Novak Djokovic fights to play in Australian Open

Novak Djokovic fights to play in Australian Open

The Serbian tennis star remains detained over a COVID-19 protocol dispute.


#WorldNewsTonight #NovakDjokovic #Tennis #AustralianOpen #COVID-19


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26 thoughts on “Novak Djokovic fights to play in Australian Open

  1. No he visto un tio tan Sinverguenza y majadero como este..Yo pregunto y toda esa gente que no puede entrar al Pais que esta en la misma situacion? que pasa, que no Apellidan Djokovic? que no tienen a un Ministro Ucraniano pidiendo que lo liberen, que no tienen toda esa pasta para pagar buenos abogados? La ley esta hecha para todos sin distincion alguna, tanto como si te llamas Djokovic como Pepito de los garrotes..El Gob Australiano se ha debilitado, eso nos muestra esta escena acontecida. Me preguntaba tambien si hubiese sido el caso de un No 200 de la ATP en vez de un No 1? seguro que inmediatamente deportado. salu2 y salid a la calle Australianos y botar a ese Geta. Seria bueno que todos los jugadores que participen en ese evento se niegen a jugar por tener un ANTIVACUNAS POTENCIALMENTE PELIGROSO de TRANSMICION. que harian en ese caso?

  2. Good on you young man. Shinning example to us all. Vaccine exemption is a load of rubbish its about time someone in a position like this has the balls to stand up for his right.

  3. The fact that all Australians have been subject to the tyranny of a government drunk on power and devoid of common-sense is hardly Novak Djokovic's fault. If there truly was an exemption from vaccination listed by the Australian government, if you had Covid in the last 6 months, then he should be allowed in and that's the end of it. And no amount of comments from Facebook scum, egotistical media commentators or vile Instagram rats should be allowed to influence the Australian government or the courts …. but the thing is that they probably will, because the Australian government is spineless and the Victorian State government is corrupt and drunk of their newly acquired power.

  4. Djokovic played a great hand. Visa aplication after cut-off, then he miraculously gets covid, has immunity ( again) after 14 days ( dec 30), and flies to AUS. A judge rules on PROCEDURAL FAIRNESS, NOT ON AUSTRALIA'S RIGHT TO ENFORCE ENTRY LAWS! SO really, anyone can now come in , as long as they KNOW the RACKET! Now U try arguing your visa entry information going to the USA , or EU!

  5. Sad how the mainstream are so brainwash that the vaccine-free are persecuted for their personal medical choice. What a mockery of a government body to try to use Novak as an scapegoat. We all stand with you Novak.

  6. Let him play on line 😀😀 lend him play station so he can play from hotel and everyone gets happy !!#

  7. Djokovic played a great hand. Visa aplication after cut-off, then he miraculously gets covid, has immunity ( again) after 14 days ( dec 30), and flies to AUS. A judge rules on PROCEDURAL FAIRNESS, NOT ON AUSTRALIA'S RIGHT TO ENFORCE ENTRY LAWS! SO really, anyone can now come in , as long as they KNOW the RACKET! Now U try arguing your visa entry information going to the USA , or EU!

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