North Korea Summit 2019: Trump, Kim Jong Un meet in Hanoi, Vietnam for second summit

North Korea Summit 2019: Trump, Kim Jong Un meet in Hanoi, Vietnam for second summit

The president and North Korean leader hold their second summit in less than a year.

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44 thoughts on “North Korea Summit 2019: Trump, Kim Jong Un meet in Hanoi, Vietnam for second summit

  1. The right deal would be, that not just North Korea, but also the USA denuclearizes their Country.
    Else there shouldn't be a deal.
    The US has no right, to keep nuclear weapons, while others are helpless and could easily be blackmailed through the US.
    The US is NOT the world police and it shouldn't be.
    Infact the US should move out of any foreign country and de-weaponize any foreign land. (For instance Venezuela)
    They have no right to create hostile Points, outside of their own country.
    Next what should be done, is the end of all sanctions. Every country has the right to trade and rule over themselves.
    The US has no right to block other countries from trade, in order to get resources.

    But none of this will happen, because the US thinks it's the world police and the population of the US cheers this foreign policy on.

  2. I do though have to be honest, I do realize that among the garbage from the corrupt social media, I also recognize sometimes in politics, there are good reporters who only want to ask some questions that may be difficult to find out some things, and I do see that if ever there was a friendly but shy or timid reporter Trump pushing those particular reporters to speak up loud enough or quickly. I support Trump, especially when people can be very hateful, however I don't want to pretend like I don't disagree with him along with others on anything, to be honest, I don't agree with Trump on how he may respond to a timid reporter or someone who doesn't speak up loud or fast enough. I enjoy Trump sending the mean reporters far away when they want to give him a hard time, but sometimes among all the ignorance from the corrupt media there also at the same time may be friendly and timid or shy reporters of their questions they want to ask. I just don't think it's nice from anyone, especially Trump, to push someone to speak up or speak fast when someone is quiet and timid cause I'm a shy, quiet girl myself, and I'm so glad and lucky not to be a reporter because I clearly can see how rough the job must be to speak up. I understand, that it's a good way to boost maturity and professionality with rookies and ameteurs who lack a lot of potential, but still, I'm just very sensitive with the whole "speak up" toughness from anyone, and believe me I've faced lots of tough, rough, and mean people who have in the past pushed me to speak even though I was a quiet and shy girl and of course, a lot of people were worse than Trump with a timid reporter. Of course I understand Trump's only trying to do his job as a president, but I know that's one thing I just don't agree with Trump or anyone, is "Speak up!" It's common sense for a pro to be tough with an ameteur, but I just don't think it's polite for anyone to be tough with a friendly, shy, or timid person trying to speak up the best they can in their effort and push someone to speak up! I don't know, I'm just afraid if that were me to be a good reporter to try to ask a question, and if I were timid or too quiet, I would probably feel a little upset later, but of course it's good I'm just an ordinary girl because I wouldn't be okay if I were one, however none of that matters on if you're feelings can get hurt, right?!! So I guess it's no big deal how mean it is of anyone to expect you to speak up even though you're doing the best you can in your effort, because efficiency is more important than effort, right?!! I don't agree with people correcting me, cutting me off, or expecting me to speak up even though I'm very shy, but it's okay, I can't be hard on everyone for it even if it is sort of rude, and besides, the president did well in his speech. I'm sure Obama was extremely rude and impolite with shy, quiet people who don't speak up loud or fast enough more than any other president, and a whole lot more than Trump ever was. Obama was so cruel, hateful, mean, rude, and impolite with a lot of nice reporters, and to top it all, he was a bad president and didn't help our country whatsoever! I just wanted to be honest, I'm a very sensitive person with tough and mean people, that's all!

  3. For a beautiful moment of peace between Trump and Kim Jong Un, ABC is reporting the wonderful exciting event so badly!!!!!! ABC News, why do you continuously, like all the corrupt media, enjoy making fun of Trump and destroying our country, you know you guys are the enemy of the people!!!!!!!!!! CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC News, and all other media and social media is so full of corruption!!!!!!!!! ABC News, you are a dictator and you need to stop bullying the president and people who support him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Trump pulled out because he couldn’t suffer the fancy lunch. So he said, “Screw it, we’re pulling out. I’m going to go get some hamberders.”

  5. God-bless our Nation God will help us understand our future and our society by providing us with his Son Jesus Christ our Superstar will always love us unconditional and he will give you the same gift that God gave him to understand what God wants from us in Jesus Christ our Superstar Name Amen

  6. Welcome to VietNam 🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  7. This is very bad meeting without results. Very very ineffective. I think Trump should have concluded:
    1. Sign peace treaty with nk
    2.nk denuclearize. That is great. If not, they still keep. America not support economy
    3.if no denuclearize, our country you live. My country i live . No touch each other. No war any more

    4.if denuclearize. America support nk at full capacity.
    5. Keep on joint military drills with sk and Japan to take precaution against China in east sea.
    I am sure. This is the best accord for asia.

  8. Asian people are funny looking. Shortman syndrome
    . In a good way. Reminds me of a Weiner dog I had growing up as a little kid. I'd get close while she would chew her bone, she'd growl the closer I got. Eventually I had to stop when my mother would yell. She caught on.

  9. "You've got the presidents intelligence" hahahahhaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, # None.
    From outside the USA we regard him as a complete Ass!!! eg. No Intelligence whatsoever.
    Nothing to do with fake news like he tries to hide behind, he's just plain stupid who is bad for the USA. Don't know why I even care??? it's your country????


  11. USA 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  12. This deal wont happen. Its one of the nuances of democracy. Imagine being Kim the dictator, and even if you happen to strick a deal with Trump only to have it overturned in 2020 or 2024 by the Democrats or RINOs. Kim is not foolish and while he may want to bring his country unto the world stage more, he will not jeopardize his position by throwing away his one deterrent of other nations attacking him. Trump can not guarentee 100 years of peace. Maybe 1 maybe 5 at most even if Trump is being honest in first place. But those nukes sure make peace preferable for the foreseeable future.

  13. Denis Rodman should be knighted for helping his fellow man and be considered for the Nobel Peace prize as should Trump – just talking is critical and I so much agree to let them build a relationship – killing is much easier from away – give them some credit – Trump is like a father figure to this young leader and helps if nothing else – they all deserve credit really

  14. you can blame this failure on dem's running cohen and mistrust, you can blame the inexperience of the trump family , Jared and in-laws who he inserts in everything and are incompetent, and you can blame the GOP neo-cons who actually prefer war over peace and lied over WMD's when crooked Bush was calling the shoots – and the crooked Hillary death marks against former midwest leaders were greed may have superseded the People's best interest – my mere opinions – this was not totally Trump
    s fault but he needs folks around him – the Best and Brightest – pompeo is his best advice – who aren't jerk offs

  15. With regards to the LAST DAYS – 1 Thessalonians 5:3 " While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape."

  16. What really happened is when Trump heard about Cohen spilling the beans and naming all kinds of people for further investigations, he became panicked and
    derailed the Summit so he could get back as soon as possible for damage control.

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