Notre Dame Fire: Churches in Paris ring bells to honor cathedral | ABC News

Notre Dame Fire: Churches in Paris ring bells to honor cathedral | ABC News

Paris marks the moment Monday’s fire broke out by ringing church bells throughout the city.

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34 thoughts on “Notre Dame Fire: Churches in Paris ring bells to honor cathedral | ABC News

  1. Slappy White, if Notre Dame and other cathedrals had never existed, the problems you mentioned would still exist. There has never been a
    Perfect world, and never will be. Maybe that is one of the main reasons people turn to religion, to give them spiritual comfort amid so many problems that will never be, or fully solved

  2. So let it take another 200 years ,if I rebuilt it ,I would use old timber,and someone who knows how to do it. Then we need to plant trees ,for the next 200 years ! So sad! I seen the same thing happen to a beautiful church ! Some things you can't replace! Team trump !

  3. I am reminded of the poverty of spirit of this age and of Jesus' words from this last Palm Sunday: that if his message were suppressed 'even the stones would cry out." Perhaps the fire of the Cathedral represents their very stones crying out.

  4. LOL. Stop this drama, crybabies. This was just a church. There are hundreds of churches like this in Europe that are also 900ish years old. Calm down bitches. These European churches all look alike. Besides, if you want to visit Notre Dame de Paris, please play Assassin's Creed: Unity.

  5. It makes me sick how much money and how fast it piled up for the restoration. Meanwhile we've got nuclear reactors leaking tons of radiation in to the ocean and air and nobody cares, millions of people starving in the street and nobody cares, millions of sick people that can't afford life saving meds and nobody cares. What is the matter with everyone. I think you've all lost touch with reality and if any of you were as dedicated to godly pursuits as you'd have us think you'd all be ashamed of yourselves.

  6. So funny Who really cares 😂🔥🔥🔥

  7. Credit to ABC for not cutting it short. Notre Dame represents so much more than Catholicism at least to me a non-Catholic. It represents Western Civilization and reminds me that the church preserved the foundational ideas of the West.

  8. I am so heartbroken by this. What idiot would do such a thing to something important to Paris like Notre Dame? 😥

  9. Reply "🇫🇷F 🇫🇷" to pay respect for Notre Dame

  10. This isn’t just for religious purposes, the Notre Dame was one of the most iconic and oldest historical landmarks to stay intact (until now), not just that it took a long while to build and was beautiful and enormous, so I guess it is big deal if it caught on fire

  11. USA here and we are praying for this and USA giving money so sad this great and GOD BLESS OUR GREAT FRIENDS IN PARIS..IT BURNED THE GREAT CHURCH BUT THE LOVE REMAINS.

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