New Fragments Of Dead Sea Scrolls Found In Judean Desert Cave | NBC News NOW

New Fragments Of Dead Sea Scrolls Found In Judean Desert Cave | NBC News NOW

The Israel Antiquities Authority announced that a four-year archaeological project uncovered portions of the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets, including the books of Zechariah and Nahum. It was the first such discovery for 60 years.
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#IsraelAntiquities #DesertCave #NBCNews

New Fragments Of Dead Sea Scrolls Found In Judean Desert Cave | NBC News NOW


33 thoughts on “New Fragments Of Dead Sea Scrolls Found In Judean Desert Cave | NBC News NOW

  1. God heals broken people. The bible says a lack of knowledge will lead to destruction. There are several things in a persons life that will lead to their destruction, Sin, Idols, and not knowing God. I want to tell you how God healed me. You must understand just how broken I was. And I do believe I was saved, at a young age, but I had become broken. I had a phobia of people. I would shake when I had to be around people. I could barely talk to anyone. I was afraid of basically everything.
    I had made my life about being entertained. I thought if I could just be happy enough to get through life everything would be okay. But in every person's life there comes a time when they need God. Even if it's just at the end of your life, that time will come for everybody. When that time came for me I didn't turn to God. I really didn't think he would help me. The horror of what it was like, and I had no hope. I saw Jesus in a dream, and it changed my life. I wrote the story of how it happened. Here's a link to it if you want to read it. He said that he would heal me. And he did. I fell in love with Jesus on that day. I had filled my life with things that couldn't help me. Lifeless things, Idols. God can help us with all the parts of our lives but we have to follow him. To know him. The more I learned about God, I wanted him to be in every part of my life. God can't be a part of sin. Don't misunderstand, salvation is a free Gift. You just have to believe in Jesus, to trust in him. Jesus payed the penalty for our sin, not us. Salvation is unconditional and it is forever. But when you are saved you become two people in a way. The new creation and the part of you that died. I have been a christian my whole life. But I had been living in the grave, with that dead part of me. God wants to give us the fullness of life. But you have to follow him. It's a type of surrender. Realizing nothing you have done in your life has helped you. It seems like that life would lead to bondage. But I can promise, you will never feel more free. I feel the Holy Spirit every day. God is with me always. I talk with him. I don't feel alone anymore. God has helped me understand, he has healed me.

  2. Jesus is coming ❤❤❤❤

  3. Can’t wait for the third impact!

  4. Interesting that these specific verses were found. There is an earthquake watch around the globe, and a strong earthquake just happened in Japan. Now, the volcano in Iceland is erupting (“the hills melting away”). Coincidence???

  5. 🎶🎵

  6. Yer right. News!!! They discovered something then translation into demoic teachings nothing new under the sun. Has God said… ps 12 I shall keep my word pure for all generations not lost the found

  7. I will find new things and work as your agent! Under a of course a republican 🤣😁



  10. Repebt for your sins for Jesus is coming near. God will forgive you for every misdead you have done no matter what he dosent hate you he loves but when the time comes he has to lay down his rath because evil shall perish.For a sinners wages is death.So please repent ask God to forgive you.Pray this Lord Alimighy God forgive me of my sins forgive me for (Insert Sins) Lord Almighty Jesus please come into my life change me fill me with the holy spirit o Lord I surrender my life to you Lord Jesus show me your love fill me with your love Lord im sorry Thank you Lord Amighy God Thank Lord Almighty Jesus thank you for saving me thank you Lord. In Jesus almighty powerfull name I pray Amen.God Bless everyone and have a nice night amen☺😇.

  11. About the Dead Sea Scrolls

    The prophecy is fulfilled this year by September 2021

    Isaiah The Fall of Damascus

    The Name Of The Messiah Is ARON which is the Avatar of ( Jesus, Mahdi, Kalki, Vishnu, Buddha and so on )

    The date of birth and the name of the Messiah were discovered.

    Those who heed Him are the poor of the flock; they will be saved at the time of visitation. But others will be delivered up to the sword at the coming of the Messiah *Aron*…[Damascus document 19.9-11; similar ideas can be found in 19.33-20.1.]

    And they shall not depart from any counsel of the law to walk in all the stubbornness of their heart, but they shall be governed by the first ordinances in which the members of the community began their instruction, until the coming of the prophet and the anointed ones Aron [Manual of discipline 9.9b-11.]

    Isaiah The Fall of Damascus

    "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap," features in verse one.

