The city council in Minneapolis is announcing the intent to dismantle the city’s police force. ABC News’ Mona Kosar Abdi reports.
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#ABCNews #Police #Funding #Minneapolis #Protests #Defund
Can we at least keep our guns like the AR 15s and 47s? And can we also keep our rights to use them to protect ourselves and our families?
Now they deny they said it
my uncle is a police officer and everyday at 4 in the morning he has to deal with people like this and on top of that every morning that he leaves he thinks to himself "this is probably it the last time I'm going to see my family and come home" leave these people alone they have families they want to see. they didn't want to be put in this situation they don't want to be harassed by these terrible terrible people all they want to do is just go to work and come home and see their family
Defund bully police…! Globally.
When a gang banger kills someone: snitched get stitches.
When a cop does it: bLacK liVes mAtter!!!
perhaps they would like to live in South Africa where there are 57 murders a day due to lack of police.
There is evil in this world and there always will be. It takes police, and lots of them, to stem the tide of this evil. There is not an officer out there who doesn't wish they could completely stomp out child molestation, kidnapping, rapes, robbery, assaults etc., etc.!!! Just like ANY other job in America they weed out the bad as they emerge. Law enforcement agencies in America try harder to hire only the best than any other entity in the country. Before being hired as a LEO you are thoroughly researched. They talk to friends neighbors and coworkers going back 10 or more years. They go over school transcripts and talk to teachers. They do a criminal and driving history search. You undergo a phycological exam, a battery of written tests, physical tests, drug tests and are raked over the coals in front of a review board. After that you attend a 5 to 6 month academy where you must absorb a curriculum nearly equal that of a two year degree. After that you are paired with training officers who scrutinize everything you do for up to a year. You can be fired without cause anytime during that year. Unfortunately, because NO system is perfect, sometimes a bad apple gets through. But don't you dare paint us all as racist or heavy handed!!!!!
For 10 years, starting around 1994?, law enforcement officers nationwide were required to fill out a contact form for every enforcement contact they made. You had to record the date and time of the traffic stop or contact, the reason for the contact, the race and gender, whether or not a ticket, warning or arrest was made and whether or not a search was conducted. If you had to use force to effect an arrest you had another form to fill out. That form is still in use today. All of this information was then entered into a states database and then into a federal database. After 10 years of data collection there results were, drumroll please, NO SYSTEMATIC TARGETING OR RACIAL PROFILING WAS FOUND!!!!!!! If it had shown that minorities were being targeted you can bet your sweet ass the demonstrable democrappers would be shouting it from the mountaintops!!!!!! They democrappers are lying to us! And their ignorant stupidity is dangerous and reckless!!!! Make NO mistake, this is planned! They want to weaken law enforcement as much as possible, then at first chance they will disarm the American people! They will then be able to take control of the country. The US will become a one party country and freedom, as we know it, will be gone forever!!!!!!!!!
Clarence boddicker approves
just because 509 people go out a cry dosent mean the world is on their sides.
All you pompous arrogant politicians that are calling for police defunding – you have 0 credibility until you dismantle your own security. You deserve no protection if you take it away from the people YOU WORK FOR.
Native American Indian Lives Matter!
#NAILM my fellow Indigenous AMERICANS!
Let's "NAIL-M"
Defund the government, Stop paying taxes!
They would defund police but not criminals. Really??
It doesnt protect our communities? The cops dont protect our communities right now. Thats the whole point idiot. They are not doing their jobs so take the mo ey away. I dont paid if i dont do my job. Why would cops be any different. That is the whole rwadon they are violent criminals as it is now. They know they get paid even if they run around acting like thugs. Not any more. Time to take away the money if they are not going to do what they are supposed to do.
Be careful what you wish for. The society that makes war with the police should become friendly with the criminals.
Reaching for a patrolman's weapon, grappling with a peace officer of any kind for any reason, taking their weapon is most definitely a felony. The use of deadly force to stop a fleeing felon is generally authorised. Is it not in the books? Or, does race and location play a factor? How about being under the influence while behind the wheel of a motor vehicle? #dinadunuffin
Witch will en when the lord returns
As all the wicked laugh and wait for their time
Who will you call when someone breaks into your home?
Defund police?What if police will not do their job? What will happen to the country it will be disaster.. there is a saying says “becareful what you wish for..â€ÂÂÂ
Go ahead abolish it but the second some crazy ass person breaks in to your house you will want you there
If you want real law and order in your cities then you need to get rid of the police and organize your law-abiding citizens into an effective Militia. I guarantee you that once the police are gone and the Militia is patrolling the streets there won't be any rioters and looters——well, maybe a few dead ones and that's it.
So the left wants no police, no private firearms, and released criminals from jails. When the criminals decide to walk in to your house, a school or mall and shoot your kids or family who are you going to call?
911: we don't have any police what's your emergency?
Caller: help active shooter!
911: so sorry we don't have police try calling the mayor she knows what's best. 🤣
Please, please, please, let Nancy put this bill in front of every Trump district Democrat and make them vote on it.
Might as well they brutal to people the oth police take means nothing to them
Keep your eyes open for a false flag operation orchestrated by the
police made to look like ANTIFA or another organization it will most
likely happen soon since the cops will want to "remind" us why they are
what a bunch of morons. they demand defunding of the police, but then destroy the planet proving exactly WHY police need funding.
The police officers cercare hero they give their lives to protect you, they do not deserve how those protester doing. Those protests look like little kid who do not want discipline. The police many time risk their lives. The governor must to stop the protest against the police other wise become support of the terrible anarchy.Whose are behind the protester maybe China.
me calling 911 , I m getting robbed. help. " social workers are on its way"
No need to defund here…..
So defunding police leads to a better society? Who are you going to call when someone burns down your local grocery store? Screw bad cops. If you want a department to do better you pump more funds into it and supplemental services. I believe and support law enforcement as a whole