Number of data breaches rose in 2021

Number of data breaches rose in 2021

2021 was a record year for cyberattacks, according to one report.


22 thoughts on “Number of data breaches rose in 2021

  1. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and he will deliver you."
          -Psalm  50 :15

  2. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and he will deliver you."
          -Psalm  50 :15

  3. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and he will deliver you."
          -Psalm  50 :15

  4. This is great news for the people 🙂🚬

  5. Honble UPA Chairperson Smt Soniagandhi madum please fight for to implement Ballot Paper voting system in next MP elections in 2024and to save democracy in india and public opinion in favour of Ballot Paper voting system and right to vote is fundamental right.public opinion is foundation of democracy.

  6. To all libs… Go love yourself and let’s go Brandon, I agree!!!

  7. Holy Quran chapter 29, verse 61 (English Translation):

    If indeed thou ask them who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law), they will certainly reply, "Allah". How are they then deluded away (from the truth)?

  8. Yeah everybody knows the world economic forum put on a cyberattack just like they did this pandemic so expect major cyberattacks even though this is all controlled planned out

  9. Holy Quran chapter 29, verse 61 (English Translation):

    If indeed thou ask them who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law), they will certainly reply, "Allah". How are they then deluded away (from the truth)?

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