    The verse follows: "The cities of Aroer are forsaken: They will be for flocks to lie down in and there will be no-one to frighten them… sovereignty will disappear from Damascus and the remnant of Aram."

    Theorists believe the extract refers to the levelling of the Syrian capital, ushering in a period of doom.

    Tani Shrabel, writing for Endtime magazine, believes Damascus will become the battleground for Armageddon following its demise.

    Zechariah 14 is the fourteenth chapter in the Book of Zechariah in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. This book contains the prophecies attributed to the prophet Zechariah, and is a part of the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets.

    Also is written in Kalki Purana Prophecies

    So from the Dead Sea Scrolls it is clearly written that his name is Aron

    And after some calculations as Baba Vanga, Sundar Singh or Eduard Maytreia said and from the [u]calculations in the Bible and Torah he clearly says the date of birth:*September 7, 1982*[/u] when he was born.

    7 Biblical number, and 9 biblical number … Eduard Maytreia says clearly that he had to be part of the "World " that is to be lost in the world, Messiah born in ROMANIA in Bucharest but lost in the world to be protected from his evils be hidden by those who seek it and have a normal life full of difficulties, ups and downs, plus that power will receive it at 39 years and that the appearance will have up to 39 years 3 + 9 = 12 biblical number. So 2021 … so most of the Papyri, books and all the documents found at the Dead Sea before they were confiscated by the papacy managed to get some of them online and deciphered. So the Messiah is also waiting for the Jews. A fighting Messiah. And if we are to take it logically, I believe that you can subdue evil people only through the Sword and War because when Jesus was on earth in vain he gave his life that the world is still evil, so logically the second coming must be a Avenging Messiah. That is much better because if he is a avenger then he will destroy evil. So the second coming of the Messiah from the Jews is the true one

    There are more details to decipher but basically we know a name and a date, but we don't know what will be yet …

    Bible, Talmud, Torah, Hindu and Quran scriptures all speak of the same person descending from heavens on a white steed named Jesus/Messiah/Eisa/Isa/Kalki/The Purifier, that will destroy evil, enlighten people and usher in a golden age for humanity.

    The Bible describes “when the olive tree (Israel) spreads it’s branches” and the generation when Israel was founded will experience the 2nd coming, thus the 400,000 years is wrong, but there’s a shorter cycle that fits the bill.

    Hindu scriptures also says “when Ganges dries up” which has already happened, when women speak bitterly which 3rd wave feminists does, when there are much corruption and sin which is now, all these signs are very clear and has happen thus further indicates the fallacy of 400,000 years is wrong!

    Kalki will grow up between mountains and seas and rivers wich is probably the most know as Romania that have all these 3 characteristics, Sujndar Singh about Romania

    Baba Vanga

    An important prediction for Romania

    Just before her death, Vanga recorded on a tape a prediction that she entrusted to one of her grand-daughters. Her desire was that this prediction reaches a certain person, on a certain time that has the mission to acknowledge it to all Romanians. Her explanation was that the Romanians are special people but they no longer trust their own values and if the message comes from a foreigner it will be better seen than if from one of theirs.”

    Here is the text of this prediction:

    “I am too small for him to come to me, so I bring this news that I was conveyed from Above. Let it be disclosed in January, day 25, year 2005 and within a month let it be taken to the one I will refer herein. If he cannot be reached, give it to people around him. So help you God!

    To the joy of this world, the one promised to the world will come in Romania. The whole world will rejoice at his birth. God will protect him in a place faraway from the place where his ancients lay until his time comes. Power from above he shall have. The Earth, Water and Fire will help him. When he comes out in this world, everything that is lie will fall apart. This will happen in 2005. He will be the foundation brick for humankind. The first who will recognize him will be his people, that he was born in. As a reward, he will lead this people to the height of accomplishment in the entire world. This people will be a real example for all peoples on earth. He shall not ride a real horse, but an iron one that he will drive on his own.”

    Bible, Book of Revelation describes “woman clothed with the sun, moon under her feet” which is a celestial arrangement which only happens ca once every 5000 years, and happened in 2017, so it proves the time is near.

    Matthew “right after the tribulations are over (Syrian war, maybe others in the middle east) he will come” so it points to ca 2019–2021.

    Nostradamus century 1 quatrain 50

    From the three water signs will be born a man

    who will celebrate Thursday as his feast day.

    His renown, praise, rule and power will grow

    on land and sea, bringing trouble to the East

  12. Jesus is The Truth and The Way.

    God Bless us all.🙏


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