Scott Fairlamb, who pleaded guilty to obstruction and assaulting a police officer, was sentenced to 41 months in federal prison.
#ScottFairlamb #federalprison #january6 #capitolriots
1:13 – 1:15 The song playing at the Trump Rally at the Ellipse was "Y.M.C.A" by the Village People. That is one of the greatest hit singles of all time! I hope such a legendary song won't be associated with the January 6th riots. That would bring utter disgrace to the Village People's legacy.
This will make my year! Oh, while the Trumpies are enjoying Christmas around the table, while Fairlamb will come out with a burly boyfriend 😂😂😂😂😂
Ohhhh 3 years cmon people
and no blm rioters have been charged yet lol….shameful
The judge wanted to give a lesser sentence but his hands were tied by statutory minimum douchebag sentencing guidelines.
what an embarrassment that trump is not rotting in jail and that rioters were ever able to breach the inner building. what a joke that one person should overpower a nation via a piece of paper or interpretation thereof.
Don't let trump be president. Please ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ
They voted for Pence but then wanted him dead because he understands how the government works. I wouldn't want any of these people as friends because as soon as you want to do the right thing that doesn't agree with their twisted thinking, they're ready to kill you.
If someone doesn't agree with me, I don't threaten to kill them.
There part of the Trump supporters and Trump is laughing at all of them
I can't believe Steven Crowders dad would pose with that police baton. Also this mass hysteria and my neighbors acting like actual GangStalkers is starting to get annoying. Everyone is acting like a fucking brat playing cops and robbers which is actually the status quo the only downside is Now that millennials have grown up, There's Alot Of brats. Gangstalking isn't real but tribalism and evil and self pity are.
BLM antifa Marxists caused 6 billion dollars worth of damage burning and looting ….no charges brought .ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂðŸ§ÂÂÂÂ
Can you imagine Trump in irons? Just a thought.
Only 3.5 years???
Give this piece of sh*t the maximum 15 years. This will send a much clearer message to all future thugs who want to assault police officers.
Lest see if he go to federal prisons .
Meanwhile the violent mass riots and looting that occur nation wide on an almost weekly basis go completely unprosecuted. BUCK FIDEN and ABC FakeNews too.
Good! How dare they storm the capitol and terrorize capitol police and people in the building. Who does this but terrorists?
Hey John, stick it
How much is pelosi going to get for paying antifa to start violence?
Yep the bias in Media hasn't changed much. some may claim ignorance but a lot know exactly what they are doing.
😳 That's not enough! 41 months??? They are insurrectionists! There were men and women in uniforms who lost their lives, some who were physically injured and those who will forever carry invisible scars! Come on now! 41 MONTHS????
We have all heard the stories of Caucasians in the media who have murdered and maimed people and given a slap on the hand. Then, we've heard other stories where a black man was sentenced to life in prison for being hungry and stealing food to eat!!! LIFE in prison!!!! This is just another example of the huge disparity when it comes to crimes and punishment between Caucasians and People Of Color. Do you think the punishment would have been the same if those were African American Protestors? Before you answer, think about how protests have generally been handle by the authorities when People Of Color we're involved. ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ
What's funny is protestors burned cities for 3 months before this and no one has been arrested for any of that. Pathetic
The country won't last as long as his prison sentence
Public confidence in the core values of our Constitution? Don't make me go HA ! HA! The filthy DemoKraps incited the whole thing by their constant abuse of Pres.Trump since before the election. There are many DemoKraps in the riot pretending to be Republicans as they are continuing to give a bad name to the only Party which ever made sense. Geo. Washington had the right conclusion concerning what the DemoKraps are all about… "Character enough of an opposite description … My opinion is … that you could as soon scrub the blackamore white, as to change the principles of a profest Democrat; and that he will leave nothing unattempted to overturn the Government of this Country." ~ George Washington
Political prisoner. Total BULLBUTTER
Nancy Pelosi on the feds did this. I see a part in this guy's life. The Democrats belong in prison.
Federal prisons are the best prisons you can go to
He gets what he deserves……..trying to overthrow the very government that gave you your freedom to be a douchebag!
That's good get some sense in that empty head 3 years perfect adios pendejo 🤣😛
I like people that don't get captured…..
Finally, justice….
Ask a convicted black person how long they got for assaulting a police officer. I bet you it was more than 3 years.
Why did the officer allow someone to punch him in the face? You don’t let people hit on you. Protect your manhood.
All I see are Americans that love America. Just say your a thug chances are the system will reduce your sentence.
Lol… Nice
What was the harshest sentence last summer during the BLM riots?
Not enough.
Actions have consequences.