New images show the dangerous and unsanitary conditions of migrant holding facilities

New images show the dangerous and unsanitary conditions of migrant holding facilities

Experts who examined the conditions that migrant children are being held in describe them as “torture” and “inhumane.”


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36 thoughts on “New images show the dangerous and unsanitary conditions of migrant holding facilities

  1. The ones dying came to the camp sick or had long term conditions not they’re trying to say it was us. They’re not necessarily “in humane” just a bit tight. I don’t get it. Exaggerated news once again. (Most of it) besides unclean equipment

  2. Donald Trump’s favorite words “only the best” always means only the worst. The absolute worst migrant facilities in the world.

  3. Blowback..for so long the US trained central american thugs in "School of America" how to torture & terrorise their people…systematically devastated societies…If not for the two oceans, US would have been flooded with their Indochinese & middle eastern victims long ago…lets pray now that the Russians & Chinese don't arm them or there are no jehadis in them!

  4. People flee Countries to escape concentration camps not smuggle themselves into them. All the frustration is misplace we need to be condemning the adults that put kids through this.

  5. I see a lot of hypocrites in the comment section. All the homeless people and those stuck under the poverty lines but all you’ll care about is kids being detained due to their parents blatant disregard for immigration laws. Hell they are doing back and it’s not our fault they are being detained and yes we have to place them somewhere. How about redirecting that energy on American citizens.

  6. What do you expect you have so many people illegally coming into this country and the dems wont give the money for what needs to be done. But yet people are blaming the president 🤦🏻‍♂️. Funny how Trump keeps asking for money and the dems will not let it happen so they can turn around and say it's his fault and we are doing a good job for what we have. Now if the dems gave the money that was truly needed it wouldn't be like this. So sick of how the dems hold everything up then turn it on other people. Are most of you that dumb that you stopped thinking on your own and only listen to what is told to you? I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what's going on and why it is the way it is. Maybe if the dems did something for this Country other then flood it with illegals for votes and undermining the President and Country things would be a lot different. Dont take a lot of brains to see what they are trying to do. Like for real name 1 or 2 things that the dems have done for the better of this Country and the legal citizens in it? Nothing at all they are to worried about getting illegals in for votes and stripping the people of their rights. Shit is old and needs to stop already. It's like all of the mentally unstable and treasonous people are in Congress trying so hard to undermine this Country. Should all be round up put on trial and executed for treason

  7. "If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea". (Matthew 18:6)

  8. What did the democrats think denying funding for the migrant crisis would do?
    The inhumane conditions are the same as homelessness. I believe they are dramatising first shock value but it doesn't change my view. They lived like this before and we promised to offer them safety while in our care and that must be upheld.
    Stop denying funding to the border security and let's give the children and our neighbors the treatment they deserve

  9. WTF do you expect BP to do when they have limited funds and are short thousands of agents? We have 100,000 people rushing our borders ILLEGALLY EVERY MONTH!! Don’t like it, stop breaking the law you criminals!! Blame their parent, who are either bringing them, sending them, or SELLING them (1/3 of these kids are being trafficked, idiots)!!

  10. These are criminals, don't treat them any different. Where is the help for real Americans who need help who want a better life. Their parents put them in this position NOT TRUMP.

  11. The main problem is majority of the people don’t qualify for asylum
    Due to:
    •Non-eligibility (Read legal terms below and requirements)
    •Criminal records
    •Not showing up to asylum hearings

    Few of the many people who apply for asylum fit into that category. Persecution is defined generally as the infliction of suffering or harm, or a serious threat to your life or freedom. Harassment alone isn’t enough, but things like death threats, torture, imprisonment, constant surveillance,

    Also, the fact that you are suffering economically is not, by itself, considered a reason for granting refugee or asylee status. Nor is it enough if someone has a grudge against you, or has committed crimes against you for random or personal reasons.

    Before any of you liberals respond with your non-factual emotional opinion, I’m citing my evidence because facts matter

  12. How can i not get angry ? My poeple served wars, built for minimum wages, picked fields daily and this is how they hold these women and children and fathers. Release them into mexico with a warning. We cant lock 30 humans into cells like sardines. Wtf who is representing these poeple legally? How can americas ideas always involving jail.Fuck karma, we deserve to suffer after the world shows these images of america

  13. It does not surprise me that these child abusing parents only care about things like sanitization, bathrooms and food AFTER the US FOOLISHLY lets them in and provides 100 times the accommodation the parents provided …….maybe EVER. It blows me away that allegedly “educated” people cant seem to figure this out. Amazing that you haven’t considered this reality, you discard the abuse ever so casually while clearly blaming the parental abuse on the President????? And you people buy it? How stupid are you really? How badly do you want the country to fail that you blame the parental shortcomings on the President….Trump Derangement syndrome? There is NO WAY you can deny it. Go ahead and flag to your hearts content: I and most other Americans will drink your tears of sorrow when the President stays in the office in 2020. I’m starting a petition now for allowing a third, maybe a lifetime appointment. Oh and if you really dont like how the children are treated, why not contact your IDIOTIC LIBERAL REPRESENTATION, who are holding up plans for the sake of political maneuvering JUST to capitalize on your TDS????? Lets see what Pelosi and Mad Max have to say on the subject that doesn’t involve displacement of finances.. They got NOTHIN but rhetoric….. any you buy it!!!!!!! Trump 2020! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

  14. Shmmm, go to jail in america, Its worse than any of this. And they even give you food that says not for human consumption in the private county jails. Im tired of this shit. I understand their children but also go see how you get treated in another country, child or not.

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