Obama On ‘False Narrative’ Of 2020 Election, Voter Suppression Efforts – Car Mod Pros Portal

During an interview with the Economic Club of Chicago, former President Barack Obama says Republican-lead voting measures is “dangerous behavior we are going to have to push back on.”

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#Obama #2020Election #Votersuppression


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “Obama On ‘False Narrative’ Of 2020 Election, Voter Suppression Efforts”
  1. "Try not to be partisan". Absolute verifiable lie. The Republicans absolutely condemned those actions. There are zero voter suppression activities from GOP. Zero. Obama is lying to your faces. Keep accepting this… and it will be your fault that America continues down a path that thinks Biden is good for America. The dem party along with big media and big tech got biden in office by hiding the truth. If you can't see that? Welll… nothing more to say. They sold you out for power. Period. It is sickening. Look deep. Before it's too late.

  2. You need to be willing to show an ID to cash a check. Sorry Obama. You need to be willing to show an ID to vote. Voting is not a right because you breathe oxygen.
    Voting is a right of your US Citizenship.

  3. After 2016 the dems wanted to change how we vote because it was a bad system because Hillary lost to trump, but in 2020, the system didn't change but now it's the best system because biden won over trump, mmmmm

  4. I voted for him twice… & I honestly am struggling to trust him… there’s too much questionable things happening.. why didn’t he help us in Chicago with bodies being murdered when he was president.. why doesn’t he get with his connections & get us help for the youth..?? He helped DACA youth, he helped LBGT rights, he didn’t help us stop these young folks from killing each other..

  5. Why is he still talking?? Go awayyyyyyyy with your high paid security. You dont care. The people are dealing with the venomous snakes u let in during ur presidency and the repercussions. Literally….STOP.

  6. One of the most ignorant and divisive people in our country. His disgraced party claimed Russia stole the election for 4 years. Even after being proven false. Pathetic cult.

  7. Obama 'embraise' your heritage from Africa! You grew-up in Africa – so stop telling people what to do or what not! You blacks hate our whites in Africa, because you are all racists. Now, you have a lot to say about everything! Shut-up! Go, and get a descent job and stay out of politics! You had 2 terms in the white house – what did you achieve? NOTHING!

  8. Wealthy Globalists like George Soros and the Rothchilds are evil and want
    to control the world and want to take all your rights away like your right
    to own guns and your right to free speach. Globalists are responsible
    for election fraud and the virus.Globalist also control the Democrats,
    Mainstream media, sports, Hollywood and social media. Globalists are
    responsible for election fraud and the virus. Globalists removed Trump
    because Trump wants the people of the world to have the power and
    freedom. Go to the website X22report.com for the truth. They have daily


  10. I am a Centrist looking at this Voter issue from an outsiders point of view, and from what I’ve seen voter integrity has now been politicized.
    Voter integrity should be a top priority, no matter what side you’re on.
    A valid voter ID SHOULD be required, it is just in every Country in the world, if the cost or availability is an issue to certain demographics we should focus and work on facilitating proper IDs to individuals in need, but certainly not associate having a valid ID as voter suppression or whatever other nonsense their saying.

  11. Imagine Americans disturbed by Marxism! Obama’s constant hyperbole is exhausting. The riots of Jan 6th infuriated most Americans but it didn’t compare to the riots all year in our cities. The African American community was battered by the riots & Obama should call it out. You started the great divide in this country

  12. When a white woman such as Chelsea Handler is telling a black man such as Curtis "50cent" Jackson that he cant cant vote because he is black for a certain person, I'm pretty sure there was some voter oppression going on, Biden stating that "if you dont vote for me then you ain't black" is voter oppression, all you nitwits did it anyways

  13. Rigging the game is not a fair competition, just think of all those petitions our Governor's had to summit to the Senate to Stop the Abuse of power from the Demorates, Barak Obama didn't stop to think or see ,it was also affecting his children, he needs to start thinking of how it's going to affect the young people and their future.

  14. The "pandemic" rules that were supposed to be put in place only for this last election, worked in the Democrats favor and they want to keep those rules in place. It is EXREMELY obvious that those rules make elections less secure and harder to ensure the integrity of the results. The Republicans want to ensure the integrity of elections. And the only "false narrative" being pushed is this insane idea by people like Obama that the GOP is trying to suppress the minority vote. The Republican politicians keep asking "how are we trying to suppress the minority vote? It is you Democrats that have the racist attitude if you think minorities don't possess government issued identification cards?" The Democrats never answer that. They just keep saying over and over that the GOP is exhibiting "dangerous behavior". The way they keep pointing back to January 6th as their excuse to set up a one party system of government is the true "dangerous behavior".

  15. Why has Obama looks so much like Fauci, even their lips moving in same manner. Sad zombies trying to lie, but pointless. They sure have one thing in common, the CCP virus crime against humanity.

  16. The false narrative is Mr Obama's. There were issues with the election that need to be audited so we can determine how to protect against them in the future and whether or not one way or the other it affected the outcome. Given the controversy and citizen concern about the election such an independent forensic audit (these are not recounts) is a prudent thing to do. Anyone who questions it needs to have their motivations questioned, including Mr Obama.
    The voter laws being put in place in reality make voting easier and cheating harder anyone who argues with that also needs to have their motivations question including Mr Obama. HR1 & S1 are nothing more than legalized voter fraud to benefit the Democratic party which intends to be in power in perpetuity based on those bills. Thank God reasonable Democrats are pushing back as well as conservatives. My opinion

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