Florida and Texas have shut down bars and reversed course on reopening as officials race to contain new coronavirus outbreaks.
#WorldNewsTonight #COVID19 #Shutdown
Thanks China, paybacks are a B*****.
Can we held China for this or we can’t blame them for this what a terrible way to start 2020 now my plans for 2021 is gonna get way worst i want too stay home for 1 whole year until this virus comes too an end already..
You can’t shut the country down again. Otherwise anarchy is going to run wild
Covid is bullshit
You got a dislike because of George at the end. AND he was ABRUPTLY Louder than the story.
Whats so surprising ??!! It was obvious will be disaster because of these premature reopening !!!
Stay home and stay safe. Let's get in shape together…. We make online workouts for free if you want to join us!
well what did governors expect with open ing back to early 🤦â€ÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂ🤦â€ÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂ
Of course the protesters had nothing to do with it. 🙄
lock down won’t do it, sanitize the streets.
What's the body bag count !!!!
How many new cases in the hospitals ,how many deaths,.
The volume on the last part of this video with George S… is louder than the main part of the video and should be turned down or just removed altogether.
I have never been so happy to be a New Yorker. People took it seriously in Ithaca. We are not feeling what the rest of the country is feeling right now.
This is all because of those young people went to the beach and they didn't believe about the virus and yes if course it's bcoz of the protesters 🙄🙄.many ignorant peoples their
You guys need to stop believing everything you hear on TV ..somethings up that has nothing to do with this Virus ..I live in Florida..its not what there telling you it is..just saying
Covid: I give 0 Fucks..
Suddenly, with the eruption of protests in the name of the murder of George Floyd, those concerns conveniently disappeared. Some former critics, such as Ioffe, have reversed their positions on mass gatherings and openly support them. Others remain silent, demonstrating their cowardice by barely mentioning the threat of the coronavirus to the public at large as thousands of people congregate in protest. much more serious ethical and professional issue arises when doctors and scientists show such blatant hypocritical bias. As scientists, we have sworn to the public that our recommendations would depend on the science and the data, and reject the whims of emotion and personal opinion.
@1:21 huh, bitch? What? I can't understand you.
Surgeon General has said masks promote freedom. Nice try. Its like when the Nazis told the jews, "work sets you free." WE can rejoice Lockup is Over. Life is for the living. Hypochondriacs &Germophobes have immune systems. The economy is in tatters and Civil liberties have been bulldozed and trampled like a stampede on the 4th of July. I'm sure Dr Fauci is just about wrapping up the final chapters of book Health horrors. RattleNews will have you ramped for decades. For all those who love lockdown. I think there's a deep dark cave with your name on it, go crawl inside and get nice and cozy we'll call you when its safe to come out. Like Never. Mainstream media lives for whipping the gullible public into a frenzied state of paranoid panic, always make sure the masses scared witless, manipulate the "news". Keep the Fear level Def-con 2 We're going to hear a plethora of news and misinformation for the next decade. Most "scientific" studies are coming from communist China, a master manipulator spewing propaganda measured to fit. What you, as a free thinking individual capable of rational decision making skills, must decide is whats fact and whats fiction. Fact: My life is far more in danger biking or driving, with less than a .0002% chance in dying from Sars-cov 2. I'll take my chances. Freedom isnt optional!
USA gold plated crap,this what it is.
everythink goes as long u make a dollar.
Then you got Ron Sanchez he’s a crook and a liar
Now you got Chris Scott On full court press Talking about Donald Trump going to win Florida Trump not gonna win Florida Chris Scott need to sit down at the heater and stole millions from Florida residence Chris Scott should be ashamed of his self Let it would’ve been a black congressman that did what Chris Scott did they would’ve put him in jail
What law has been codified requiring the media to report the truth? NONE. When can we start a suit?
Trump is letting Russia attack our troops and that’s a shame Chris Christie and Sarah are on ABC News lying for him when Robert Mueller says a different thing about Trump so you cannot indict a sitting president but if you can Robert Mueller said he would have put Donald Trump in jail so Chris Christie and Sarah stop line
Sarah and Chris Christie are fucking liars
Chris Christie just mad because he’s not the governor of New York no more he’s kissing trumps ass
I’m sitting here watching ABC news I see Liar Chris Christie and white woman
Oh well, back into lockdown I go