A fireworks display above Pyongyang closed out the year 2020.
#NewYearsEve #NewYear2021 #Goodbye2020 #Fireworks #ABCNews
A fireworks display above Pyongyang closed out the year 2020.
#NewYearsEve #NewYear2021 #Goodbye2020 #Fireworks #ABCNews
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ì¸민들 다 죽어가ëŠâ€ÂÂÂë°, 김정ì€ 배불릴려고ëˆì„ 마구잡ì´로 쓰네
the lag lol
All i can hear h8ji kon ai jimnjin hosung kong pontsuy lay lay lalalalaay lmao WTF
This is the first video ive seen them wearing mask.. Im ust curious how will covid reach north korea when they have closed borders all the time. If they even have tourist coming in, its very limited and they closed borders as early as january last year.
The music is so funny
1:25 lovely communist bear
Poor Country but more powefull weapons salute NK people from philippines
와 신기՘다.
Congratulations to North Korea. A country where there has been zero evidence of any electoral fraud and where the elections are free and fair. (As confirmed by the mainstream media, court system and Government in North Korea) Just like the USA.
I am Antikrest.ru Sol Invictus, I am risen. Give me your vows when Zenobia brought the son of Vabalates to the Vatican of the Danube
The music is fire
Even n korea got peace ✌ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
The whole thing is a bit eerie
Here we go again!! Those America hating, take a knee, communist inner city thugs in Atlanta are in the process of stealing yet another election from the good people of Georgia…. again. I understand that they are using those same rigged voting machines and absentee ballots that they used to steal the presidential election from Trump. I live in Alabama and our state government was able to run a fair and legal election over here but apparently the Georgia state government doesn't mind allowing a bunch of inner city criminals to rob the good, decent folks of Georgia of their constitutional right to a fair and just election.
The founding fathers of this nation fought a bloody revolutionary war to give Americans our constitutional rights. One of those rights is the 2nd amendment right to keep and hold arms to protect ourselves from the tyranny of an abusive and unfair government. If what the Georgia state government is doing to the law abiding citizens of Georgia right now doesn't fit the description of abuse and tyranny I don't know what does.
I have family in Georgia and I have great respect and admiration for the good people of Georgia and all that they have accomplished but I have to admit, that right now, as an Alabamian, I am embarrassed for the hard working, law abiding citizens of Georgia as I watch the inner city communist thugs of Atlanta bitch slap them to the ground and rob them of their constitutional right to a fair and honest election.
All I can do is pray that the good citizens of Georgia will find the courage to stand up to these lawless, America hating inner city criminals and reclaim what is rightfully theirs.
What's to be happy about? Another miserable year of having to deal with that scumbag Kim Jun un
What? Comments are open for north korea, but closed for ABC news?
Have you forgotten what they did to Otto Warmbier look it up
⚠︠Warning ⚠︠This Media Outlet has Questionable, Politically Biased financing and reporting as determined by the “General Public of Americaâ€ÂÂÂÂ
The music is good.
Hello, I am pharaoh of Egypt, your new friend, and I am in the garden of your house from today, and I want you to visit the garden of my house so we can keep in touch. Like 750 ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ♥ï¸ÂÂÂÂ💜🌹
Fireworks and an execution.
Auch Edward snoweden verarscht die ganze welt
Der Frieden mit korea und Amerika war nur ein Grund zum korea lahm zu legen sie haben was sehr schlimmes mit mir gemacht alles hat mit mein Vater angefangen der mich jedes Wochenende vergewaltigt
shame on you for blocking the comments sections on the youtube videos on your QAndA channel ABC, there are important discussions that need to take place on forums such as these, and you are part of an obstacle to this free speech, shame on you ABCQandA – ABC, are you a broadcaster for the public or not? #ShameOnABCQAndA
God receive all the gretments that we make for him or them( as Elhoim)