New dire warnings of COVID-19 surge after Christmas

New dire warnings of COVID-19 surge after Christmas

Across the country, a record 115,000 people are hospitalized with the virus, and in California, there were more than 32,000 new infections in the past day.


29 thoughts on “New dire warnings of COVID-19 surge after Christmas

  1. God is in control trust him amen 🙏

  2. I don’t believe you anymore😜 government, media, you guys suck. Covid is milder than the regular cold. I know 20 people who had it including myself, all different ages. We all survived. There. I defeated Covid.

  3. MORE ABC SCARE TACTICS! Stand up and stop wearing the masks. Go back to work. What are these dictators who force these laws, yet they continue to collect their government pay checks and ignore the shut down rules and keeping their own businesses open. Go to: . Read the real numbers and see how the media is using the CDC combined pneumonia and covid together to count more deaths than there really is. How many people have heard of someone dying from a heart attack, stroke, an accident or some other illness and the hospital calls it covid related? Take away the $39k they get for every covid "related" death and the hospital won't care anymore to report the fake numbers and we will start to see the real numbers of around 75k covid deaths. Then people will start asking why the media and government want to keep us shut down over 75k deaths when pneumonia kills 2 to 3 times that many every year and we never shut down the country and put people out of work over that.

  4. so where is the religion perspective modifier while all this is happening? what happened to all the God and Messiah talks? do we ignore this even exist? we all celebrate Christmas w/o knowing why it exist in the first place?

  5. People are not gonna learn till the person is affected they. The president needs to make a stiff penalty for violators 90 percent of the people iv seen traveling in the past few months are either are from ny or ca at least that's what the license plate read. But lke they said you can't fix stupid


  7. What happened to the projected 100,000 covid deaths that were supposed to occur in December alone? 😂

  8. They forgot to mention 1% death rate same or less than the flu, as a behavioral analyst student, ive seen how the news channels and media have been manipulating the population with fear and misinformation

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