The first day of the trial offered the most detail to date of what allegedly happened the night former police officer Amber Guyger shot and killed Botham Jean inside his own Dallas apartment.

#ABCNews #AmberGuyger #BothamJean #DallasPolice


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “New details revealed in Amber Guyger trial l ABC News”
  1. If a black off duty cop entered a white person's apartment and shot and killed the white person, the liberal media would NEVER, EVER have reported it. That's a fact.

  2. With most of these posts I have been reading because I have been watching this trial. I see they understand what really happened. This shouldn't even have been a trial over this. If U look at it the other way around or how this situation was explained. It was 100% the wrong Apartment! Now if those two actually had an affair and she had the keys to his apartment, how did she get in there unless she did break in? The first thing U need are your keys to your own home so how come she had to break in her own Apartment? She said she wishes it was the other way around, which that would have been worst due to what she's getting away with now because she has the special privileges to do so. Let's be reasonable, This could have been two normal people. Like when I was a little girl, I had just moved in my apartment building which had about 8 families in it. Remind U I was just a girl like 10 years old. The doors of each apartments were painted the same and the angle where U walked through each hall way looked identical. Only they were marked from A through K. I lived in apartment K but I thought I was on my floor and J happened to be opened and I was so in a hurry not watching the letter I walked into Apartment J. I got half way through the walk way and realized that was the wrong apartment and before I got caught I hurried out. I told the guy later he was a kid too and this was in the 1970's. After I told him what happened he said " U better be glad we didn't catch that happen because U could have been killed! "
    So I was just a kid. This was these days and she was a cop BUT she should have been way more cautious!! U can get mixed up and like when I was a child apartment J happened to have an unlocked door. I accidentally walked in and stopped to think "Wait where am I, this is not my house?" This with Amber doesn't make sense less his door was opened and she was used to visiting him but her mind was on both apartments and she thought she was going in her own place so tired from work not thinking and she didn't even recognize the guy was in his own place. Now before this we heard word that he wasn't just a neighbor and that they went out together and they took photos together so this could have been something she did because she thought she could get away with it. Otherwise she was wrong to shoot this man in his own home for nothing!! He WAS NOT IN HER HOUSE!! Those are the Facts She shot him in his own home point blank and we shouldn't care what the excuses were. She wasn't on duty he wasn't a criminal but he might have given the wrong person his key to his home!! However she got in there and did what she did. It was murder. If it was a mistake she should have been more alert unless it was planned and she thought she had an aliby because of who she was.
    I don't care what they do with her because they are guilty for letting her get away with this if she does and as we expect usually special privleged killers, As long as we all know she was guilty then she have to live with this all of her life.AS in true life , Karma don't play so everybody will have their day. Rip.
    Oh so she was found guilty. I had a wonder why and after all the time waited for somebody to see this is not right to just let special people kill others for no reason or in cold blood.
    Some of the comments, they made after the verdict says: This is justice for Every Black American that has been murdered and were innocent. Who never gotten Justice and they named them. Today they still didn't get it and we should never forget that!! It hurts worst when U or your family member was or is a member of that group of Americans.
    As U know there are a host of Black on Black crimes that won't even let U snitch or solve who did it and it happens just as often.
    if one was killed by another black. We try not to make it a color issue but most likely it wines up like that.
    Yes we should yell over any murder because every innocent human person counts if they are murdered.
    Everybody around the world will have something to say if somebody was in their own cultural and were murdered especially with an America background and they were killed by anybody and they were innocent.
    Black people in America are usually the ones that are murdered more and it doesn't matter their ages and it doesn't matter their gender and it doesn't matter who did it. None reported killed don't seemed to get any justice and U can name millions that just didn't or don't. It's just the truth.
    This is why Black people complain, that is Blacks Native American born in. America with no foreign parents or kin folks from around the world. They have no other place to complain but Through America. Because they are American .
    This guy was not totally American nor was his family. They may have been legal but U know it's not the same as saying they were from the land. It's a shame this has to be explained but lots of people don't care about the true details. It matters on how they make their decisions and U can ignore it or not.
    Although he was black he wasn't normal regular black and where ever his family was from they were a sample of somebody that could step outside of the country and say America has no justice. They would understand what true Blacks in America been through for ever here.
    In the mean time Regular Americans Black America has no record of Justice and naming the innocent that were harassed or killed in America, that are American.
    This guy had somebody to learn on and the complaint would have went as far as America let privileged people kill black people or people of color with no justice.
    They knew they wouldn't just hear this from America Black native but Blacks outside of the country. So now that they do show justice for him then it supposed to count for anybody that was murdered here being Black American. Because to us Black is Black. Only if that's all U knew. Blacks from other countries does have different privleges and real people here know that.
    Think about it before U judge this comment. Educate yourself if U don't know the difference.
    We still cannot ignore this because justice still haven't prevailed. Not for regular black people.
    Probably for somebody' from another country that can say we are liars if we say there is no justice. Because they see they are black.
    I was wondering how this came to be?
    When U read behind the lines and see the position the person of color is in and who they truly are or where they are from and U know the deal.
    Then U will understand. It's like how we got a Black president. In reality was his background truly as black as a regular born guy from American born and raised with Black ancestors and he was President?
    No it just means he had enough color to say he was the first black Present in.America.
    People just Accepted that I think if we had somebody with a background like DMLK or Rev. Jessie Jackson that would have been two normal black Presidents from. America.Said and done 8 years it's history but not mine's .
    Read between the lines and if U do U will have the guts to be crazy. I guess I'm crazy but not stupid. Because to a regular American thinking person none of this matters.
    This is why there will be no true justice for the real black people in America that complain about no justice.
    Less they keep fighting for it then it will never matter. Everybody's culture are on crime against others but the thing is they get real justice.
    As U see.
    They want to convenience others around the world because this man was black and he got justice as regular blacks say they don't. then we should be happy. Or satisfied.
    If they knew it wouldn't be a fight besides what we do in America, but be ignored and that's all we have because nobody else from other countries will fight for Blacks in America, they just listen to the cry until it's them.
    I know U hear the same ole song sense 1492 but it's been about the same people that never got any justice. Set free but not free to live as normal humans.
    So at least we can imagine it's about time some black person that was in America, that life was taken by a cop or any other guilty murder finally got justice.
    Yep and we do still believe she still will get special protection.
    As usually they knew she was guilty from the beginning. So U get charged and that was usually as far as they got. It shouldn't be such a great historical thing like she's a relic because justice should be given to every innocent life no matter what color they are or where they were born.
    My whole point till justice is served with no tricks.
    It's all good though as long as somebody is getting it.
    Still we shouldn't ignore this elephant walking through this country and U can cover it up but not the eyes or hearts of those who still suffer and know the truth.
    I am at least grateful I get to comment no matter who agrees or disagrees it depends on what your eyes and heart beholds. She was only sorry as many are because she had to face what will happen to her. Whatever. It's what it is. Oh Freedom,

