Obama sounds off on COVID-19

Obama sounds off on COVID-19

The former president criticized the Trump administration on its response to the pandemic.


40 thoughts on “Obama sounds off on COVID-19

  1. This is classic classless Obama, saying what he doesn't have the guts to come out and say by leaking it. It didn't fool anyone (except his supporters) when he was President and it isn't fooling anyone now.

  2. Didn’t even sound like Obama

  3. 如果歐巴馬還是美國總統的話,一定有能力阻止這場肺炎蔓延

  4. Politicians can remove the quarantine decrees all they want. The fact of the matter is that the doctors and scientists don't have a cure nor do they have effective treatment for this disease. The medical community is baffled. This virus is the work of God. We must all humble ourselves to God in prayer and repent for all of our sins. This is our last chance. You all can take or let it alone. We are in trouble times. There is probably going to be more spreading of this disease in the United States than it was during the first wave.

  5. All racist Americans deserve whatever God has in store for them. This COVID19 is part of the plan of God. It may be only the beginning of what is to come. America has been sunken down to the bottomless pit of immorality and injustice. The justice of God is upon us. We should all be repenting to God before it's too late.

  6. I didn’t vote for Obama (nor did I vote for Trump) but I always admired that Obama didn’t sling much mud or too often whine and criticize. His tone seems to have changed. Sad. I wonder what’s changed in Obama that he’s stooped to this level of attack and criticism.

  7. Obama knows nothing. He’s just living out his days in luxury in his mansion with the other elites.

  8. BO is just like school in July… No Class😐

  9. "'what's in it for me' and 'to heck with everybody else' … is operationalized in our government." Was he not paying attention? Democrats didn't win and aren't in the White House.
    His administration could 't get anyone a job. Said it would never happen (jobs coming back), then when Trump gets them to come back, he tries to take claim to it. – LOL, He always sounded intelligent even though he actually never did ANYTHING, now he just sounds a LOT smarter when he's quiet.

  10. Before criticizing any American government official responding to the coronavirus response this former President should respond to Neil Barofsky's 2012 book entitled Bailout: An Inside Account of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street. Barofsky was Obama's Office of Inspector General for the Troubled Assets Relief Program and he describes how Obama, unlike President Trump, did nothing to help average middleclass Americans with the $750 billion he showered on his political friends like Solyndra.

  11. Obummer is the biggest lier yea right you can keep your doctor yea a grown man can go in to the little girls bathroom he is a pervert he’s afraid to admit he’s gay he’s afraid to admit he’s muslim run the country in the ground he had no respect from world leaders made a jackass out of himself in front of the queen and married big mike

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