New developments in search for 2 missing Idaho children | ABC News Prime

New developments in search for 2 missing Idaho children | ABC News Prime

Former FBI agent and ABC News contributor Brad Garrett discusses what actions authorities can take to get the mother to come back to Idaho.


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38 thoughts on “New developments in search for 2 missing Idaho children | ABC News Prime

  1. I think they killed them, buried them in the desert which they'll never find them. well if they did they sure aren't going to heaven unless they repent and I doubt if they will, they think they haven't done anything wrong, How can they be so happy? they are sick in the head. did they ever find out what killed the guy's wife? they both need to be in jail. I hope and pray they are alive, there are places where these cults live and no one knows about it. I keep praying for them, the truth will finally come out.

  2. They've been murdered to prevent them from telling people bout what happened behind there dads killing.Feel for the kids 😔😔😔

  3. That sure looked like he was carrying a small person out of there. Maybe still alive. They have been using drugs to kill: the wife, the brother. Maybe they stored that kid in there drugged up.

  4. Throw them both in Max prison & let them know they have 30 days to confess the whereabouts of the children or they face the death penalty! This is ridiculous! Why let this draw out any longer?!!!

  5. Look how he is looking around as if to make sure the coast is clear! I've never done that nor have I ever seen anyone else do that just before entering a storage unit. That's something only someone doing something that could get them into trouble would do.

  6. We do not know what to say about this and it's just bizarre and and I know that everyone is praying for those children her daughter she said they like she's really of legal age and I don't know why she's holding over her daughter I just wish her daughter was strong enough to fight and get out of there if they're still alive and I pray that that be the case God be with them and God protect them they're your children. God bless then amen.

  7. I have seen this video 3 times now. Each time I watch I see to me, that it looks like this man is carrying out a body. I have heard that you see what you want to see, but that’s what I see. Then he carries out a tire. Why?

  8. I saw the legs 😲 omg

  9. All their doing is building the case against them. They don't want to arrest them without solid evidence. They will walk free. Have you people not watched dateline enough?

  10. They have killed those babies what other reason they wouldn’t show that their okay 🧐🤷🏽‍♀️

  11. How to get away with murdering your kids: step one- you must be white and pretty with a good/clean background.

    Looks like she’s been chillin with Casey Anthony.

  12. FBI read this comment: let hope their not dead but I think they cut them up in put them in box’s that’s what they where carrying in and out them storage units

  13. Why are they even being allowed to get away with this? It’s fucking ridiculous. How much more obvious can it be that they’re responsible for their deaths

  14. This crazy tale centers on a radical Mormon cult. All Mormons will close ranks to protect each other. Rexburg, ID, is totally run by the LDS church. Good luck getting much help out of there.

  15. Are they going to arrest these people at some point before they disappear?! It looked like a body coming out of that storage unit 😭💔 Those poor children, killed just so momma could have a life with her new husband 🤮

  16. If this bitch was black,Hispanic or a foreigner they would have arrested her and brought her to Idaho. At this point if something happens to those kids its the authorities fault for doing NOTHING!!

  17. What new developments? Never explained what the “New developments” are 👎

  18. Those are not bodies they're carrying out of the storage. Anyone ever heard of rigor mortis? Bodies start getting stiff almost immediately after death. As soon as 4 hours to be exact. If those really were dead bodies, the legs wouldn't be bobbing like that that long after death. Not to mention, the media wouldn't be showing clips of it on national television.

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