No Officers Charged In Police Shooting Of Jacob Blake | NBC Nightly News

No Officers Charged In Police Shooting Of Jacob Blake | NBC Nightly News

Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back by Kenosha police officer Rusten Sheskey in August, leaving Blake paralyzed from the waist down. The district attorney says there was not enough evidence to convict the officers involved.
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#JacobBlake #PoliceShooting #NBCNews

No Officers Charged In Police Shooting Of Jacob Blake | NBC Nightly News


45 thoughts on “No Officers Charged In Police Shooting Of Jacob Blake | NBC Nightly News

  1. The officer did the right thing in this situation 🇺🇸🚨💙

  2. Jacob Blake shouldn't of commit a crime and putting police officers in danger. Then he wouldn't of got shot in the first place. It has nothing to do with skin color. That's why police carry guns to protect themselves if their lives are at risk. It doesn't matter if you're white, black, red, green, purple and blue.

  3. These criminals are not the victims. It has nothing to do with race. If you want the police to stop shooting people then people need to stop being criminals and raising bad kids. People need to stop breaking the law, pulling weapons on police and resisting arrest. The only person responsible for his paralysis is him. He is a criminal. George floude was a criminal, Dante Wright, was a criminal and on and on and on. Briana Taylor was with a criminal when she was shot. If people are going to make such poor choices as to put themselves in these types of positions why are they so outraged over the consequences? Any race, ethnicity, color or group of human beings that makes decisions to live in violation of the laws of society is going to find themselves the victim of thier own STUPIDITY! Teach your children to be good kids! Stop raising poorly educated and rebellious children. Look at yourself and fix the problems in your own life and quit blaming the world for your problems. Take some personal accountability for your actions and start raising your children correctly. Bad parents produce bad kids! I imagine most of these kid's parents probably weren't all that good of model citizens in society! That's not to say all bad kid's come from bad parents but far fewer bad kids come from good parents. Stop using drugs and set better examples for your kids. Stop having children out of marriage and Father's be in the home for your wife and kids. These are pillars of a good home and raising your children. I didn't raise thugs and I don't have any thugs for kids. Quit buying grand theft auto and other violent video games to babysit your kids while you check out as a parent. Take your kids to church on Sunday and teach them to respect life, the Lord, their piers, thier teachers, the LAW and thier Parents! If your kids are in the streets committing crimes and are a danger to the community it says more about you as a parent than them as a child. You spare the Rod (word of God) you spoil the child!

  4. The officer didn’t do anything wrong. Blake went for a weapon, all he had to do was put his hands on the car. I don’t care if you’re black, white, green or purple. If you don’t comply you’re going to get buckled to the turf. If I was on the jury I would convict Chauvin for murder. But this cop didn’t do anything wrong.

  5. Blake is NO victim! He’s a thug who should be locked up!

  6. Well the officer shouldn’t be charged. He responded with deadly force after cops used a taser and wrestled with him. He was going for an escape vehicle that could run people over or kidnap the kids. Not to mention he could have been going for a weapon. Blake should be rotting in a cell.

  7. you are still lying. there was a knife which Blake admits to, he resisted arrest, and he wasn;t breaking up a fight rather he stole the keys and was gonna drive off his babies' mama's van. she is the one who called the cops and told them he said he was

  8. OMG, he was trying to take off with his 3 kids, even though he had a restraining order and shouldn’t have been there and had a felony warrant for his arrest for sexual assault

  9. This wasn't a color thing… He broke the law…. Plain and simple… His girlfriend that called the cops.. now shes the Hero… btw.. he was showing off with all them people and phone recording thought it would be cool to look badass and he did have a knife !!!! NOT ALL OFFICERS ARE THE SAME…….!!!OFFICERS WERE DOING THERE JOB.. NEXT TIME DONT CALL FOR HELP……. 🤬

  10. I don’t understand how difficult it is to secure a suspect with 5 police officers b4 they are allowed to waltz around a vehicle they are really terrible at their job

  11. If the second cop wasn’t there to witness, it could’ve been 8 shots or more to ensure he was dead to prevent a lawsuit

  12. Good!!! The Officers SHOULD NOT BE CHARGED!! Blake was in the wrong all the way!! He’s a nasty pos!!!

  13. Jacobs fault he got shot, if I were a cop and see someone I'm going to arrest walk to their car i would also think he might get a weapon

    The cops did a great job!😎

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