NY bans chokeholds in series of police reforms

NY bans chokeholds in series of police reforms

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in a tweet called this “a historic moment” for New York.

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47 thoughts on “NY bans chokeholds in series of police reforms

  1. Channel 6 in Milwaukee banned opions on threads like this. I say KEEP choke holds on threating power sized subjects and BAN tasers. If you aint big enough to be a cop don't sign on. That includes me. Cops should have military experience which includes hand to hand combat. Tasers should be banned bright yellow or not for my safety and yours, and pot aint anyones business but the smoker his or him self…nature…mind your own business [period]

  2. I find ny has the most moronic gun laws I ever seen, it also has the highest murder by gun rate in the country in 2020 yeah good work. This guy stands with the protesters! His words in this video. Member that when you vote how he let crazy ass people destroy my. It was so sad to see how it turned to trash where I was in NYC just 2 years ago. Looks like a poor village in Africa now

  3. Qualified immunity (officers can’t be sued), police unions (policing cant be changed and bad cops can’t get fired), body cams (no punishment for turned off body cams), racial profiling (blacks are the ones being harassed), the blue wall (“good cops” can’t speak up out of fear of career being destroys).

    Until you fix these things.. everything els is close to mute.

  4. Every man for his self 🙏 we cant trust them so I think that every man should have the right to defend his self who so ever die put him in the bag with a toe tag. Mutha- fuk it

  5. Oh, just wait, the only places that will pass this pathetic lunacy are the places that will burn for it. Leftist paradise, pure incompetence.
    Why don't you call the UFC? Chokehold apparently is not effective.

  6. Police Brutality is Out Of Control
    We Must Continue To Protest
    Don’t Let Up
    Police Are Given To Much Power
    Defund And Downsize Police

  7. Sukahhhhhh🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂😂


  9. lol these changes literally mean nothing. if you believe real change is coming you are blind. these politicians know the game. cops are still going to be out screwing citizens over. there is not a single thing you can do other than a total overhaul that would make things better and that would take a decade to do. we have to change the entire culture inside police departments and that will take years. its not just police citizens also have to change.

  10. I was a child I never knew what politician was all they tell you to do is be doctors lawyers all that I didn’t get the education I needed because my family was poor ..

  11. Look that cop had over 15 complaints and nothing was done to retrain him…. Thay need to be on things. Come on. Police are important and should be respected…. Than do right…over 15 complaints… Really? Yet thay did nothing?

  12. There’s now 2 year waiting list to get on section 8 list which last 3 years. There’s a 5 year waiting list of affordable housing for families, elders and disabled children and adults.

  13. Look congress takes just a short trip with few congress people… Look at just there alcohol bill..will floor the working man…. A descrace..
    Compleatly out of touch with real life…

  14. I Agee with reform.. I agree with better schools for all…. But congress has done nothing for 3 years.thay need to be replaced…. Congress now is doing something becouse election is here…. But thay seriously need to be replaced wit people that work for our country… Non political people that do right.. Clean house time…..

  15. Yeh Cuomo. Your Democrat party is against school choice. Democrats raise taxes causing housing prices up. I’m sorry Trump reformed our criminal justice system. Why didn’t you do this before the riots? Vote all bloviating. Democrats out of office. That’s all Democrats do they blow hot air.

  16. See how long that last when an officer is in a fight for his life. You can carry a gun and discharge it at discretion but don't you dare choke someone. This is stupid pandering. It's not the chokehold restraint that's the problem. It's the length of time and pressure applied.

  17. Banning chokeholds could have saved the peaceful life of criminal George Floyd…. Or wait.. I guess it wouldn’t have..

  18. Still simping for Cuomo? Someone who has been in politics for decades and has never done a thing about this? The guy who killed countless people during Covid with the nursing home decision? Why listen to anything this guy has to say? If you want to neuter the police, then I'm not following your crappy laws.

  19. Corruption is still legal.🤔🤫

  20. Glad this man is on side of protesters and addresses the real issues of poverty and social caste in USA and police reform💝

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