New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on COVID-19: ‘We’re really the canary in the coal mine’ – Car Mod Pros Portal

Cuomo speaks to ABC News’ David Muir about how the state of New York, the epicenter of the U.S. outbreak, is handling the growing number of COVID-19 cases and what they are bracing for.

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America Rising: Fighting the Pandemic


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By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on COVID-19: ‘We’re really the canary in the coal mine’”
  1. Let me throw this out there for consideration.
    Let us, for a moment accept the premise that the Covid virus has a 14 day (give or take ) incubation period. That would mean that in March 16,17,18, all these people became infected. Was there an event that had elbow to elbow crowds ? Huge crowds? Friendly, touchy, huggy-feely crowds? Crowds of people drinking , so having lowered inhibitions regarding ANY rules….let alone "social distancing"….Answer: Yes. St Patrick's day. A gigantic crowd of slightly tipsy very friendly people.
    Mich , on Mar 24, Detroit Free Press publishes a photo of downtown streets of Detroit…almost empty as it becomes a "covid hotspot". Was there a very large public event held in Detroit area , say, 14 days before that photo was published? Well, yes, by golly, yes! The DNC Mich primary, centered in Flint, and surrounding areas….
    How about another of the widely recognized and so designated "covid hotspot" ….New Orleans? Did Big Easy have an event with a very very , again, slightly tipsy large crowd of tightly packed, overly friendly touchy feely people ? The 1st confirmed covid diagnosis was on Mar 9th. From there it was like a rocket ship was launched with new cases overwhelming the system. Let's see now….go back 14 days ….and, well you see Feb 25? Whattaya know….Mardi Gras.
    When Covid shows up in your area, and then spikes, count back 14 days …. there may have been a crowded rally, or a big game…or a huge party…. THE 3 "Covid hotspots" confirm crowds ain't a good Idee in dese heah times of "social distancing".
    Me? I was both shocked and could readily see how complacent and dismissive people can be..whatever political affiliation they may have.
    I continue to appeal to the better nature of my friends across the aisle….but now I am met with hints of new investigations of the Trump administration. Why? Because they reacted in a racist manner , and closed our borders to international travel on and around Mar 14 to and from countries with Corona problems … .different countries/areas different dates…just because those areas were Asian and Black. Then, the narrative switched to " he took too LONG to act…he was slow….1st case Jan 21st. 1st death Feb 29th. Border closings began being considered Mar 14. Then actually began closing Mar 17. From 1st CASE to border closing? 56 days. From 1st DEATH to DISCUSSING closing borders? 14 days.
    Not to put too fine a point on it, but it was over 180 days and 1000 deaths before Obama actually did something substantial to fight the H1N1 flu outbreak of 2009
    So….why this LATEST fraudulent attack on President Trump? 1st our friends in the Democrat Party loudly proclaim Trump is racist for his extremely rapid response to the health threat to Americans. Then, once President Trump was shown to have been the PERFECT President for the times and the threat, then they just went 180. , and now…well he dithered…he wasted time..he (oh yeah, he was fighting the Democrats who were waging all out war on both the office of the Presidency and the President himself. An actual impeachment. Yet still President Trump protected America and the American people,, bought us valuable time, …..he was fighting the Democrats and corona at the same time. The Democrats? 100% focused on their coup d'etat to destroy this President.
    Again…why are they undertaking unprecedented actions against the President, now for 3 years? Because of his campaign promises, and that he keeps his promises. He vowed to go after corruption, and trafficking. Both of these activities are of great value to the Democrats, and , if these corruption accusations and child trafficking charges can be proven, a very large number of politicians are going to jail …or the gallows.
    There you have it, in a nutshell.
    For God's sake, for America's sake, for the sake of the children, the Democrats cannot gain the Presidency…they cannot retain the House, and they MUST lose seats in the Senate. THEN, we can complete the job President Trump set out to do in 2015, when he agreed to run. The guy doesn't even take his salary, but donates the $400,000 per quarter to some charity. We asked him to undertake this almost impossible task, which I liken it to Hercules cleaning the cowshit out of the stables that had built up over decades. Apropos, yes?

  2. Alleged experts daily decree “do what I say, not as I do”. They terrorize the public with daily fear mongering, as they stand shoulder to shoulder without personal protective equipment, traveling wherever they please. Seems obvious they don’t believe the bs they’re trying to sell the peons.

  3. I saw the front page of USA Today, dated January 26 2020. Beside the picture of Kobe Bryant there was an article about 5 Corona virus cases in the U.S.. so, it's been known to exist since that date! Now it comes out that, it's been known to exist since 2017, and that the military has had intelligence on this virus since 2017. Is it really hard to believe that the government would, or should, have a national catastrophic evrrnt?

