New York Governor Andrew Cuomo holds a coronavirus briefing and takes questions from reporters.
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New years eve ball drop should be cancelled.
Sounds like still fake news for public workers population, now is again lock down be prepared to those hard headed…
Where is governor hochul show her face. If you abused her I’m leaving
How many of you liberal “newsmen “ remember when Trump sent a fully equipped ship to handle the care of COVID victims . Cuomo, following the democrats and their puppets, Abc, cbs, nbc, and cnn , refused to use this advantage instead choosing to send sick COVID patients into highly at risk nursing homes, killing thousands. You refusal to air ANY stories which might show the truth about democrat politicians makes you an accomplice to the MURDERS committed by this man. No wonder your ratings are in the toilet. Boycott watching these networks, , American Express , Nike, Target, Gillette, Covergirl, Disney and especially woke Coke and their products including simply orange juice, etc ,, and other woke companies.
Typical Democrat trash, wheres all the self called Cuomo sexuals that were praising him, all garbage
I like this guy. He is my fifth favorite comedian in America. He is ripping it one joke after another.
Nothing stops him from wearing a mask now.
Thanks mr governor…
Theatre of the absurd.
Is there a woman under that desk?
Everybody is sick of self important politicians. It smells like rotten fish when you act like so many politicians act. Stop mentioning Trump, he's the one who spearheaded the vaccine development. Now it's the Republicans who are anti-vaxxers. I don't get it.
He acknowledged there is a far left. I've never heard that from a dem 🙄
This man needs to be brought up on murder charges and so does the fake news .The teLIEvison.They are all liars and mobsters .We know !!
Impeach Desantis
Punish Citizens for protesting being caught with knickers down!
"I don't believe asking people to take vaccination is a bad thing"… You are forcing them to you piece of crap where is the my body my choice! I don't think they hear what's coming out of their own mouth
What a piece of crap human being. He definitely would have been one of the people shewing away Jews and black people away from his restaurant in the past. Next he's going to require that you wear the star on your clothing if you have not been vaccinated.
Reality???? Is that even a thing anymore?
They called Tom Cruz crazy for worshiping science and now it’s supposed to save the world?
If you haven’t figured it out yet, democrats are trying to make the vaccine created under the Trump admin obsolete as a political maneuver and will gradually push this delta/mutation narrative to create a new vaccine under the Biden admin to fully cut ties with anything good Trump had going for him for 2024. They will then attempt close down businesses again to bring people pain and then come to them as the savior with their new vaccine. If you haven’t woken up to see it yet, you are a stupid and lazy human being and certainly not a business owner or anyone worthwhile for that matter.
Vaccine only this is what they planned this is dangerous REVOLT
At Me / Jonathan black – I am bracing for the impact / i am preparing for the end of the world as i know it.
Doomsday preppers
real life universe edition
ME NOW IN 2021 AND 2022, AND 2023 :
after hearing about latest end of world prophecy from Joshua my best friend in september2016 :
Me :Some one on the internet that is a me a jonathan black please say its fake if the time travelers or prophesy's Visionary's are real , or say TbA if its not happened yet, Its Real and tell us how the world really ended future jonathan tell us all how the prophecy is really taking place
Me in 2016 : fake
Me in 2017: fake
Me in 2018: fake
me in 2019: fake
me in March 11, 2020: Its real
Things are coming to pass
Pandemic of corona virus took place, and then the prophecy told of the next pandemic that kills millions of humans world its real a world war with the Chinese (Redacted corona virus from wuhan china redacted) from north Korea and Iran a year after march 2019 attack on Honolulu Hawaii. the missle attack is a near miss no one dies , The leader of North Korea Kim Jong Un gets the nicknames " Rocket boy " and "rocket man " due to all the near misses with his rocket missiles of countries (Japan) and states (Hawaii) in the pacific ocean region of the earth. Trump / President 45 will make peace with North Korea and Iran but then later declare war on the Pandemic thats killing millions of people.
Was there a war with Iran China , or north korea or not no war with these countries future Jonathan ?
Yes, there was a war between the America and Iran, but only 2 people died, remember how like few people died inthe wars on the news, joshua continued well only 2 people die in this war in the future.. General Soulimani died on january 3, 2020, and then 10 days later 1 american soldier died in a missile attack on the American Military base in Baghdad, Iraq in the Iran- America 10 day war which is about 6 months after the war drone was shot down by the military and militia rebels of Iran in the summer of 2019 after this the sea piracy will get real bad with The British and with the British oil tankers. the british will respond by "Privatizing" / pirating a Iranianoil tankerin responce in the summer of 2019 and athen after this more things are going to take place blash blah blah said Joshua. , my response its fake.
MY response to Q Anon prophecy :
Me: in 2021:fake
Biden was elected , every single darn 21st century time traveler and prophet including himself said ,said that america's President Donald Trump was re-elected.. gods technology is way more advanced than 21st century humans on this earth, so even the prophecy it self said that donald trump or President 45 in the baba vanga version ,said that get Donald Trump gets infected and then a month later gets re-elected " , (Me in 2021 : he was infected on pandemic day 204 ,its now day 512 in the year 2021 but voted out by the contitutional law / electors of the electors of the electoral Collage it was 306 Biden-Harris , 232 Trump -Pence 0 faithless electors on December 14, 2020).
Me in 2020: fake * (Aterisk but technically real in a way)
me in 2022: TbA
Big one earthquake takes place in California ?
me in 2023:TbA
me in 2024: TbA
world reach population 8 billion people ?
me in 2025:TbA
me in 2026:TbA
wingmaker jonathan
Men have been and still do all this to women. I worked with a doctor that winked and stared at me and other women like he was undressing us. Thank god he moved away with his kids and much younger wife. I was always weird out passing by him but he was loved by many. No one would believe me if I tried to tell them he’s a predator
Vaccines don't mean you don't have Corona !!!!!
There is No sincerity in his voice. Wake the fuq up
Allow them to talk long enough and they will contradict themselves.
Police state. Communism in the making right before our eyes!
Isn't this a good friend of the Biden family? It is said you can judge a man by the sort of company he keeps.
If I was a nurse or doctor, I will not treat covid patients at all. I'll take leave absent.
Nursing and aids brought the virus to nursing homes. Nursing home administrators let the staff and residents down
Humans just nuts