Number of cases of coronavirus grows in the US l ABC News

Number of cases of coronavirus grows in the US l ABC News

Harvard epidemiologist Dr. Eric Fygul Ding and former Homeland Security Adviser Tom Bossert joins ABC News Prime to discuss whether the nation is prepared for an outbreak.

ABC News Live Prime, Weekdays at 7EST & 9EST
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32 thoughts on “Number of cases of coronavirus grows in the US l ABC News

  1. Vaccine is feake The project was created in 2016 and is one of US

    pharmaceutical companies is responsible for all 7.5 billion people

    being forced to vaccinate The emergence of SARS-CoV heralded a new

    era in the cross-species transmission of severe respiratory illness

    with globalization leading to rapid spread around the world and

    massive economic impact3,4. Since then, several strains—including

    influenza A strains H5N1, H1N1 and H7N9 and MERS-CoV—have emerged

    from animal populations, causing considerable disease, mortality and

    economic hardship for the afflicted regions5. Although public health

    measures were able to stop the SARS-CoV outbreak4, recent

    metagenomics studies have identified sequences of closely related

    SARS-like viruses circulating in Chinese bat populations that may

    pose a future threat1,6. However, sequence data alone provides

    minimal insights to identify and prepare for future prepandemic

    viruses. Therefore, to examine the emergence potential (that is, the

    potential to infect humans) of circulating bat CoVs, we built a

    chimeric virus encoding a novel, zoonotic CoV spike protein—from

    the RsSHC014-CoV sequence that was isolated from Chinese horseshoe

    bats1—in the context of the SARS-CoV mouse-adapted backbone. The

    hybrid virus allowed us to evaluate the ability of the novel spike

    protein to cause disease independently of other necessary adaptive

    mutations in its natural backbone. Using this approach, we

    characterized CoV infection mediated by the SHC014 spike protein in

    primary human airway cells and in vivo, and tested the efficacy of

    available immune therapeutics against SHC014-CoV. Together, the

    strategy translates metagenomics data to help predict and prepare for

    future emergent viruses.


    DNA and mRNA vaccines require the introduction of foreign and

    modified genetic material into a person's cells, and previous studies

    have shown that such vaccines "have significant unpredictability

    and a number of inherent harmful potential threats" and that

    "there is insufficient knowledge to define the likelihood of

    unintended events or consequences of genetic modification.

    "Nevertheless, the climate of fear around the outbreak of

    coronavirus may be enough for the public and private sectors to

    develop and disseminate such controversial treatments because of

    concerns about the epidemic potential of the current outbreak.

    DNA in vaccines. New research


  2. do you know why? because they don't wear mask… stupid!!!!  without mask, you never overcome this stupid situation. Just follow smart asian

  3. This is a controlled bioweapon, do not trust your government, and whatever you do do not let them test you or inject you with anything, this is all part of their sick plan.

  4. And here comes the leftist Media fear mongering again…. anything to help make the market worse then blame it on trump. Amazing how they love to do anything to ruin this country as Long as they can blame it on the President…. fucking disgusting. Remember over 200,000 died when the swine flu broke out in 2009… didn’t really see anyone go crazy over it. 🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻

  5. COVID19 is a politcal game played by media and "demonic rats" to a certain extent. All the 100,000 people infected are not going to die. The FAKE media does not report on the cured numbers. The people who died are the marginal ones, the young and healthy adults are cured. So please do not panic. Yes we do have to find medicine for this virus but do not panic and make bad decisions. This is a propaganda used by the media to hurt our president. We have to be very careful about the virus but not to be worried.

  6. I thought the big Orange said we have nothing to worry about. I’m worried. I don’t believe or trust that he cares about me or most fellow Americans like me.

  7. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), seasonal flu has caused 9 million-45 million people sickened, 140,000-810,000 hospitalizations and 12,000-61,000 deaths ANNUALLY in the UNITED STATES ALONE since 2010.
    During the 2019-2020 flu season, so far, 8,200 deaths and 149,000 hospitalized.
    And the Coronavirus is a problem???

  8. Wake up Sheeple.
    It's over. They know we know the truth, if China and IRANians are dying. This is a bio-armagedom by US-UK. Most likely the decease will be controlled over the next decade with a vaccine, but it may cost 30k Million lives, no Joke; watch the video where Bill Gates explains it: TED talk We are not ready for a pandemic. Major economies, China, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, Japan. This is the ENDGAME.

  9. Once again, the Trump Administration is clueless and behind the power curve. Even after seeing China erecting a huge hospital the first week of February (in record time) to handle the surge of patients, spray-tan is still sitting on his thumbs, mindless, hoping for a miracle, rather than building some of our own. Even though the experts all say we will be swamped with sick people that very well could overwhelm our facilities, Trump prefers to deny deny deny. What works with sexual assaults, Russian loans, Russian election interference, withholding 100's of millions of military aid for help in an election, this virus will shrug off and ignore, and come right at us. US Senate, why oh why did you leave the brainless school-yard bully, with no clue, in office?

  10. finally one of them said people coughing/sneezing into masks even the flimsy ones is better than no mask at all…and years ago they should have made it mandatory that people who enter a hospital or dr office wear them…including all staff…cut back on all kinds of cross contaminations

  11. Fist pump this guy in the face for 6-9 months its contact transferable. Test, test and clinical trial after everyone has died! Just kill it using blacklight/laser in public areas, pharma has a solution if they see billions, they will take forever unless they see a profit they can milk from this virus.Sure its deadly as hell a perfect bioweapon, airborne and contact transferable and also highly contagious, potentially its PANDEMIC material, don’t be foolish enough to think their will be a vaccine anytime soon. Lets make global trade great again, LOL. Come on, don’t be a sheeple and fall for the fear, DEATH TO THE VIRUS long live Humanity! Solution to pathogens like corona virus, kills it safely and gets u better if not to chronic. Seriously WHO you can even do your job, a highly intelligent didn’t finish high school self taught person like me can find a solution after having studied alternative health for nearly four decades, you have no hope of a solution but this is one in your face now pay me some money for doing what you couldn’t do which was finding a valid solution

  12. I agree with the doctor. VERY DISAPPOINTED in this gov as they have KNOWN about this for HOW LONG?????? Knowing how China has all the medicines. Forget the China gov, it is NOT going to be transparent. And we are told to just travel to uninfected parts of korea and Italy. Really???? STOP travel in and out. CLose borders…even in the states now.

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