  4. Numbers can be deceiving. I prefer percentages. The US has approx. 660 confirmed cases per million, Guernsey has 1344 cases, Belgium -1354, Austria – 1366, Monaco – 1436, Italy – 1750, Spain – 2101, Switzerland – 2621, Luxembourg – 2896, Gibraltar – 3290, Faroe Islands – 3414, Iceland – 3609, Andora – 5119, San Marino – 7077! There are almost 20 countries that have a higher percentage of cases than the US. Also, so far, our fatality rate is lower, and our recovery rate is higher than many other countries. Stay well everyone! <3

  5. He’s hoarding 30,000 respirators that he won’t use. What a prick.

  6. I can’t believe all countries have ignored Italy and Spain cases, you had in front of your eyes for weeks!

  7. USA also has high rate of abuse and neglect of elderly and disabled patients living in residential facilities. Maybe we should be asking how many covid 19 deaths are rooted in patient neglect and abuse from, of all the irony, HEALTHCARE WORKERS like nurses in charge of their care who aren't practicing basic infection controls or calling 911 to get them prompt medical care.

  8. 102 years wasn’t long enough to to prepare for this we were all warned SARS, Ebola, etc. we just chose to ignore the warning the American public is notorious for this if it isn’t in our face we pretend it doesn’t exist. History will not be kind to Trump his arrogance and ignorance has and will cost hundreds of thousands of lives. I voted for Trump and prayed he would rise to the occasion all he has done is talk about his ratings “… bigger than the Super Bowl…” WTF

  9. Please I need some nice, kind and kind-hearted person who wants to donate to fight this epidemic of covid19 in El Salvodor, please help us on this account: 117029330, Thank you.

  10. If all the politicians were paying more attention to what they were supposed to be paying attention to instead of listening to phonecalls. The US may have been able to get a better foothold on the situation.. I am so mad at the house for starting a bunch of Crap instead of paying attention to what should have mattered… Stupid..

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  12. Corona Virus treatment approach – Gelsemium elegans

    Dear American, Dear Mr.Trump!

    I read news and see that many people died caused by corona virus.

    I am Vietnamese, very far from your country but we are the world. My tears down when see some related videos about the dead of American cause by corona virus.

    I am an IT Engineer, not a doctor but I have spent some nights to research about "HOW TO PREVENT/DESTROY CORONA VIRUS"

    and I see some thing below, my useful information

    1. Gelsemium elegans (very SPECIAL for research to destroy corona virus)

    2. Loganiaceae

    3. Gelsemiaceae

    4. Helicteres hirsuta Lour belongs to Sterculiaceae

    I knew that American medicine industry is the best in the world!

    But if possible, please consider my above information!

    Pray for all of us!

    Thank you and Best Regards,

    Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam Wed 04/01/2020!

  13. I believe Trump says that everything is under his control, and the lives of the poor are not as good as the money of our rich

  14. Please look into the treatment / hard stop for the legionnaires disease – I am a survivor – It has a lot of the same symptoms – exact almost – even a 7 day incubation period , I was on a vent for almost 12 days, paralyzed for 3 weeks after – 2 years just to get my legs back, i will never regain my lung functions – It has all the same symptoms , I am very well informed and reading on the COVID-19 , I have been waiting for someone in charge to mention this at least – legionnaires is a killer – it does not discriminate -Legionella pneumophila – Wikipedia

  15. YouTube Covid19 India riots. Covid19 Arica riots. Wow. My Google news feed doesn't even show me a glimpse of what's really going on. New York. Trump. UFC. NBA. Stimulus checks. Makes me fearful.

  16. Old governor, Andrew Cuomo, learn from young governor, Naomichi Suzuki
    On Feb 28, Japan's northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido declared a state of emergency, as the number of coronavirus cases continues to rise. The region has seen at least 63 coronavirus cases, including two deaths.

  17. I just wanna say this…my dear America is not ready for covid19.
    Our government (White House) dealt so recklessly about this virus. Trump even thought this virus is a hoax!! Because of irresponsibility and carelessness we are now here 🥺

  18. Maybe hospitals should have been prepared all the time for this crap instead of spending funds on remodeling every week! You need medical people but most of us can't afford schooling for it.

  19. I see a lot of grandstanding by Mr Cuomo dispite the leadership the he represents. He is stockpiling the ventilator s and crying out that he don't have enough. Hence, he trying to make it appears that the Federal government is not listening to him.

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