NY Attorney General Report: Cuomo Sexually Harassed Multiple Women

NY Attorney General Report: Cuomo Sexually Harassed Multiple Women

Watch live coverage as the office of New York Attorney General Letitia James holds a press conference on a major announcement.

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Live: New York Attorney General Holds Press Conference | NBC News


39 thoughts on “NY Attorney General Report: Cuomo Sexually Harassed Multiple Women

  1. Congratulations on your decision to run. Women in power makes me smile so much. I will be cheering you and governor hochul on. As a woman you make me feel so proud. The race is on. Seeing women makes me happy. Your doing awesome as AG.

  2. Listening to the litany of inappropriate behavior by Cuomo, you can’t help but ask how baffling it is to see a posturing White Knight being so appalling in private.

  3. You should not be allowed to investigate someone who’s job you’re vying for. We’ve invaded 3rd world countries for less.

  4. Now she's next for Governor? I would say I believe these women if it let me climb this quickly. Before she believed him and doubted their stories and with no videos or audios she believes the women because so many came out of the blue. Politics as slimy as ever.

  5. ❤️❤️

  6. Well she got what she wanted! The governor will resign! Maybe she could do some real justice go after Prince Andrew and the Epstein bunch who trafficked young girls! Or is that too big a case for her? Over 100 girls who have been damaged with no justice served. If you are going to pick battles do it were you can.do the most good!

  7. This a joke…going by somebody's word and lies alone. This why are allegations…doubt convictions. I bet they fabricated the evidence…the toxic govt.
    Duh..get a clue why thousands move out New York besides high prices and taxes.

    Number one is revengeful. Why she in his mansion in first place?
    It seems accusers guilty too…a complication. Case dismissed. Sit on his lap kiss him? Ridiculous.

  8. @8:53 he basically said Cuomo sexually harassed a state trooper. Wait, what? And the state trooper didn’t arrest him on the spot. Wtf!

  9. My black sister, we the black community didn’t elect you to make Mickey Mouse accusations about sexual harassment against the white man in the work place while the brothas are getting Hulk Hogan knee drops on their heads. Are you serious right now?

  10. Her voice is amazing… she needs to host a crime show…

  11. FOLLOW ME😉 https://bit.ly/2X2dFhr






    #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑)


    #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

  12. Yes he might have stepped over the line since management 101 says no touching- even innocently- a subordinate. But the only thing that is suspect is the attorney general shocked expression- she looked like she needed to sit down🙄. Really? Surely her office has been involved with the prosecution of heinous crimes- like rapes , murders etc. Yet him putting his hand on someone’s back and a peck on a cheek makes her weak in the knees? Yes he might have been too touchy and flirted way too much and this was inappropriate but I believe he has a lot of enemies and they want him out.

  13. Name this accuser!! Newspapers report there is no physical evidence or
    witnesses. We don't know if this filing is timely. Cuomo is innocent
    until proved guilty. It is incredibly easy for a woman to accuse a man,
    besmirching him and remain anonymous, unlike the accused. The press
    reports charges could rise to sexual assault, a felony. The law has been
    weaponized towards men. He has been accused of touching or groping her
    breast(s) and her butt(ocks). Those are NOT sexual organs, but have
    been twisted by the law to be "private parts" thus sexual parts. That
    is a serious stretch. Jurors: If it goes to trial and you are hearing
    the case, employ Juror Nullification. Even if he did the touching or
    groping, you don't send a man to prison for that rudeness. The law
    should be stricken from the books. You find him not guilty because the
    law is unjust.

  14. Dems don't see that this is a political hit job??? 🙄🤬

  15. I think the Democrats are using this politically correct sexual harassment issue as a stand in for Cuomo's culpability in the far larger issue of the covid nursing home deaths. They just can't face up to the fact rabid anti-Trump derangement effected Cuomo and led to the death of thousands. But they know this guy is a liability, so under the bus he goes.

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