New nursing home restrictions announced l ABC News

New nursing home restrictions announced l ABC News

Many facilities are taking action to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, including restricting visitor access. READ MORE:

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24 thoughts on “New nursing home restrictions announced l ABC News

  1. I think as a precaution I think that all nursing homes out to be locked down. No visitors from family or friends but allowed daily communication and updates of their loved ones. It's for the elderly benefit.

  2. Haven’t they invented virophages yet? What freakin year is this?

  3. I don't understand why people make such a big fuss about this?! All this is just for temporary; not that you can't see them anymore and besides, they will be well taken care for. Do not take the risk for your family's sake; and of others. With new technology, there are many ways to keep in touch. Leave them alone for the moment; time will pass soon enough. Be wise!

  4. hello people, Its the Government that put NH REFORM in to place in the 80's thats why they are under staffed and under paid. The ratio of nurse/patient and CNA to patient is ridiculous and sets all the facilities up for failure and substandard care. I am speaking from experience 36 years as a nurse in the Geriatric industry. Iam retired now so I have no ball in this game, I just feel sorry for both the staff and the residents. Infection control is just one of many issues they have, staffing and call offs are a big problem, Ive heard cnas and nurses say yeah I called off, "they need me more than I need them'" go ahead let them fire me I will just go down the street and get a job, for the. most part its a revolving door. The minority of good nurses and cnas get burned out having to work over or work short, some times just 1/nurse to 70-80 residents and 2-3 cnas. And no its not illegal because of the NH REFORM ACT. there is no minimum staffing requirements. I got off the floor almost 15 years ago and started working in a office in the financial reimbursement part of NH nursing trust me those owners make a heck of a lot of money. whether its a group of people or Corporation they make millions thru private/medicare and medicaid.

  5. 💎💎 I abide by these requirements. Diseases ain't no joke

  6. As long as people can have the virus and not be aware they are contagious testing would have to be done before any person could access the vulnerable like all folks are in skilled care aka nursing homes.

  7. Aww I know this is necessary, but I sure do feel sad for the ages persons in these homes who LIVE for their visits from family and friends. It will be harder for people to come see them. I also think the workers should be paid more

  8. I work as a clinician in senior care and no visitors should be allowed at this time unfortunately….No employees or volunteers should be allowed to work when feeling ill, etc. It’s going to be very tough but we have to protect this group of individuals especially.

  9. 0:20 Volunteers? 😳

  10. Lets protect the wise. 😢💓💓

  11. No visiting 👴 & 👵 ! They have Corona.

  12. Each like is a pray for the cornavirus to go away. 🙏🙏🙏

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