Analysts said a crane and support vessels at a navy shipyard suggest a submarine-launched missile is being readied to test.
#ABCNews #News #NorthKorea #DMZ
Analysts said a crane and support vessels at a navy shipyard suggest a submarine-launched missile is being readied to test.
#ABCNews #News #NorthKorea #DMZ
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The Russians built these clunkers in the 1960s they were called the Golf class SSB. They could carry 3 missiles in a modified sail but the catch was they lacked the ELF signal capability of the USN. This forced them to surface to get approval to fire. Being it’s based on antiquated Zulu class diesel boat tech ( which itself was heavily based on the 75 plus year old German type XXI U-boat ). Would ensure this subs chances to actually break out into the Pacific Ocean were heavily limited. If this bucket was tracked even moving in the general direction of the United States, then you would see ASW assets being deployed very heavily. This includes P-3 Orion and P-8 posiden aircraft, along with carrier based SH-60 Seahawks.
N Korean SLBM is designed for long range to reach the US thus having S Korean nuclear submarines to watch them over is also benefit to the US defense plan. US defense plan shouldn't worry too much what Japanese feel about it. If they feel threaten then stop trying to start a war with S Korea.
I think 5 MINUTE CRAFTS should teach us how to survive a nuclear war the reason people call Kim Jong un a fat kid was because most of the food is given to him and he acts like a child by keeping people at gunpoint all they lives and nucing others please please please have things change for the better when I grow up
Fake fucking news again
Nations must be extra-vigilant now with so much unrest around the world, and with so many distracted by the protests everywhere, we might miss something important.
Welp were fucked
North Korea is the only nation producing minature cold fusion nuclear reactors as power source for submarines and even tanks!
Trump kissing Kim's Butt Hole
ITS NOT NEW ITS A OLD MODDED SUB SOLD BY CHINA it will carry 3 nuclear bombs
Korea will fuck up like the Russian sub k-19
After Melania's moment with Trudeau, i knew Kim was going to flex his muscles ( like a side chick does ) and show Trump what he has been missing in this Trump, Kim and Melania love triangle. Love letters anybody?
Go to war with North Korea! Do to fat boy what they did to Saddam Hussein.
All it takes is one sub to slip by and pop up on the US West coast and knock out any number of strategic targets.
I really hate that George Youtube ending to all of your videos, please put something else or have at least 1 more ending clip,
Why shouldn’t they? The US, Russia, probably China has them. And while the US challenges N Korea’s right to have nukes the USA just commissioned a new generation Minuteman ICBM system. The USA also commonly test launches ICBMs from the Vandenberg base in California. Why shouldn’t N Korea have nukes? The USA even has a rogue regime now – Trump.
Do as we say, not as we do. … is US policy
Why does he lie and cover up that cowards actions?
Donald Trump is the biggest loser of any generation.
Long, long after Trump is gone and forgotten about, North Korea Will still have Nuclear Weapons.
Impotent Trump Only Fails our Great Nation.
Lol Peruvians and Colombians have submarines too for the cocaine trafficking. I bet North Korea bought some old WW2 subs and put some political prisoners on a big hamster wheel.
Just a fire ðŸâ€ÂÂÂÂ¥ is enough to destroy the world like in the Brazil and this fat potato wants to nuke the world 🌎 !!! Somebody is paying this fat actor to be a president in nk!! They are all actors !
Blow it up and blame Russia lol
What's the point of this bullshit news when we have over 100+ nules in the u.s. and multiple nuclear subs….stfu already
Balls of sticky rice miss sales
So? Doesn't United States have them?
God I'm sick of people. WHY would they Not build weapons? We have weapons. Wp want to control everything including other countries. Just sit down
The Orange clown is delusional
Their current submarine is a joke
Dont complain. Just build your own.👈👀
Send seals in plant Mine's on that shit blame China
A sub lol I'm scared we have ships that can hit that thing before it leaves north Korean waters
Isn’t nice that trump and kim love each other?
Cold War Generation: Hey, I've Seen This One!
Nobody cares it's all a scare tactic keep your mind fearing were all fuck regardless…
Isn’t chump best butt buddies with Long Duck dong ?
Nuclear war will never happen Aliens won't let it and we will never move to Mars! There is know global warming the earth is not going anywhere we are! The truth.
Hell yeah!!! I'm alive because of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL 911.
The way phenol works… You are given phenol over the span of your lifetime. You will build one or more calcium deposits somewhere in the body, where ever it may fall who knows. Doctor's will claim it's cancer and you will believe them. Phenol causes extreme fatigue, swollen lymph nodes and all the other symptoms of cancer! Phenol causes all auto immune disease's! Sounds unbelievable, but the body can't get sick! Age and gender play a big part of this! This is a test of your faith to GOD! This depends on how much you get if they're greedy you will get a diease that will change your life! This is why dogs get diabetes, hip problems and other health issues! Phenol is under different names, in majority of everything we eat and touch! Example: tires, charcoal, colonge, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc… I'm just listing a few items you can read the rest for yourself! I was given phenol for four years and six months. I was told I had MS, neuropathy, brian infection, part of my brian missing and on my way to being diabetic! I'm almost 100% back to being healthy! Doctors call it a disease when really all you have is nerve damage! The man upstairs won't be mad if you belive what the doctor told you because the doctor may or may know what's going on. He is just doing what he learned from the school this is where learning "practitioner"comes from! I've had multiple disease's! Just a few…swollen lymph nodes, impotence, no sex drive, blind in left eye, extreme fatigue, dragging of my leg, swollen head, depth perception, thick toenails, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, incontinence, constipation, deficate blood, urinate blood, short term memory loss, long term memory loss, weight loss, anxiety, deafness, fluid leaking from ears, thick dry elbows, crooked toes, receding gums ,lazy eye, dry mouth, excessive wax in ears, spots on fingers and bottom of feet this is just some. Geneva police department has some of this on file! This has been given to you through out your life and you don't know it! Phenol will take four to five years to get out of your system! This is how kids grow out of allergies! Think about this! Age and gender play a big part! This is in vaccines, immunization and meds. Comes in three forms powder, liquid and solid! Causes (supposedly) Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, schizophrenia, suicidal thoughts, MS, lupus, autism, ADHD, impotence, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, renal failure, extreme fatigue, cancer, HIV, anxiety, deafness, bone structure changes, swollen head,speech problems, blindness, deafness, depression, dehydration, anorexia, starvation, constipation, PMS, weight loss and weight gain, numbness, chest pain, suffering, loss of appetite, dark patches on skin all auto immune disease's! Come to find out I have been getting this since birth!!! The human body needs no vaccines or immunization!!! The nerves run the body! I will not argue with anyone about this! Please look this up I'm not lying to you! They were experimenting in death camps! GOD put you here to live not struggle! There are three labs in America; ALK Labs, Labs of Oklahoma, Greer Labs and one in Canada. I'm NOT AFRAID! You fucked my life up since birth and I'm going to repay the favor! All the babies, kids, teenagers, adults, grandparents and pets lives you have taken will be redeemed! Maurice Montez Battle of North Aurora, Illinois. I'M NOT AFRAID! JESUS WALKS
Russia builds nuke power plant on boat
NK builds sub nukes
Trump makes a Space Force nuke lazer of Shutdowns
What I don't understand is why they are wasting the quality of their lives by spending all of their money on weapons that won't protect them from any sizable threat, nor that will lead them down any path of benefit. They want to become a super power for bragging rights?