New video emerges in fatal Georgia shooting of unarmed black man | ABC NEWS PRIME

New video emerges in fatal Georgia shooting of unarmed black man | ABC NEWS PRIME

Lee Merritt, the attorney for the family of Ahmaud Arbery, speaks out after prosecutors decide to send the case to a grand jury.

#Georgia #Shooting #AhmaudArbery #LeeMerritt #UnarmedMan #Crime #Tragedy

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36 thoughts on “New video emerges in fatal Georgia shooting of unarmed black man | ABC NEWS PRIME

  1. no he was stealing things from the unfinished house being build. The black man charged the son who had a gun. Stop sugar coating this sht. The parents did a shitty job of raising a criminal son.

  2. some ppl are just Dumb. they have no physical evidence that the guy was a suspect. instead of keeping an eye on him.. noooo.. lets jump into the truck with a shotgun and chase him over. some ppl are fkin Dumb I'm telling you at least 50% of u.s. population.. wait, wait, wait… hold on. one guy was an ex cop??! HOOLY CHT.

  3. KJVA Bible. Zechariah 11:5
    [5]Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, Blessed be the LORD; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not.

  4. Has anyone ever noticed the so called victim is always shown as a child or in this photo probably a graduation photo he was years older . Research his confrontations with police where he's cussing out the police.. Media always like to cause confusion and make whites out to be criminals. He would be alive today if he hadn't rushed the man holding the firearm.

  5. Can we call the police and say officers I believe someone is looking into construction homes Just wanted to do a citizen call. I'm not going to follow him. Just come and check it out. I'm not God, Judge or jury. Rest his soul.

  6. If someone has a gun on me I’m not trying to punch I’m not letting that gun go to throw a punch BIG FACTS

  7. Alright this is what I have to say, according to this video both the murderer officers should be declared as criminal , murderer by the LAW(Judge, Attorney, Prosecutor) and they should be put to death publicly live with 2 bullets, one in the head and another in the heart to each by the LAW. I'm not telling anyone to do anything but please nobody kidnap the JUDGE's or ATTORNEYs or PROSECUTOR's family member if the JUDGE/JUDGE's or ATTORNEY/ATTORNEYs or PROSECUTOR/PROSECUTOR's does not do so. And also please DO NOT kill the JUDGE/JUDGE's or ATTORNEY/ATTORNEYs or PROSECUTOR/PROSECUTOR's or all their families. Please Do no shoot those JUDGE/JUDGE's or ATTORNEY/ATTORNEYs or PROSECUTOR/PROSECUTOR's or their families if JUDGE/JUDGE's or ATTORNEY/ATTORNEYs or PROSECUTOR/PROSECUTOR's are corrupted and don't do proper true Justice. Please do not Burn JUDGE/JUDGE's or ATTORNEY/ATTORNEYs or PROSECUTOR/PROSECUTOR's or their families alive if they are corrupted and don't do proper true Justice. Please do not Skin JUDGE/JUDGE's or ATTORNEY/ATTORNEYs or PROSECUTOR/PROSECUTOR's or their families alive if they are corrupted and don't do proper true Justice. Please do not chop of JUDGE/JUDGE's or ATTORNEY/ATTORNEYs or PROSECUTOR/PROSECUTOR's or their families body parts 1 by 1 while JUDGE/JUDGE's or ATTORNEY/ATTORNEYs or PROSECUTOR/PROSECUTOR's or their families are alive if they are corrupted and don't do proper true Justice. AGAIN I am no telling anyone to do anything, Just saying no one should these deeds which are described above. Again no one do these. Above mentions are just my thoughts on this matter. That's all. Nothing more.

  8. What do you mean its not clear in video that black man wasn't fighting back with white kid. Are you blind or just a lieing black racist.???

  9. What an absolute disgrace, so in someway by announcing that a citizens arrest with weapons in broad daylight justified the outright murder of this poor man frightened, alone and innocent.

  10. This is why I love being Canadian. You can't just grab your gun and charge at an unarmed person you believe is guilty of something and start firing into the air and then threaten him. That's illegal here. We aren't trained police officers. Only in USA can some rando with a gun run around like The Punisher with no evidence or authority. Just sickening.

  11. Remember black people you are Loved and watch who you're enemies are!!! You are dearly loved by all and God. You are part native( Indians, Cherokee, Blackfoot, Shawnee, etc… ) This is your land. You were born here. Don't let Anyone uproot you or put you down through name calling. You mixed with the natives. Remember your identities ( native as well as African and or Egyptian/ Hebrews)and God and you'll be fine!!!

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