Nobel Peace Prize winner: Food is the vaccine for hunger

Nobel Peace Prize winner: Food is the vaccine for hunger

World Food Programme Executive Director David Beasley discusses the organizations Nobel Peace Prize and calls on governments and billionaires to address the global hunger crisis.

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38 thoughts on “Nobel Peace Prize winner: Food is the vaccine for hunger

  1. What Virus? There is millions of test subjects that test positive for said virus, yet not a single isolated sample from blood spun Centrifuge. This means the Test is Fraudulent, as would a Vaccine as well. Isolation of virus is the most basic procedure and it cant be produced. What that means is Covid is the hugest scam in history. 800,000 American escaped death in projected annual mortality rates during lockdown, simply by NOT going into a Hospital. Many of these numbers are attributed to cancelled cancer treatments. You see, I know its hard to accept, but the medical industry is largely the Cause of disease in what is a Eugenics project to Depopulate. If you believe they want to extend the global population, you arent in Reality.

  2. "The 2020 Novel Piss Prize was awarded to the United States President Donald Trump, at the Golden Showers Ballroom in Moscow yesterday, for his "extraordinary efforts to weaken America, the Western Alliance, international diplomacy and sow division between peoples"

  3. All governments should be responsible for their own poor. And punish them if they're not. That's all we have to do is punish those governments that cause the poor to perish from the Earth.

  4. Charities donations is a fraud. They need to stop giving people rice and bowls of porridge. Charities are political scam of untold wealth for its leaders and government leaders of poor countries.

  5. 68% of all charities never reaches to people! 60% in all charities go for wages of people who work in the charities. From that 68% all heads of charity funders become wealthy and Rich.

  6. Goal 10

    Reduce inequality within and among countries.

    "Too much of the world’s wealth is held by a very small group of people.This often leads to financial and social discrimination. In order for nations to flourish, equality and prosperity must be available to everyone – regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs or economic status. When every individual is self sufficient, the entire world prospers."

  7. "Food is the ‘vaccine’ for hunger" … so you eat once or twice and you'll never be hungry again ? What a STUPID statement.

  8. World Food Programme: "We need billionares to step up…….So we can mismanage the money just like thousands of other organizations have done over the past 50 years."

  9. Donald Trump: Made Israel and UAE come together for a middle eastern peace deal
    Nobel Committee: "Here is a nomination."
    UN: Feeds people in poor countries
    Nobel Committee: "YOU WIN, CONGRATULATIONS!"

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