NY governor debuts states hand sanitizer, made by prisoners

NY governor debuts states hand sanitizer, made by prisoners

The sanitizer will be provided to government agencies, schools, prisons and transit workers due to shortages stemming from the novel coronavirus. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/3cMULhO

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40 thoughts on “NY governor debuts states hand sanitizer, made by prisoners

  1. No way the FDA approved a prison to make pharmaceuticals like this😂 the fda is real picky i know wanted to make some to sell but the fda prohibits that. But u can ask for donations lol so we have plenty of loop holes

  2. Pretty fishy how he went and made all this hand saniterz right before the outbreak did he have some inside knowledge this was going to happen? Or did he just have a lucky guess like honestly people that fool had something to dew with it

  3. So are you gonna share this amazing product with NYC? This should be available at every subway entrance, school, and playground.
    A week later here in Brooklyn with absolutely NO sign of any intervention from the city let alone any testing available. Pathetic

  4. Why not put them in jail for raising prices.
    Corperation never go to jail if they brake the law instead they make the same product to make the corperation bring down the prices.
    Put them in jail and the next time nobody will raise prices since jail would fix this problem

  5. Warning. Don't buy any hand sanitizers from Amazon. They ran out days ago with the regular stuff and are now selling sanitizers from foriegn countries. For example the label will show the quantities measured in mls. A bottle will show 60mls but that's only 2 ounces and there selling it for a ridiculous price. Especially when you add shipping. Please pass this on.

  6. According to the CDC, you can use a 60 percent vodka, (read the label), add Solarcaine Coolaloe sunburn lotion has some lidocaine which helps from any alcohol stinging. Add essential oil, start with a few drops and add to your liking. The essential oil can be replaced with vanilla extract. The formula is fine without any added fragrance. This can be used if all other sources are unavailable.The formula: vodka is 1 and 1/2 parts, to 1 part aloe Vera gel. Measure with a shot glass. This is not rocket science!

  7. Wtf is wrong with this dude 😂 Is he really someone's Governor?

  8. At least he honest on where it is coming from 😂😂

  9. I am not saying this hand sanitizar is good but whats the problem with making prisioners to work for the goverment. Japan does that and it helps a lot the economy and at the same time people in jail stops been lazy and helping with nothing.

  10. I hope people that are going crazy over sanitizer know there’s this thing called soap 🧼
    Which is better than hand sanitizer anyways

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