Limited body camera footage shows the moments before Utah resident Nykon Brandon died after police responded to a 911 call.
#worldnewstonight #policeencounter #bodycamfootage #utah
Part of there training should be cops handcuffed and kneeled on to see how less of an effort it takes to suffocate someone I mean the incompetence they show like ok there’s ten of us with a handcuffed man I think we can sit him up to breathe now,get rid of them one mistakes one too many and there’s countless videos of these type of incidents to learn from already.
For a beer. The police kneeled on his back, a man in underwear with no weapons. Dead.
What away to die over one ðŸÂº beer SMH 😤
He grabbed for cops gun. No big loss. Dude was on a Fast track to death anyway.
Defund all police wake up americans.
Don't even call them police! It's the Nazi SS!
Trying to make something out of nothing here.
He probably had a heart attack and he was acting like he was high on something. The cops did nothing wrong
Police walk up and stick their guns in the faces and the hands of suspects and beg them to take the gun so they can kill the suspect. Sure… You see this differently… What is right about more than 1,000 citizens being killed by the one million licensed-to-kill officers in our country EVERY YEAR???
Autopsy…drugs in system..more lies..
No one should die like that..most cops carry 3 sets of handcuffs..use them
Overweight man..2 sets of handcuffs is needed ….his breathing is restricted..these cops have no common sense..
WHY DONT MENTAL HEALTH WORKERS GO ON THESE CALLS!!!–DAH!!!! when are they gonna learn??nothing from the george floyd crime??
Jesus Christ called people everywhere to repent, therefore, if you confess with your lips the Lord Jesus and believe with all your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life. told other people how good he is, how he saves, heals and liberates and gives eternal life 923
Lesson #1 don’t F’n run
Why are we citizens paying for 20 cops for 1 guy. All them watching the abuse and negligence and failure of standard of care. That’s like me and 20 friends watching someone get a beating and dying. We would be held responsible for doing nothing but cops do this over and over while we pay the lawsuits and they keep doing wrongs. Who’s actually working to ensure all cops are not called corrupt or why are people against law enforcements,,,,,,,, cause you politicians and people in power do nothing in the last 5years.
Poor baby😩 Mental health illness are not a jokeðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ¼ I pray he is in a better place nowðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ¼
They did nothing wrong good riddance
USA USA USA USA USA is no more.
They found 7 guns on him that coincidently didn’t have his prints and somehow posed a great threat too 4 trained officers. And let me save you time from the IA investigation. “We have concluded our investigation on ourselves and we find ourselves innocent!â€ÂÂÂÂ
Obv excited delirium prob Also on drugs . Drug induced mental illness, just let these crazies run rampant they’ll run in a school and then it will be the Police fault not for stopping them…. Damn if u do damn if u don’t. Libs have no idea what this is about. Police just doin they job yee
They need a net to capture people. The less contact the better. Alive before contact. Dead after contact. Same outcome as usual. This is WAR 😡 Rise Up Against The System ✊ðŸÂ»✊ðŸÂ¿✊ðŸÂ½✊ðŸÂ¼✊ðŸÂ¾
They killing people out here folks. Over a cheap frigging beer a beer..