NYC Mayor de Blasio remarks after judge recommends NYPD officer fired in Eric Garner case | ABC News

NYC Mayor de Blasio remarks after judge recommends NYPD officer fired in Eric Garner case | ABC News

#EricGarner #DanielPantaleo #NYPD

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26 thoughts on “NYC Mayor de Blasio remarks after judge recommends NYPD officer fired in Eric Garner case | ABC News

  1. At the end of the day you can't put your life in the police hands. I will never lay down allowing another man to take my life. No one's job gives them the right to take any one's life. This so called due process doesn't serve justice for black Americans.

  2. This mayor is a funny individual he political mayor. And he cares about himself. If this individual becomes president we will have absolute chaos and deep economic depression. There are good officers and bad ones. But you will destroy the court of law. The world is watching this mayor and laughing.

  3. Love all the, “victims” comments on here. How about you take responsibility for YOUR actions, and listen when an officer tells you to leave! Instead of arguing and resisting. You better be VERY careful what you wish for, because you just might get it!

  4. De Blasio is making a consistent error in his public talking points on Garner. I saw him make this same mistake on a recent interview w/ Hot 97.

    Rather than fully being present to Garner's case — the FULL justice HIS family deserves, De Blasio KEEPS rushing ahead in a way that is so inconsiderate and hurtful to Garner; as if Garner's life didn't matter; was some kind of sacrificial example; as if there aren't real people TODAY who deserve some true completion regarding his death.

    But De Blasio keeps just ZOOMING PAST THAT for some reason, instead reaching for:

    "We can't have another again."
    "I just know we have to change the future."
    "We have to do our best in the future."

    …but what about the family, TODAY, that just lost their father (AND his daughter, btw); their husband; their beloved? What is the full resolution to THIS issue, first?

    It feels very dissatisfying / bothersome / concerning as a NYC native to keep hearing him doing this; as if the initial upset (even in the public's own psyche) is not yet taken seriously or fully resolved.

    Even if entirely well-meaning, which I imagine he may be, De Blasio is simply too 30,000 feet + wonkish on this. Before jumping of the future of "next time!", he needs to show us he takes very seriously THIS time.

    De Blasio should do a better job at showing authentic compassion for and accountability on behalf of the loss of this family, in the here and now. An on-the-ground reality.

    Hoping someone on his comms team reads this — and in fact, I'll email this to his office + hope it gets through there, too.

  5. This race baiting pos Mayor was the worst thing to happen to NYC & the NYPD… Monday morning quarter backs speaking on situations they have never been in or know nothing of. DISGRACEFUL judgement

  6. If I shot the cop, I would be charged with murder and jailed for life,cop shoot's a man and get's fired, but can get a job down the fucking justice here,cop need's to be in jail for life with out parole.ftp.

  7. Without question, the officer used a chokehold on Mr. Garner which is against the law. Therefore, the officer must be tried in a court of law for disobeying the law and contributing to Mr. Garner's death. This is a wrongful death case if I ever saw one.

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