Early cases of COVID-19 are believed to be linked to a live-animal market in Wuhan, China.
#Coronavirus #COVID19 #News #Explainer #ABCNews #Outbreak
Early cases of COVID-19 are believed to be linked to a live-animal market in Wuhan, China.
#Coronavirus #COVID19 #News #Explainer #ABCNews #Outbreak
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Annihilate and stamp out the Novel Coronavirus, I root out it.
Eradicate and eliminate new coronavirus.
End and exterminate the infection caused by the new Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Be living in my eternal life, in one's own infinite space-time, be including thy all past, comprehend total era, contain my historical total own all selves, in myself.
我永é 一個人çâ€ÂŸ命ã«自身無é™ÂÂÂÂ時空ä¸ÂÂÂÂã«çâ€ÂŸãÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂã€ÂÂÂÂæ±ÂÂÂÂã®全ã¦ã®éÂÂÂŽ去をå«ã¿ã€ÂÂÂÂ全体ã™ã¹ã¦ã®時代を包括ç†解ãÂÂÂÂâ€â€ÂÂã€ÂÂÂÂç§ÂÂÂÂã®æ´å²ç·ÂÂÂÂ体自己全自身を自分自身ã«包å«有ã™。
I heal up, heal over oneself, admit one man, admonish self. Be the most admired admitted self. Self-longing! Self-healing! Self-admission! Self-admiration! Self-admonition! Self-admittance! Self-admonishment!
I restore my mobile phone, repair and make recovery, cancel remote lock.
I restore my mobile phone, repair and make recovery, cancel remote lock.
I hope scientists get the right read on this.
Other people:"Lockdown is boring"
BTS/A.R.M.Y:"sorry,can't relate"
Sorry for my bad english…I'm a filipino
POV: you came here because of your module
module made me watch this
My Module says "Hi"
Module brought me here.
Who else?
Thank you ðŸ˜ÅÂÂÂ
Module made me come here
i hope Qoronavirus leave us alone whoever see this comment i wish you,your family and the ones you love a healthy life….
Please check it out too
for a selection of news from official sources and the latest trends, take a look at https://ncov2019.tv
Kind of confused how these viruses are classified by our “scientistsâ€ÂÂÂÂ. Good viruses are referred to as “phagesâ€ÂÂÂÂ. Bad viruses are referred to as “bacteriaâ€ÂÂÂÂ. “Scientists†have worked tirelessly convincing the world Pluto wasn’t a planet cause it was simply to small, yet they can’t classify phages and bacteria into different categories? You know, the things that either help us or kill us. Mmmm… priorities.
Your Novella is a work of fiction. YoHeWaH, bring the false witnesses to their end.
Etymonline (Novel)-"fictitious prose narrative," 1560s, from Italian novella "short story," originally "new story, news," from Latin novella "new things" (source of Middle French novelle, French nouvelle)
Interesting that there is no mention of the Trump administration restricting entry into U.S. from China in January. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/31/business/china-travel-coronavirus.html
Covid facts https://youtu.be/SOehg-uOkYQ
Why they called it as Novel Corona Virus.???
Why Why.???? Why Novel.????
Here is the Bat soup story you heard
You can’t eat bats! Do you know that the doctors do not advise her?
I have also noticed that Trump puts in place and acknowledges publicly those who have skills in areas he does not.
He gives them a face to the American people… he isn’t portraying he’s doing it all by himself or seeking his own face time.
He is listening to, delegating, and empowering those who have a skill set. He is making decisive decisions, and making it known that he has confidence in them to carry out what needs to be done.
He is stepping aside on the podium to let someone else speak, giving them credit.. by name. (That’s humility people).
He protects his team from
the “heat†and takes the criticism. He praises and thanks them genuinely (publicly) for the tireless work they are doing.
He has a forward thinking positive outlook not a doomsday negative approach.
He and Vice-President Pence are a team… He trusts Pence.
All of that lines up with what a true team leader looks like.
I’m thankful for Trump, he may be salty at times… but he is a leader with our best interest at heart. BEST INTEREST AT HEART.
He can’t be bought, he doesn’t need money (he doesn’t even take the Presidential salary) and he doesn’t let “the media†determine what he does.
He chose to work for the American people and that is what he has and is doing. (he wasn’t looking for power or prestige he’s a Billionaire- he already had that).
I want a true team leader (with no political pockets) to lead our country… because that’s the only way anything gets done right.
Trump has exhibited those characteristics… sadly it is rare and what should be expected from all of those in leadership.
It has been encouraging to watch him lead, and for him to give credit where it is due.
A Great Team Leader:
1. Exhibits Confidence
2. Inspires Others
3. Has Commitment and Passion
4. Is a Good Communicator
5. Has strong Decision Making Capabilities
6. Holds Accountable
7. Delegates and Empowers
8. Is Creative and Innovative
9. Has Empathy
10. Is Resilient
11. Has Emotional Intelligence
12. Exhibits Humility
13. Is Transparent
14. Has Vision and Purpose
If you are honest with yourself… what kind of boss would you rather have? I know my answer.
okay im hearing different sh!t now damn dis about to drive me up my ass🙄
Your mortality map is very misleading. Russia has had 9 deaths, but you colored all 8 time zones, so it makes the deaths seem much more widespread. Thank you for repeatedly calling it a common cold.
.pray for as guys
Look at this MMS- https://jimhumble.co/blog/coronavirus-update-covid-19
What they haven't promoted is that the virus is airborne. What this means is, you can walk or run through air where the virus is circulating. This means you hands can be super clean, you never touch your face, but you BREATH in air that has the virus floating in it, the reason you need to be well clear of another human.
Fix your audio
i aint like this, scary, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i am scared!