzoday
Well… No. Would anybody want to remember their loved one, for the most horrific and terrible things he could've possible done at the end of his life..?
Or could they even..?
I gather that most Families would be in extreme denial. Not because they don't care, but because they don't know that person who did all those things.. They can't wrap their heads around the thought of it. I believe this Family lost their Daughter as well..? To the hands of their other child.. I mean… How does one wrap their head around this?!
We don't know, until we go through it..
I'm in no way taking sides… I'm saddened to think about all those innocent lives lost to something as ridiculous as this. What could've been..
Sometimes, I feel, I have an understanding of the Human Condition. Then something else happens to make me question what I think I know.
He doesn't even deserve an obituary after what he did.ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
How are people getting guns? All guns should be ban if people got a conflict us a baseball bat or fist i even rather a knife but still terrible ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
This is why this shit still happens.
Not video games, not heavy metal, not TV.
It starts with the parents.
He was a good intelligent boy and he was MURDERED by police instead of trying to rehab the poor kid. One little misjudgment and it cost him his life. It's open season on white youth in Amurikuh😨
The family through their greef and shock were obviously not thinking properly not excusing what was done but at least they apologized and retracted the obituary.
The family does not need to apologize they can put whatever they want on thier children's obituary. If you don't like it then tough luck, keep it pushin. Leave them alone they've already been to hell and back. Do you really expect them to write what happened in the obituary? You fools!
Ahh … striking blue eyes?? Negative …that Title of striking blue eyes goes to the one and only PAUL Newman
Any Obituaries I've ever read Never state how the deceased have passed away.
We all know he’s the devil himself and doesn’t deserve any kind of recognition at all and hope he burns in hell, but the bottom line is, he was someone’s child and as much as we all hate him, we know as mothers, there’s nothing our children can do to make us stop loving them; nothing. We will always forgive our children cause that’s what a mother does. This mother was doing that when she posted that obituary. I think this family is in a lot of pain and not thinking too clearly but as rotten and vile as this psychopath was that did this, his mother will probably always love him because again, that’s what moms do. So as much as we hate him and want him burning in hell, I can see why they posted this it doesn’t excuse it, just explains it
Obituaries NEVER mention how the person died.
….and a psycho!
Obituaries are always written by families. They are victims in this too. When you lay ANYONE to rest, I feel some level of respect for the person that the family knew them as, is definatly needed to help cope. It's not for the dead. Not for the dead, but for the living.
We have to remember the shooter’s family are victims too. They lost an innocent daughter and a son who they apparently didn’t know had some issues. They’re blaming themselves right now for everything and trying to grieve their own losses.
You sheeple have no respect for the dead. It’s a fucking obituary not your FaceFuckBook timeline.
I'm sorry this is going to anger alot of people but listen these people just lost 2 children. Can you possibly imagine the struggle you feel writting an obituary for your daughter knowing she was killed by your son?
Grief is a confusing land mine to navigate and I think the family should be allowed to grieve the loss of there daughter next too their son.
Parent love doesn't see a difference. They don't see the man that killed 9 they see there little toddler running around or their teen in the marching band.
They don't see a daughter gunned down in cold blood by her own brother. They see a toddler chasing after her brother running and trying to be like him.
All Betts are off………..