NY Governor says schools will remain closed for the rest of the year | ABC News

NY Governor says schools will remain closed for the rest of the year | ABC News

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo says schools will “remain closed for the rest of the year,” and asks schools “to start now developing a plan to reopen. And the plan has to have protocols in place that incorporate everything that we are now doing in society.” https://abcn.ws/3bT2bPO

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47 thoughts on “NY Governor says schools will remain closed for the rest of the year | ABC News

  1. What does he mean by end of the year they said it will open in September so now it January I assume there should be no school till September I’m a student and I hate how perfect the government makes school seem mostly high school no body is talking how to make the education better most people are robots lessoning to the government like they are perfect at making decisions but sometimes those decisions can have a effect on the students and teachers. wake up people

  2. nyc students everywhere are probably taking screenshots of this and sending it to their parents to try to get out of school for the rest of the year. the headline is either poorly-written or clickbait. can't decide.

  3. If NYC has been locked down for at least a month or more, and people are practicing social distancing, why the heck are there still so many cases of the virus occurring each day? Doesn't make sense to me… Unless, people are NOT staying inside, are NOT social distancing, and outsiders are still traveling into the city.

  4. What we have learnt about COVID-19 so far how to live and allow Covid-19 to live with us for decades to come like many millions other Viruses and germs?

    (i) Yes without any doubt it is proved that COVID-A9 is the newest and deadliest Virus able to spread all over the globe and kill many human beings.

    (ii) It is less powerful to kill animals and spread with wind and air but has limitation of 10-20 feet length.

    (iii) It has 5-10 days of life outside the body and gets easily killed by soap, detergent and disinfection agents. (iv) It has deadliest power of clogging tiny blood vessels in the body, mostly in internal organs starting with lungs, heart, kidneys and liver.

    (v) It has also power to hide in the healthy young and immune bodies without attacking but spreading her kingdom. Luckily, it can also develop her own enemies of antibodies in healthy bodies which can easily resist her strength. Means more than 80% will be automatically immune from her deadly attack.

    (vi) Most about 65-75% of her victims are old, low-immune and sick people.

    (vii) It is also proved that it can kill only 3-6% of her victims making others sick in need of extra oxygen and ventilator to survive.

    (viii) It is also true that it has magnificent power of attacking many human beings even though they are masked, gloved and have wore all protective gears.

    (ix) The worst it has created a monstrous fear in minds of all human beings and created the worst social stigma of untouchable-fear making her the centuries Frankenstein and forced almost everyone to hide from her locking down in their own home.

    (x) The last but not least finally it is getting proved that the cost of her lockdown, fearing and hiding from her is many hundreds time more than if we had allowed her to take her own course hiding only the vulnerable people. More human beings will suffer badly, many will lose jobs, lives and the financial world will surely be upside down. And if politician like Trump will not keep his head cool but will try to blame others and force others to pay for the losses, he will surely invite much deadliest World War killing many millions and ending the civilization too.

  5. Wow, the governor of my podunk boondocks state announced this a week ago, and issued stay at home orders 2 weeks before NY ……I guess taking care of business and not scheduling major announcements around press coverage is faster and more efficient than grandstanding.

  6. Cuomo, “we must protect our children” yes…except those children in their mothers womb whose increased deaths we actually cheered the day we passed a law in NY to kill these babies up to the day of the birth…and of course we did this under the guise of women’s health care and choice! But now no one can have choices how they want to live their daily lives and he’s trampled on the civil liberties of his constituents…all for political power and control of the people.

  7. Boy sounds it would be better to home school the kids. Kids will be kids , you really can't control them. Sounds like a breeding ground for abuse and suspensions in these Democrat states.

  8. Don’t challenge the Guv or he’ll get Fredo to threaten to beach-slap you!

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