‘No reason to panic’ over the coronavirus: Trump – Car Mod Pros Portal

Alex Azar, the secretary of Health and Human Services, says the United States will see more cases as the virus spreads.


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “‘No reason to panic’ over the coronavirus: Trump”
  1. "The guy's an actor, he's reading a script. When they tell you not to panic, THAT'S WHEN YOU RUN!"
    — Jackson Curtis, "2012"

  2. It's been a year already?! March 13th 2020 all the schools and everywhere that day shut down early due to the coronavirus COVID-19 sickness. 🤦‍♂️ but Hey 2021 has the vaccines now.

  3. Trump is always right…
    Don’t panic….
    Morons proceeds to hoard toilet paper, bottle water, hand sanitizer….buy everything in the stores

  4. If you have difficulty breathing… there a hundred other conditions that cause and always have caused shortness of breath. People are idiots if they think suddenly the panic attacks they have always had are suddenly due to this virus but again, there is billions of dollars to be made from this fear and panic shopping lol. Just wait til suddenly corona virus is spread through the mail, it won’t just because online shopping is a huge industry lol

  5. Of course a bunch of labs signed on to help, there’s a lot of money to be made over this panic. Now tell me about that first death? I’m guessing the person was a heavy smoker and drinker, out of shape, fat, they don’t point that out so it makes everybody think anybody can die even if they’re healthy

  6. How does Florida, the mecca for seniors citizens and cruise ship activity, only have a handful of affected individuals?

  7. Just to show this is a political year , swine flu, in 2009 under the Obama administration and with Biden taking the claim he knows how to handle it the the last 2020 democratic debate . H1N1 (swine flu) was not declared a national emergency until 1000 people died including 100 kids and a million infected in the US alone. Between between 151000 and 575000 people died worldwide. Am I wrong? …the flu killed 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.

    Here’s a medical Article from 2009 about H1N1.


  8. Just seems like the president would want to put some sort of medical professionals in charge of this whole thing? Lol

  9. Hard to take a fat man in a wig and makeup 💄 who cheats charities seriously.

  10. Anybody ever heard of the Spanish Flu ?
    Even though Medicine wasn't advanced back in 1918. The Spanish Flu wiped out at least 20 000000 million people.

  11. Come back and read all the comments on this page in 2 years, and have your self a good laugh. Just like all the other "end of the world/society" incidents of years past. Humans are pathetic when they are fed their news from the t.v

  12. I live in Indiana and there was a lady in the store who claimed she was on a ship that was infected. She was in the store spreading not only the news. I cane home and bleached my foods that had protection. And I showered

  13. Trump is like the mayor in every horror movie that refuses to cancel the parade when the sheriff tells him that a monster is on the loose.

  14. I live in Washington and someone has died from the virus only an hour away from where I live. I have lung issues and many other physical disabilities I'm so scared. So yeah, IM GONNA PANIC .

  15. Hope it gets the left wing media The world would be much more peaceful when it gets there It wil silence there hate and panic speeches there lies and treasonous behaviour

  16. Leave the president alone and let him lead. His 2020 election does NOT hinge on stock markets reaction to fluke disasters. We understand this is NOT his fault, the silent majority has grown even more loyal thru the battles. Play your chess game sir, you have almost 5 more years.

  17. He dosen't panic his plan is to throw someone under the bus .meanwhile he's entertaining his supporters with jokes about Bloomberg height

  18. Love Trump but I thought he was fighting against vacinnes and now he wants to create one. You can die from flu too. This is being blown out of proportion. People get sick all the time. Eat fruits and vegetables. Boost your immune system. Detox this crap they want to inject you with.

  19. Everything is a hoax to that idiot🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️
    Money can buy you many things but never a BRAIN🧠

  20. I'm gonna do something crazy and that most Americans who hate Trump wouldn't think to do…..I'm gonna listen to him. I won't panic. I will wait and see what happens. I have a nice little arsenal of supplies so I'm gonna sit back and chill. Show us what ya got Trump!! I have faith in our government! Lmao

  21. Boy I’d hate to see Trump’s response when the Apocalyptic Zombie Land Virus hits!

  22. Why is the Surgeon General Jerome Adams no where to be seen during this crisis? Why does this group of groupies keep showing up? Hoax is as hoax plays out.

  23. The country isn't prepared! Why most local hospitals don't have test kits yet? Why employees working at airports & military bases didn't have protective gear? Trump is a pathological liar!

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