Newly-married Sharee Miller turns to AOL chat rooms to meet men | 20/20 ‘You’ve Got Jail’ Preview

Newly-married Sharee Miller turns to AOL chat rooms to meet men | 20/20 ‘You’ve Got Jail’ Preview

“I didn’t get up from in front of that computer…I spent hours upon hours online talking to people.” Despite her new marriage, Sharee Miller still craved the attention of men. She finds a new way to search for connections: online chat rooms.

Our newest 20/20 ‘Youve Got Jail features the first TV interview with the woman at the center of a deadly love triangle after her shocking confession.

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26 thoughts on “Newly-married Sharee Miller turns to AOL chat rooms to meet men | 20/20 ‘You’ve Got Jail’ Preview

  1. I was in prison with her. I never knew she had life. Lol that’s crazy.

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  3. Am so happy I meet you 👆👆 sir you’re so good and reliable I love your software it really work😍

  4. Being here at 35 comments, I reported 14 for sexual content. These links will take you to more links that will
    lead you to prostitutes where you are. I should say prostitute action, because it's your money that will blow.
    Hookers would sooner turn you into a drug addict than keep providing their bodies. You can have a small
    shiny circle on your wrist, smaller than a dime, of sticky meth, and if that is rubbed on your body three times
    in one week you will be addicted. That's if you're not on any drugs to begin with.

  5. Are you also addicted to social media or your phone? (on your phone while driving and while in front of actual humans – even walking on the beach)

  6. If a waiter or waitress is waring a Mask I make it a POINT NOT TO TIP them at the end of my meal. Sometimes I will not even pay for the meal and walk out disgusted 😒

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