    Freedom of speech comments while it's still legal and the only true justice regular Black American Natives have left.

  3. This is a hit, not a murder. This has everything to do with the Alabama Colonial Bank closure, Botham Jean was the accountant for the accounting firm that caused the doors of Alabama Colonial Bank to close all it Bank that cost the Accounting firm billions and Botham Jean is the real reason the FDIC went after Alabama Colonial Bank, go look it up keep in mind the dates between the closing of Alabama Colonial Banks doors closings and the date of the hit on Botham Jean connect the dots and bingo it's a hit, Amber is on trial for murder of Botham Jean, the day after Joshua Brown's testimony he's murdered why! Because of his testimony he not only hear voices he seen the killers faces that really shot Botham Jean. He's crying in court after he give testimony Why! Because he knows he's next on the hit list cause of what he heard, voices that weren't in English and he saw who they were now he's shot in the mouth for his testimony.



    Copy and past before they take it down. Share……,,,,,,,,,,,

  5. Who pays attention to a door mat in the dark when seeing someone inside.? She was tired, worked too many hours. I'd call it sleep drunk.

  6. regrading botham jean's murder

    she testified that she did intend to kill him ,this made it an intentional killing

    Intentional killing is broadly categorized into :-

    1-self defense ( not the case)

    2-stand your ground in some states ( not the case)

    3-REASONABLE judgement / REASONABLE mistake of fact (not the case)

    4- unreasonable mistake of fact / unreasonable judgment (racial profiling is illegal after all) which is in philosophy of law = malice aforethought which automatically make the crime premeditated .

    YES . it's a premeditated crime (that should have been punished by death sentence/ life prison) , it's very unusual. but if you understood the philosophy of the law you will find it's a clear premeditated crime

  7. People are so naïve. She KNEW that wasn’t her apartment. She meant to kill him. She knew she would get off easy.

  8. Really? A trained pseudo military police? Do you know that the constitution has no freedom for swat nor para military police force? Posse commatatis ? Not in our bill of rights. Ask yourself just whom gravitates to law enforcement nowadays. Similar to priests that are not called What can go wrong?

  9. Just don’t know why the first reaction is always to shoot. Why can’t tasers be used for goodness sake!

  10. I must get this out…I went to a parking garage this morning and I thought I parked on the 4th deck…my heart was racing… I'm like oh No, I gotta pay 300.00 to get my car back…I think they towed it…I was so sure I parked on the 4th deck…so Then I checked the 5th deck…then I checked the 3rd deck and my car was sitting there just the way I left it…so it can happen.

  11. Just out of curiosity, how did she open the door? My front door is locked at all times especially if I’m home

  12. Yes bro! He was yelling HEY! Hey! What the fuck are you doing in my apartment with a gun pointed at me? ….. I know women get mad when I say this but, women shouldn't be cops!!! Period!! Remember the girl that shot the guy in Minnesota, and he was unarmed, she said she shot him cause he was big, and looked crazy!!! WOMEN SHOULD NOT BE COPS!!! IF YOUR SCARED, THEN YOUR ALWAYS SHOOTING AT PEOPLE

  13. What an obsurd excuse. The bullshit made up excuses must stop. She should pay for her crime of murder like any other murdered. What a fucking slap in the face to say she thought she was in her own apt.

  14. These cops come up with the worst excuses 🤦‍♂️

  15. In all honesty I'm a fair person but with the way the LAW is now, had he been walking into her apartment and shot her, they'd try his ass cuz hes a black man… ijs. Law ain't fair never has been

  16. YESSSSS INDEED!!! Justice has been served!!! Praying for Bo’s family that they receive blessings and protection from the Most High! Welcome to Dayton Amber!!!

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