New sanctions on Iran, criticism over migrant camp conditions, Beyonce assistant Twitter challenge

New sanctions on Iran, criticism over migrant camp conditions, Beyonce assistant Twitter challenge

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48 thoughts on “New sanctions on Iran, criticism over migrant camp conditions, Beyonce assistant Twitter challenge

  1. The Democrats always want to keep saying that we have climate control global warming all this garbage yet the waters been running into the river and into the ocean for many years and yet the ocean is still not full, all the news keeps putting fear in people's hearts hoping the Democrats can make this a socialist country the people running the news needs to wake up and smell the coffee because they're all liars and deceivers they need to just tell the truth

  2. 美国的阴谋就是为了发动战争

  3. Yes hate is always the best way hate kill kill kill until every human is dead that is the goal destruction, time to end life as we know it. Brilliant minds and ever body chant I am a dumb ass kill kill kill.

  4. Who is the real enemy of America? An incompetent regime halfway across the world? Or a gang of mass murdering sociopaths who lie to kill and displace millions. If anyone retaliates Bolton has a bunker for his family and couldn’t give a ratsass what happens to you as long as he gets paid.

  5. No delays. Arrest the demonstrators too. Repeal retroactively all anchor baby cityzenship. Actually, the conditions at the border are still better than where they come from.

  6. Can you imagine any of the main branches of the United States (or any civilized government) while in session standing up and in unison chanting “Death to…(whomever)! Enough said.

  7. Why these Mexicans crying when they have a fucking country what the fuck is wrong with you weirdos!!! This is America stupid why are you here complaining??? Google the definition of insanity

  8. illegal immigrants are taking full advantage of America law, they can not do that in any other countries, illegal immigrants are acting innocent, ignorance when they know exactly what they are doing,which is taking full advantage of America weak laws.Congress needs close those loopholes,to stop the craziness, bad behavior from illegal immigrants.this invaders have to,got to stop

  9. People people what happened I thought it was Venezuela turn how are we on iran weeks ago all day everyday it's all about Venezuela and what they are going to do and what must happen these people are all liars Jokers there words whole no wait no one can take them serious that's a shame

  10. How about who gives a fuck what Beyonce wants. The planet would be better off without people worshiping trash people like her and other celebrities. This isn't news, it's these idiots riding her dick and level of fame. She isn't better than anyone ells and should go get her own food like a normal human instead of being served like a Goddess. She still farts and shits like every human

  11. Living under a one God whom made us all no matter were you was born is all or brothers,sisters and what we are doing to there children is straight from hell and trumps driving the bus

  12. I thought Trump wanted to make Iran Great Again? But throws more sanctions on Iran. This is the bullshit I keep calling him out on. This fool doesn't care about being friends with Iran and he pulled back the strikes not in Good faith, but because of the political damage it would have done to his re election bid. This MF is in it for himself. That's whole fucking point of Make America Great Again…….he can care less about brown people. 🤨

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