New York senator speaks on the state’s high number of coronavirus cases – Car Mod Pros Portal

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand speaks about the governor closing all nonessential businesses, President Donald Trump’s response to the outbreak and the proposed stimulus package.


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “New York senator speaks on the state’s high number of coronavirus cases”
  1. drugs factory , it easy could made in NY ,also somehere else needed ,of course experiences and historic level , just need ingredents
    anti malaria Chloroquine phoshet virus from mosquito ,stop fever imframatory infection
    influenza Tamiflu/Oseltamivia virus from bird flu ,stop developed peumonia respiratory
    Anti retroviral ,lupinavir/ritovinavir in pre oder /virus from monkey ,repair all gategory
    Antiviral Remdesivir (clinical trail still) , fight battling virus
    there it cheap and quick for everyone it not trade deficit or close shortage for next 3 months

    really it not much mention on the last longer fight with Corona virus pandemic , it no time to wasted this virus just come and go fast , people must be aware world can not stand the sky fall ,we are live in humans and it one world just simply connected
    refer to last crisis SARS it no vaccine for 10 years , don't you know that so silly history when aero plane is not yet popular or not

  2. And they want to fund trips to Mars?? We don’t even have what we need to live and cope in this world! Be safe everyone. God Bless you.

  3. If New York has the most cases,That means their test are faster than other states so New York can identify who’s sick and isolate them from people so it doesn’t spread until the cure is found

  4. Shelter in place and my husband's boss texting him telling him to go to work tomorrow. We live in NJ. My husband works in NY. There's a shelter in place here too. My husband texted him back letting him know about it and that they are not allowed to open because it's jewelry manufacturing. It's not essential. And his boss texted again LYING saying that he checked and that they will have to go work. So I myself texted him the link from NYCdotgov. What a horrible guy.

  5. I know this may make no sense but isn’t it strange that the states with the highest amount of coronavirus have the highest number of homelessness just saying I don’t know if there’s a connection or not

  6. Maybe because humans aren't supposed to live like that and be packed into mass quantities. Bulldoze all cities. 😊 Will humans change and learn after this is over? Nope. 😐

  7. So far:
    China-over 8,000 deaths and blames U.S military.
    U.S-about 400 to 500. Restock shelves
    Biden: President Trump is not doing enough!
    Media: Stop calling the Chinese virus, it is racist!
    Twitter: He called it a Liberal Democrat hoax!

    What the ACTUAL heck?

  8. New York is the epicenter of this disease because of these dumb Scumbags won't stat in their homes hope they all get infected

  9. People don't think that its getting better its only getting worse take this seriously respond to it now stay in you're house and don't Ignore your fears by thing that it can't be you

  10. Plague locusts fire drought and earthquake every other day but the antichrist hasn't arrived yet? You people are blind. He might be a moron but he's pure evil.

  11. No country could possibly have been prepared for something no one ever imagined. Also the CDC had to approve for independent labs to do testing.

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    Avoid contact and stay safe!

  13. Hospitals, each and every one, should have had stockpiles of personal protection items, ventilators etc BEFORE there was a pandemic. They should have had this stuff for years!! We know that pandemics happen. This isn't a new concept. As should have every major city, states and the federal government. This should have been being built for decades. This isn't just a Trump failure. It is also on Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Raegan.

    60%of pay doesn't help anyone.

  14. So is the Senator from New York saying that they never envisioned a situation like this? Is she seriously claiming they haven't had plans in the case of a nuclear, biological or chemical attack from Russia or terrorists? Is she seriously saying that they never had drills or exercises to prepare for something like this even if not the coronavirus specifically? Are we seriously saying that the USA doesn't spend billions and billions of dollars a year doing virus research at thousands of labs around the country viruses and virous outbreaks? Is she seriously saying that these billions of dollars aren't spent by the NIH and other agencies specifically for the biomedical industry to develop equipment, medicines and procedures to diagnose and treat viral infections? Are we seriously claiming that the USA doesn't lead the earth in the number of biomedical research institutions for studying virus and diseases? Are we seriously saying nobody ever thought something like this could happen, after the Spanish Flu, WWI (chemical warfare), WWII, the cold war, Korean war and 9/11? Is she seriously claiming the USA doesn't spend billions just on supercomputers to calculate models of nuclear contamination and viral disease outbreaks?

    It is amazing how dumb they think we ae.

  15. Also Fck money everyone stressing about money money money money
    That isn't even the worst case
    The world need to be save close everything make some coronavirus glasses maby it help to stop spreading 👓👓👓👓👓👓👓👓👓👓👓👓👓❤🙏🌍

  16. 🎼🎛🔊🔥🔊🎚🎵🎶🎵🎶

  17. The cases will get higher as long as none essential jobs are closed, and the best way to keep that closed is to stop public MTA service and only keep it open for essential services.

  18. Oh my god that senators anti-american message is startling. Of course we are behind, everyone is but give your government some fucking credit because they are busting their asses across the board. She doesn't understand how financial reprocussions work. You cant just write off trillions of dollars and give everyone the money without it affecting economic surplus for decades to come but the 1T Mcconnell bill is a great start so support it you hack. The government is doing the best they can and we as americans should be proud, seriously

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