NYPD announce break in manhunt for Barnard student’s death – Car Mod Pros Portal

Police have questioned the 14-year-old believed to have wielded the knife used to stab Tessa Majors to death.


By carmodpros


21 thoughts on “NYPD announce break in manhunt for Barnard student’s death”
  1. I keep seeing people posting that this case is like the Central Park Five case when in fact there is no similarities. In the Central Park Five case there was a large group of black teens numbering up to 30 black teens with some Hispanics that came into Central Park and began assaulting and mugging people randomly, (all the victims were white)and at the same time they were committing the crimes a white woman was raped , five of those teens were wrongly accused of that rape. The fact is the Central Park Five were not really innocent people they had viciously assaulted and robbed different people that night but they were innocent of the rape charge. The murder of Tessa Major had nothing to do with a rape or a very large group of thugs who had committed dozens of assaults that evening she was murdered.

  2. Those little punks are lucky we’re not in the 1940’s otherwise they would have been lynched and they would have deserved it!

  3. A stupid ass 14 yr old who stabbed or participated in that fatal stabbing of that young woman for HER possessions was allowed to be released, allowed to walk about on the streets!!?? Are the people in that judicial system CRAZY!! All of those bastards should be locked up!! Oh well he'll be found DEAD soon, watch.

  4. “A massive two week manhunt” lmao to find a 14 year old.

    The NYPD Detective squad are trash 🗑

  5. When you grow up fast in a community that you rely on as your family( streets), you are capable of hiding yourself for a couple weeks. I’m pretty sure this “child” is capable of understanding what he has done. I’m sure he knows damn well the outcome . . If you are gonna go soft on a harsh crime, hold whomever was responsible for this child accountable than! Stop bringing race into everything that happens in life. It has nothing to do with their choice that day! Stop making excuses for people that wanna act grown until they get caught! You do the crime, you do the time. People are grieving right now . Children that aren’t taught to work for what they need, or being taken care of by their parents decided to take a life over her possessions.. We hate our presidents, our government, yet we fail to raise what we claim we hate in this country. Wake up! Stop creating hate out of every crime involving different races! If you raise your kids right, none of this would ever happen! God bless. I pray for all parties involved! ✌️

  6. They all need to be charged as adults and sent to prison. Who cares if they never had a record or not off with their heads.

  7. WHAT? RELEASED to his attys WITHOUT charges? Last time I knew that anyone at the scene of the murder are accessories and in most are charged as if they killed the person. WTF NY? Freaking Democratic state that let's people get away with murder, literally!

  8. I'd hate to be a lawyer. You gotta defend those who brutally and unlwafully kill innocent ones. I would never want that job.

  9. Terminate their lives. They can not be rehabilitated. They will only grow stronger and more violent.

  10. What they won’t say is how NYC has a endless amount of unsolved murders.They killed VICKY VAILE but NewYorkers walk different like me I wear like 10k worth of jewelry no surprise I help RAPPERS break I was really popular but I walk only in the light where the military is it’s still very scary even for me so I can imagine thinking I was safe not reading the grimace right I MEAN ALL THE OTHER ARTIST one ring is everything I got in other words if I go anywhere it’s the same direction all the time BEING KNOW keeps you from dying in jail like I would probably get robbed by staff IF I FELT UNSAFE I WOULD SWITCH STATES.. I WAS GOING TO START A SEPARATE COMMITTEE FOR WARRANT ARREST OUT MY HEAD YOU WANNA JOIN!!! It’s not just black people with warrants also don’t go there

  11. If evadance shows STRONG CONNECTION to murder ,, tried as an adult should B stroungly considerd. They knew what they were doing an didn't give fuck about her life. (🇺🇸👎)

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