New York honors essential workers with ‘Hometown Heroes’ ticker-tape parade – Car Mod Pros Portal

New York, once the epicenter of the pandemic, is celebrating its health care and front-line workers who helped keep the city running.


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “New York honors essential workers with ‘Hometown Heroes’ ticker-tape parade”
  1. I salute all the medical staff as well as support staff, housekeeping, food service, maintenance. That said, did no one recall the 1920 pandemic, when Phila. threw a big parade that brought a second wave that killed more than the first. I hope history does not repeat.

  2. Công nghệ sinh học này đang tấn công Việt Nam , những vụ án giết người hàng loạt không có nguyên nhân đặc biệt giết cả người thân của mình, mất tài khoản hay mất tiền ngân hàng, loạn luân, tự sát do trầm cảm tham nhũng điều do bọn này gây ra. Triệu chứng nạn nhân nghe rất nhiều người thì thầm bên tai mình, đầu tiên bọn chúng giả ma giả quỷ làm cho nạn nhân điên loạn, nếu nạn nhân biết được công nghệ này bọn chúng giả làm người thân ,người quen, cán bộ nhà nước sở tại dụ dỗ hâm dọa , nói khích ,lôi kéo phản quốc , đặc biệt bọn chúng luôn đổ lổi cho nhà nước sở tại gây ra , bọn chúng giả người quen người thân hứa hẹn việc làm hay vây mượn tiền đến khi nạn nhân đến thì không có mục đích để gia đình hay người quen nhầm tưởng nạn nhân tâm thần, bọn chúng công kích vào bí mật đời tư mục đích làm cho nạn nhân bị trầm cảm , điên loạn dẫn đến tự sát, giả người thân quen nói khích mục đích khiến nạn nhân lên cơn điên loạn giết người vô cớ. Giả bạn gái người thân dụ dỗ đưa suy nghĩ tiêu cực nạn nhân lầm tưởng bên kia chấp nhận mà có hành vi loạn luân, bọn chúng giả cả cán bộ nhà nước lôi kéo kích động để nạn nhân phản động, đối với nạn nhân có bí mật kinh doanh , tiền bạc , tài khoản bọn sẽ đánh cấp. Dưới đây là cách bọn chúng tấn công nạn nhân bằng công nghệ khống chế não bộ mọi người nên cẩn thận với bọn tội phạm này , nếu gặp trường hợp có những tiếng người nói bên tai thì đó chính là công nghệ này đấy.

  3. Keep your parade and honour them with a non essential paycheck, I feel like society is confused about the definition of essential.

  4. Next up…….
    New York City honors street sweepers with 2.7 million dollar parade.

    Thank you for your heroic service….

  5. Great, honor people for doing their goddamn jobs.

    How about a parade for the folks who lost their jobs because they were deemed “non-essential”?

  6. 11 months after New Zealand's last Covid death, looking at American media is like stepping back in time.


  7. China has sent vaccines to over 90 countries. – Sen.Kennedy

    US has sent expiring J&J vaccines refused by Americans, to Mexico.

    Thank you to all the Antivaxxers in America. The people of the world would not have these vaccines if it wasn't

    for your commitment to believing what the dumbest guy in medical school had written on Facebook. – T.Noah.

  8. NEW ZEALAND FOLLOWED THE WHO SIMPLE 3 POINT PLAN resulting in 26 Covid deaths; the last in August 2020.

    US left the WHO and mocked it's simple 3 point plan resulting in 621,873 Covid deaths with 300 more each day.

    In late 2020 an independent international WHO investigation confirmed to the world that COVID WAS NOT MAN-MADE.

    China wants thorough investigations into US Covid origins. Justifiable as the US has the Earth's worst mismanagement.

  9. Doctors & nurses are NOT hero’s. They claimed hospitals are full, they are stressed and over worked dealing with so many dying.
    YET they had plenty of time to rehearse, choreograph and film Tik Tok dance videos in hospitals. As if that’s appropriate..

    Most of them don’t even want to take the vaccine because they know this has all been total BS.

    People saying, “New York’s back to normal” are stupid. Being forced to take an experimental vaccine and have a vaccine passport for all you do is just like the Nazi’s did.

  10. Why would they go live to something thats already happened ? Did we really need to watch the clean up crews and not the people the parade was honoring ?

  11. Ah yes celebrating healthcare workers with a superspreader event instead of hazard pay and other actual benefits. Fitting for our entire covid response has been terrible leaving people to fend for themselves especially the vulnerable ☺

  12. Democrats should be driven out of office for COVID closing businesses, crippling the economy and forced JOVID vaccines but the blissfully brainwashed sheep populace will reelect the Dems. 🔵🗳🐑🐑🐑

  13. Waste of money ! I’m sure the employees would rather get a better contract with a living salary and benefits . As I stated wasted money on a parade . You honor people by paying them back financially ! Not a parade .

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  15. This is a disgrace and every healthcare worker /essential worker who is ok with this should be embarrassed!! We got played hard no 25k check like crying chuck promised , no PTO, no hazard pay! All we got was some garbage food from venders and people clapping there hand at 7pm

  16. NY leadership doesn't have any honor to give,their lucky these good people continue to serve. 2022…. Times running out

  17. I remember when all the lockdown and stuff had just happened, I was working at amazon at the time and they needed our service so much that they made commercials thanking us and calling us "essential workers" and "heroes". Then after just one month, all that "hero" business was over, we were just back to regular replaceable employees. They extended work hours for months to keep up with demand.

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